Season 4: Least Favorite Table

What's your least favorite table in Season 4?

  • Phantom Of The Opera

    Votes: 24 28.2%
  • The Party Zone

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Earthshaker

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • Starship Troopers

    Votes: 26 30.6%
  • Addams Family

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Cyclone

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • Jack*Bot

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Xenon

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Red & Ted's Road Show

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Safe Cracker

    Votes: 5 5.9%

  • Total voters


New member
Jun 4, 2012
i honestly thought jackbot would get more love, hrc doesnt appeal to me but i love gambling a few hundred million in jack bot get a bomb use a cheat and win! but im a fan of pinbot too


New member
Feb 26, 2015
POTO for me. I was never able to get into it. Still waiting on Red & Ted's and Safecracker but I'd be shocked if either changed my mind.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Yes, I like 'em all. I picked Earthshaker here mainly because I've played the real thing SO much, and so I'm a little tired of it. I may change my mind later... I've gotten a little sick of SC, but I've played it enough to get 24 distinct tokens, so it'd be a little dishonest to call it my least favorite...

Hear hear! I am very sick of SC with over 110 tokens banked but still waiting for nr 26. Still, I think it's unique and it's a neat table, so I'm glad we got it :) SC actually has me burned out atm, I haven't played TPA at all for a while. But I'll be back!


New member
Jul 28, 2012
I've been a bit mixed with season 4, I hated POTO and Starship Troopers and I also don't like Xenon very much. Jackbot I like but can't play too much as I find it to be a drain monster and I'm still not sure what I really think about Safe Cracker as I don't like the way the game runs on the time limit.

Party Zone is an ok table imo, I enjoy Cyclone and Earthshaker and I love Addams Family but by fave season 4 table is Red and Ted.

I'd say worst of season 4 is POTO closely followed by Starship Troopers and both are tables I'm never likely to play again.


New member
May 4, 2012
Hear hear! I am very sick of SC with over 110 tokens banked but still waiting for nr 26. Still, I think it's unique and it's a neat table, so I'm glad we got it :) SC actually has me burned out atm, I haven't played TPA at all for a while. But I'll be back!
110 tokens! Oh my! (I have 48.) I'm definitely glad it's in TPA... I've had nothing like a good score, so I'll be back. With so many tables now there is always a table that hasn't been played in a long time even if you play TPA as much as me. :)


New member
Dec 18, 2013
Probably the first 4 tables of the season I dislike the most.Havent bought any of those.Not a fan of Cyclone either.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Starship Troopers with Xenon a very close second.

I have a special place in my heart for POTO, since it's literally one of the first pins I ever played.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Voted Earthshaker. Still can't find the love for that table. whirlwind is awesome though. Maybe because it didn't live up to the hype for me? Multiball sucks IMO. The exact opposite of centaur in that regard.

As for the SST negativity, I'd like to know what specifically irks you all about this table. It's challenging, has some wizard modes to build towards, mutiple multiballs, a gimmick (mini flipper) that when used well can be fun, good theme, good layout. Maybe it's the theme that people don't like. Its high intensity. I've played a real one, and the TPA version is really really close. Also it was a bit of a surprise with the license and the gore on the DMD. So where's the hate coming from?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
The same as over in the "Favorite" thread, we have a tie for first between POTO and SST, and a distant third for PZ. Will the Phantom prevail or will the bugs get stomped? Or will we need a tie-breaker?


New member
May 4, 2012
As for the SST negativity, I'd like to know what specifically irks you all about this table. It's challenging, has some wizard modes to build towards, mutiple multiballs, a gimmick (mini flipper) that when used well can be fun, good theme, good layout. Maybe it's the theme that people don't like. Its high intensity. I've played a real one, and the TPA version is really really close. Also it was a bit of a surprise with the license and the gore on the DMD. So where's the hate coming from?
I like SST a lot, maybe love it, especially since I finally learned how to play it. It's incredibly deep, light years beyond other Sega tables of the same era. The gimmick is not just a gimmick, it adds a lot to the gameplay.

When I haven't loved SST, it was because of the god-awful sound, the cheezy/silly (not amusing) dot animations, and that the physics seemed off, too bouncy or something.

I think it takes a solid time investment... I played only SST for about three days while chasing the goals, and it was only after that that I could play it decently and appreciated it. And I don't think I've scratched the surface of its rules. I think Farsight should really be applauded for making this table their sole Sega representative (until Franky drops).

Here's a tough question for you: which Sega tables are deeper than SST? I haven't played many of them very much... the ones I have (Franky, Space Jam, Lost World JP, Apollo 13, Goldeneye) are not really even close to SST in deepness, as I remember them. (I have high hopes for Baywatch, and remember Viper fondly, and Maverick very fondly, among those I played only a few times.)
Apr 8, 2012
Here's a tough question for you: which Sega tables are deeper than SST? I haven't played many of them very much... the ones I have (Franky, Space Jam, Lost World JP, Apollo 13, Goldeneye) are not really even close to SST in deepness, as I remember them. (I have high hopes for Baywatch, and remember Viper fondly, and Maverick very fondly, among those I played only a few times.)

Not sure how deep you can call it, but Godzilla is a fantastic machine. I'd rate SST number one and Godzilla number two from SEGA.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
As for the SST negativity, I'd like to know what specifically irks you all about this table. It's challenging, has some wizard modes to build towards, mutiple multiballs, a gimmick (mini flipper) that when used well can be fun, good theme, good layout. Maybe it's the theme that people don't like. Its high intensity. I've played a real one, and the TPA version is really really close. Also it was a bit of a surprise with the license and the gore on the DMD. So where's the hate coming from?
hmmmmmm...... everything. The most annoying audio part from all tables in TPA, HRC is very far on a 2nd place. I find it very ugly. And the gameplay...... IRL it was lousy table to me, in TPA it is even worse. Every bounce, every flip, everything fells so strange on this one.
I agree about the rules, they are deep but unfortunately, for me, they didn't do anything for this table except made it even more annoying because I can't get anywhere with it
because everything seem so off.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Not sure how deep you can call it, but Godzilla is a fantastic machine. I'd rate SST number one and Godzilla number two from SEGA.

Godzilla is not very deep or difficult but I really have a blast playing it. Never saw one until a couple of years ago. But I couldn't walk away from it. I'm a monster movie fan, so the theme was right up my alley.


New member
May 4, 2012
Voted Earthshaker but Xenon really deserves my vote for least favorite.
I voted for ES too, but just finished a game and Farsight really did an awesome job with that table. It was much faster and harder than I remembered it. I'd move ES up now... would probably put Xenon as least favorite. But there really are no duffs or even close in Season 4. The tables that are weaker in real life are redeemed by TPA's improved quality control.

I may be getting soft though... I even played HD3E a couple of days ago and enjoyed it quite a bit. Except that the video mode sound stayed on after the mode was done, which was very annoying.

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