request for vertical display on xbox 360

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New member
Jul 16, 2012
Okay so this may sound weird but i think allot of people like myself would actually put their hdtv on their side and play vertically if this existed as an option. I really love pinball arcade on my pad and feel vertical is the superiour angle. All the pads lack the amazing graphics of the 360 and ps3 pinball arcade experience and the consoles lack vertical display options. I have done this already with my hdmi out on my asus pad leaning my hdtv vertically against the wall, it was pretty cool. im sure allot of people would lay down sideways on their couch and enjoy this feature without having to put their tv on it's side. Anyways great game :)

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I'd like to see this also, especially since some monitors can be pivoted 90 degrees. I already do this for VP, and would love to see TPA take up my full screen. This is also the view you would use for cabinet support.
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