PS3 Tournament starting Friday 3rd July....


New member
Jan 21, 2015
Or rather the lack of it. All you get is "No tournaments are available at this time. Please check again soon." It's been 3 days, why hasn't it started?
And while we're at it why haven't the weekly or monthly leaderboards been reset for the past 2 weeks? Did the person who's job it is to press the button call in sick or what? Anyone know?

I tell you what it is I couldn't love playing the games more than I do. Over this last year it's become my hobby. Even though I'm not very good. But the company, the administration of seemingly simple things like leaderboards and tournaments, they seem like utter amateurs. You'd think they didn't want people to play their games or buy their products. They seem to just make mistake after mistake and worse they seem not to care in the slightest. Have they finally pulled the plug on PS3 players now?

If anyone knows I wish they'd tell me.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Or rather the lack of it. All you get is "No tournaments are available at this time. Please check again soon." It's been 3 days, why hasn't it started?

I think FS waits now that the new tables have been released on PSN (announced for early July)... like the last tourney which was postponed for the same reason.

EDIT: bad news:

Actually, within the last week, Farsight commented on someone's Facebook post that "it is now looking like late July."

And while we're at it why haven't the weekly or monthly leaderboards been reset for the past 2 weeks? Did the person who's job it is to press the button call in sick or what? Anyone know?

FS currently works on the leaderboards updating speed. As you may notice, in the all-time leaderboards, the score is posted instantaneously now. Previously, it was updated each 5mn (sometimes a lot more).

As far as I know (according to LAW), the job is done on mobiles and PC, and they still have to check PSN (maybe they try to fix the broken Black Hole and FunHouse PSN leaderboards in the same process, I hope...)
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New member
Jan 21, 2015
No no. The tournament was to be on the 3rd July, that's what they said in their newsletter. Never mind any oh they might not do because they might have something else to do. And you think it's okay to do instant all time score updates but forget to do the weekly or monthly updates.
Why as soon as we get one small thing do they have to screw up on everything else.
They cannot get anything right.
Add these to your questions to Bobby King [MENTION=134]shutyertrap[/MENTION]

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
Yes sorry guys. Just re-launched the tournament. This one will be running till Monday July 13th. Hopefully we won't run into any more problems with the tournaments.


New member
Jun 10, 2013
What the f... is that. Tournament working...finally. Did someone mention here a Black Hole bug? Maybe the one, that cuts your game in the middle of a Multi Ball. Holy crap. I like this table, but I dont know how many bugs Ive see in all the years. Some fixed, regularly gameplay changes. I dont mind. But this I hate in an game, especially in a Tournament. Maybe some of you knows it, for me it is new: This: Multiball on ball 3, good run, ten minutes to go, three balls on the board for a while and then out ofa sudden ... Game over, "your results are sent to the leaderboards".
So, I am angry. Anyone an idea about this bug? Could it be useful to change event camera status?


New member
Jan 21, 2015
Tournament up and running......Jurassic Park! I'm happy now. Thanks for sorting that Mike.:D
I'm in silver again and as always will be trying my hardest to get into Gold. Can't wait to get stuck in later when I finish work.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
What the f... is that. Tournament working...finally. Did someone mention here a Black Hole bug? Maybe the one, that cuts your game in the middle of a Multi Ball. Holy crap. I like this table, but I dont know how many bugs Ive see in all the years. Some fixed, regularly gameplay changes. I dont mind. But this I hate in an game, especially in a Tournament. Maybe some of you knows it, for me it is new: This: Multiball on ball 3, good run, ten minutes to go, three balls on the board for a while and then out ofa sudden ... Game over, "your results are sent to the leaderboards".
So, I am angry. Anyone an idea about this bug? Could it be useful to change event camera status?

Did the table stop when the timer was at 10 minutes remaining?


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Tournament up and running......Jurassic Park! I'm happy now. Thanks for sorting that Mike.:D
I'm in silver again and as always will be trying my hardest to get into Gold. Can't wait to get stuck in later when I finish work.

Good luck, I just glanced at the top scores so far in gold and it's nuts.

The lead score on 1812 is 90+ mil.

Good luck Crepello.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
What the f... is that. Tournament working...finally. Did someone mention here a Black Hole bug? Maybe the one, that cuts your game in the middle of a Multi Ball. Holy crap. I like this table, but I dont know how many bugs Ive see in all the years. Some fixed, regularly gameplay changes. I dont mind. But this I hate in an game, especially in a Tournament. Maybe some of you knows it, for me it is new: This: Multiball on ball 3, good run, ten minutes to go, three balls on the board for a while and then out ofa sudden ... Game over, "your results are sent to the leaderboards".
So, I am angry. Anyone an idea about this bug? Could it be useful to change event camera status?

Just happened to me.
And yes, about 10 minutes.
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New member
Jun 10, 2013
Hi, FlippyFloppy,
to tell you the truth. I don't know (didnt track the time when playing the multiball, and did not look at counter when game was stopped. It is possible, that it was 10 min remaining. Was third ball after two not sooo good ones). As far as I remeber it happened out of the blue. Did not hit something special, when it happened.
Had another multiball in meantime, that worked without problems. Except the BH-problems (seems as if there are always new ones. How to get an Extraball? Not in the outhole on the left side, even if there is a light. Strange machine, but sitill I like it.)


