Put Your Initial Thoughts Here


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Thanks again BBIAJ! They look really good.

Out of interest how many lighting settings do they offer in the Xbox One version?


May 24, 2013
This guy nails most of the stuff. Bought season 1 to show support and hope for fixes...

- No vibration
- Aliasing is an issue
- Needs configurable controls
- Needs more work to tune lights/contrast/colors feel to reduce the washed out thing.

Knowing that ps4 still has NO vibration after a year makes me sick... Hope the one will not be treated like that.

After playing a bit over the weekend, the bugs already posted here cover most of what I have found. A couple I have noticed but not seen posted here:

- In Junkyard, when the ball goes into the toilet, the ball will eject from the lower part of the table before it has actually gone through the toilet. You can actually see the new ball being ejected on screen while the ball in the toilet is still there. I am not sure if this bug is present in other builds, but I had never noticed before playing on Xbox One.
- Not being able to use multiple controllers for multiplayer is really lame. This should be an option.
- Just want to reiterate that the stuck neon in CV looks way out of place. I love this table and hope this gets fixed!
- Another vote for needing vibration. This would add a lot to the experience.
- Would like to be able to nagivate the UI with the Thumbstick. Just a personal preference. And option to use the shoulder buttons as the flipper buttons is really needed! Really hate using the triggers for flippers.

David GP

New member
Nov 30, 2014
Really enjoying PA on One so far. Most pins look outstanding at any lighting setting (I do have a preference for 'dark' though - some light shows are phenomenal). It is funny some people complain about aliasing as I cannot really see any (and my screen is kind of... huge). Sound is also very faithfully reproduced - quality does vary from one table to the other, but that is due to the technical limitations of the pinballs. Only one bug so far (a ball that literally vanished in Harley Davidson 3rd Edition). Also, like everyone here, I wish I could use the bumpers instead of the triggers. And please Farsight, make that 3D mode a reality!

Overall experience on seasons 1 & 2 is extremely positive. I'm looking forward to purchasing season 3, but I cannot find the "Pro" version. Does anyone know if it is available ?

Thanks again Farsight for your hard work! And also a big thank you to all the members of this forum for all the information you provided me while I was waiting for the elusive release of the new 360 version. Buying the XBox One on a sudden impulse a few months ago was not such a silly idea after all. :D


New member
Jul 31, 2012
To get the Pro version, I just click on Black Knight 2000, Buy Season Three Pack, and then, if I could actually afford it, Buy Season Three Pro Pack.

As it is, I think I'll start with Season One, as it's the best value for money, and has 16 tables out of 21 that I know I would actually play.


New member
May 29, 2013
Oddly enough, I always seem to play my best games in challenge mode. Unfortunately it seems that in challenge mode you cannot earn progress towards Wizard Goals nor will it save local high scores. To me this is an obvious feature gap. Any idea why these things aren't available in Challenge?


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Oddly enough, I always seem to play my best games in challenge mode. Unfortunately it seems that in challenge mode you cannot earn progress towards Wizard Goals nor will it save local high scores. To me this is an obvious feature gap. Any idea why these things aren't available in Challenge?
Yup. This was itterated a lot in the pc section. It is the same on all platforms. But no clear statement from fs why it HAS to be that way.
I guess it is a technical reason eith the rom emulator so they can't prevent cheating. Just like the pro versions of tables don't register for scores and goals.

I think this sucks bigtime as I am too more motivated when in challenge mode and usually make better games. Maybe therapy can help here...

David GP

New member
Nov 30, 2014
120 euros for Pro version ; 90 for standard.

Yep, pretty steep. Yet so worth it! :)

(btw, thanks BBIAJ for the tip. It had never occured to me that the Pro version could be hidden in the standard version option).


New member
Dec 3, 2014
First thoughts are a bit mixed.
Although the product is very well presented and the introduction of the challenges (just like that of the boxed Williams pinball classics) are a very good inclusion, I do genuinely feel that because of the (very) steep pricing system my urge to 'keep the dream alive' has somewhat waned. Sure, the seasons one and two packs seem on paper a pretty good purchase, but having already invested in the entire product for 360 the new table count for each season sort of drags up the price considerably if you take the rebuy tables into consideration - and to have to pay extra for the pro pack just doesn't make sense. Season three just doesn't bear thinking about!
The high pricing system on xbox seems to be the norm with just about everyone these days (do they think xbox users have more money than everyone else ??) and I personally am struggling to understand how a game that isn't going to appeal to the masses at the best of times can be priced at such a point where it's going to be largely ignored.

The full package equates to 2 triple A titles and (if you shop around) possibly a 12 month subscription to EA vault, which your average Joe is most definitely going to take into consideration when deciding how to spend his Christmas money. It's an awful lot for a 'risk' game.

Which is a shame because pinball is a fantastic 'alternative' recreation which should be allowed to be enjoyed by everyone - and not just those who have to pay a higher premium on the assumption that not many units will be sold.

Apologies for the negativity but I don't think Farsight will ever understand how deeply disappointed I (and maybe others) actually are. £100 (doubtless with further £30+ updates to follow) is just an opportunity missed. I've taken season one and I think that's where I call it a day. Sorry
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New member
Apr 20, 2013
Thanks for your honest input, Boris. Since I had over 300 hours into the PS3 version it was a no brainer, even at full price. But it would have been nice to get a discount for all three seasons at least.


New member
Aug 5, 2012
In ripleys i had a game ending glitch ball one with 6 extra balls and ball drain but it show my score 500 millions wchich is nothing on this table and all i can do was press a a button and game end lol. On funhouse there is a glitch where u can hv midnight multiball with just a one ball. I wait for a patch than i will go for score on leaderboards on this tables.


New member
Nov 26, 2014
I had all of the tables on the 360, and thus far on the XBone I have only bought season 2. With all of the gamebreaking bugs I've found in just a few days of playing, I don't see how I can spend any more money on this product. Everything I read from other platforms makes me think Farsight doesn't care about fixing bugs, either. What a bummer, the game is really a lot of fun...


New member
Jul 31, 2012
What a bummer, the game is really a lot of fun...

A lot of fun when it works, yes!

As I only have the demo tables and ToTAN, I have yet to experience the broad range of bugs this otherwise fantastic game has to offer, as I too balked at the season pass price disparity compared to the number of tables available per season.


May 24, 2013
I had all of the tables on the 360, and thus far on the XBone I have only bought season 2. With all of the gamebreaking bugs I've found in just a few days of playing, I don't see how I can spend any more money on this product. Everything I read from other platforms makes me think Farsight doesn't care about fixing bugs, either. What a bummer, the game is really a lot of fun...

I know FarSight is slow at times to address bugs, but please post any of the bugs you have found, especially the game breaking ones so they can be addressed eventually. I am curious to see what you have found.

DJ Clae

New member
Jun 17, 2012
I don't understand how anyone can complain about the price. I used to wait and eagerly pay for two tables at a time. Now I can get a whole pack of tables for $30. All I can say is spend on the platform you intend to play on.


New member
Nov 26, 2014
I know FarSight is slow at times to address bugs, but please post any of the bugs you have found, especially the game breaking ones so they can be addressed eventually. I am curious to see what you have found.

Most of my bugs are in the pin*bot view bug thread in the xbox one forum as that was the first bug I found and the rest continued to be view bugs. I've found many non view bugs as well, but most were already reported.

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