Should I buy a Vita?


New member
Jan 19, 2013
@Edan- No they are not cross save compatible unfortunately. They are 2 different entities that only share cross buy and leaderboard abilities.

good to know. I thought I was doing something wrong

i guess my greatest disappointment so far with the vita is the inability to use the browser or watch videos in portrait mode. A lot of the pinball videos I watch are vertical and really need to be viewed in portrait mode. I'm sure that this could be addressed in a future update, but how long will I need to wait for that?

Nearly every phone and tablet can be used in landscape and portraiit mode, why not the vita?


New member
Jul 11, 2013
good to know. I thought I was doing something wrong

i guess my greatest disappointment so far with the vita is the inability to use the browser or watch videos in portrait mode. A lot of the pinball videos I watch are vertical and really need to be viewed in portrait mode. I'm sure that this could be addressed in a future update, but how long will I need to wait for that?

Nearly every phone and tablet can be used in landscape and portraiit mode, why not the vita?

Yes, very basic functionality that should have been incorporated into their 4th gen handheld. Seems like not that much has really changed.... Sony still treats their handheld division like a red-headed step child. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that update.

Don't fret, though! If the pattern holds true, in about 6-12 months there will be a completely new handheld that does exactly what you want it to do, but is completely incompatible with all the games and apps you've already bought and paid for. ;) I kid, I kid... (but not really)

@Rafie - I hear ya. I am without a doubt, burnt and wary of Sony's style of business. Too proprietary, too expensive, and too short lived for me. I do know that I was *far* from the only person who had serious issues getting remote play to work on the first two PSP's - there were literally entire forums full of folks having the same issue back then. At this point, the PS3 and one Sony receiver (that I got basically for free) are the only pieces of Sony gear left in my house. Even their own stuff doesn't work together much of the time. For example - PS3 HDMI Control enabled should allow me to fire up my PS3 with a remote, which in turn sends the HDMI control signal to power up the receiver and TV set. It actually works maybe one out of 5 times? Just the fact that they want to charge 3-4x as much for a stupid Memory Stick (which of course, ONLY works in Sony devices) years after all the other flash memory formats are cheap as can be is just insulting. They are much like Apple in that respect, but Apple's stuff usually works together fairly well.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Well, after spending a few days with it, I think I am going to return it. While I did enjoy Zen and TPA on the system, it just doesn't do quite as much as I though it would. The internet browser is usable, but the lack of portrait view is a bigger problem than I thought it would be. The games that are exclusive to the Vita look and play better than any other handheld device that I have seen, but the Vita simply needs more of them.

The high cost of the proprietary memory was also a factor. I have a lot of free Vita games that I got from my PS plus membership however the cost of the memory outdoes the benefits of having these "free" games. I may as well just buy the individual game cartridges. When buying a Vita with a ps plus subscription, you really need to add $100 to the cost of entry to buy a 16gb or 32gb card.

I'm not trying to knock the Vita down, it just wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. This could all turn around when the PS4 is released and if the vita or the memory gets a price drop or a really generous system bundle. I think I will wait for this holiday season to see what sony has cooking for it. For less money, I could get a nice tablet, more specifically the new nexus 7.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
The biggest issue with the PS Vita is the lack of support from retailors . They carry very little in PS Vita stock, accessories and games , and then wonder why the consumer base is lacking? It's a adult handheld , and not in the same market with N 3DS , yet the lack of good games that use the PSVita graphics to it's potential also is missing , which is not to say that it doesn't have any games , most of the great ones are on the digital PSN store not on the shelves at the stores . The Ps4 might turn this situation around, but it might be too little too late .


New member
Jun 8, 2012
The Vita itself is a great little system and I really enjoy mine, but I wuld never, ever suggest TPA for the Vita.
The Vita version not only looks terrible, it has a boatload of issues glitches and problems that will probably never be fixed.

Zen pinball looks, runs and plays fantastic on it though. However you could also get Zen on a tablet.

The Vita is also very weak as a web browser and I would also never recommend it for that. Nearly any smartphone will handle web browsing much better than the Vita.