New member
Jun 10, 2013
In past tournaments, ToTAN's BAZZAR gave me some points only. (It's 250K?)
But in this tournament BAZZAR gives me another things.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
There's a new bug on CV (almost sure that it didn't happen before).

When locking a third ball with a sneaky ball (from the head of Voltaire), the Highwire Multiball doesn't start. The table is stuck and enters in "search ball mode" then releases the 3 balls at the same time after about 40 seconds.

The locked ball count is not lost though, as if you lock a new ball, the Highwire Multiball starts (even if there is only one ball locked in the Highwire ramp's end). The other two balls are launched from the plunger.

In past tournaments, ToTAN's BAZZAR gave me some points only. (It's 250K?)
But in this tournament BAZZAR gives me another things.

Yeah, it seems the BAZZAR acts as usual (random prices). You're right, in the previous tourneys, FS had set BAZZAR to give only the same amount of points.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
i had a weird CV bug (or maybe two, one leading to the other) last night - i can't remember the exact sequence, but seemed like i had activated a hat-trick (or the end of regular ringmaster), then activated some other mode where he's supposed to drop back again to table (or disappear entirely), but i still got a ball in underneath real quick before he had lowered enough. at that point the table 'froze' with no ball active, and proceeded to do its autotest, and i tried 'call attendant' and got a ball re-activated; i think from its usual kickout spot... maybe something about the hat-trick mode not getting cancelled in time for another mode, before a ball can sneak in?

not long at all afterwards, within half-a- minute, i activated a sideshow hat-trick (raising the ringmaster above table-level for the 'springshot'), and then immediately activated a high-wire mb, which commenced - but very, very quickly somehow stuck two balls somewhere upper-loop??? and then immediately got the third ball in again in underneath the ringmaster before he even dropped to table-level - at which point it stuck again! and 'call attendant' could do no help, so i had to reset that game...

a bit vague; it was a bit late for me last night when i had that happen, but i remember thinking 'wow, that might be one bug bouncing off another one there'... was the most noticable prob while trying out tourney again! i don't often play CV (or most of the rest of the tourney tables), so it's been interesting trying to catch up on how to at least semi-master these tables. :)


New member
Apr 3, 2013
More simple for me. I locked the third ball for the Highwire Multiball (actually two balls on the lock ramp). There is the animation on the DMD (the guys electrifying the two tightrope walkers) and then... nothing happens, the DMD displaying: "Plunge the ball". But no ball in the plunger lane.

The "autotest mode" didn't even start, and call attendant didn't work. I had to quit the game (which was crappy anyway, so it wasn't a big deal).

The first time I encounter this bug on CV.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
More simple for me. I locked the third ball for the Highwire Multiball (actually two balls on the lock ramp). There is the animation on the DMD (the guys electrifying the two tightrope walkers) and then... nothing happens, the DMD displaying: "Plunge the ball". But no ball in the plunger lane.

The "autotest mode" didn't even start, and call attendant didn't work. I had to quit the game (which was crappy anyway, so it wasn't a big deal).

The first time I encounter this bug on CV.

Did you do what you do on a real table when this happens? Nudge/shake the crap out the machine in every direction while yelling both encouragement and profanities.


New member
Apr 15, 2014
yeah when it comes down to it, i think high-wire was involved both times i remember it happening - just seemed like since once or twice same time i managed to sink one underneath ringmaster, i wondered if there was something related. :) (was never much for cv cuz the ringmaster act is just sooooo repetitive, sooo easy to activate/reactivate in play... otherwise a kind of fun one, kind of a simpler 'theater of magic' or somesuch :)... in pinball, having something so far up field that you want to avoid hitting, other than some area of 'dead return', just kind of sucks! too easy to hit rm and activate 'im, when ya just want him to shut up and stay put for the rest of the ball/game ;0...)


New member
Apr 3, 2013
(was never much for cv cuz the ringmaster act is just sooooo repetitive, sooo easy to activate/reactivate in play... otherwise a kind of fun one, kind of a simpler 'theater of magic' or somesuch :)...

Yeah, it can be boring sometimes. But CV is one of the best table when it comes to stack multiball modes. Highwire Multiball + Razz + Strike an Arc = Rock'n'roll. The neon, the sound design, it's just WOW.:cool:


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Black hole bug during tournament. If your on your last ball and have a large bonus on the lower level when ball drains you will not get all the bonus points.
Happened to me more than once. I was shorted 1.5 to 2 million points.
If its not your last ball all bounus points will be rewarded.


New member
Apr 3, 2014
Doesn't that happen on Black Hole outside of the tournament too? It seems to cut off way too early when it's counting down a big bonus, but I've never confirmed it by checking the math. TPA seems to have a lot of trouble waiting long enough for the game to actually end, many games end while the DMD is still doing stuff, but BH is the only one I know of that has the long bonus count cut off.

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