If you really want TPA, Zen and web-browsing I'd highly recommend you pick up a tablet instead.
If you do pick up a Vita I recommend you don't use it for TPA at all.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Last night I returned the vita and picked up the new nexus 7 with 16gb. This is going to be a keeper. I'll comment more about it in the proper thread.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Now you're talking!!

Root that thing and get Sixaxxis Controller. Best portable TPA setup I've found.

Can you output to an HD display via HDMI?
I just realized you can do that with the Kindle HD Fire and looks pretty nice.

I'd like to find a compatible controller for it though. I hate touch controls with a passion.
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New member
Jul 11, 2013
Can you output to an HD display via HDMI?
I just realized you can do that with the Kindle HD Fire and looks pretty nice.

I'd like to find a compatible controller for it though. I hate touch controls with a passion.

Yes. I have a micro-HDMI out on the Moto, and all the newer Galaxy Tabs feature HDMI output with a $5 cable add-on. I can literally bring my cable/adapter and sixaxxis and hook up my tab or phone to any HDTV and play wirelessly with the controller. It's flat out awesome.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
On the new nexus 7, you can output to an hdtv via hdmi. I was puzzled at first because there is no hdmi port. It turns out that you need to buy an adapter that plugs into the micro-usb port. Fortunately it is only $10, I ordered mine and I'll try it out.


Sep 12, 2012
If they are smart they will drop the price at Gamescon. I read an article once about an electronics expets who tore apart a Vita and priced everything. According to this it only costs them $159 bucks to actually make one. Japan was smart enough to do so, but I will never personally own one until they drop the prices of their memory sticks significantly. It's like asking me how far I want to bend over. Plus there is not one killer game that makes me scream I must have a Vita. Just my opinion. I wish they would stop trying to compete with Nintendo who is literally wiping the floor sales-wise every month, despite it being technically inferior. Concentrate on your existing base because Sony cannot afford another PS3 price mistake. I know $400 is not a bad price, but this is the first time I have ever had to buy another console because of widespread system failure (FAT 40 gig). I personally think Gakai is a waste of money. Hold onto your systems they aren't worth much trading them in. That's the only way to have true compatibility.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
If they are smart they will drop the price at Gamescon. I read an article once about an electronics expets who tore apart a Vita and priced everything. According to this it only costs them $159 bucks to actually make one. Japan was smart enough to do so, but I will never personally own one until they drop the prices of their memory sticks significantly. It's like asking me how far I want to bend over. Plus there is not one killer game that makes me scream I must have a Vita. Just my opinion. I wish they would stop trying to compete with Nintendo who is literally wiping the floor sales-wise every month, despite it being technically inferior. Concentrate on your existing base because Sony cannot afford another PS3 price mistake. I know $400 is not a bad price, but this is the first time I have ever had to buy another console because of widespread system failure (FAT 40 gig). I personally think Gakai is a waste of money. Hold onto your systems they aren't worth much trading them in. That's the only way to have true compatibility.

It might be $159 in parts, but you have to take into account the millions of dollars in R&D that they have to recoup as well as other factors. They are probably just now starting to break even on the price.

Every company has their growing pains. Nintendo not excluded. I am more worried about them than I am Sony. The 3DS launch was a complete disaster with sub par titles and expensive hardware. Luckily they dropped the price by 40% withing a few months, which by the way, I wasn't all that happy about being a day one buyer, but it happens...

Anyway, I buy most game systems and enjoy the best that each has to offer. When I want an in depth game with console quality gameplay and graphics (Uncharted, God of War, MGS, Gravity Rush) I'll play the PS Vita and when I want a quick game of Mario Kart or Super Mario Land I'll play the 3DS.

And for people that argue that Sony released too many models of the PSP, they were certainly not the only company to do that. Apple and Nintendo were also cranking out a new model every few months too. It's just electronic evolution. As parts become cheaper to manufacture they use them. The same thing happens with console hardware as well, but its usually just under the hood... IE: there were over 10 PS1 motherboard revisions.

I owned the original 40GB model of PS3 for 4 years before having an issue and that was playing it on a nearly daily basis. The Xbox 360 on the other hand RROD'th on me after only THREE MONTHS.. I exchanged it for another which lasted about 6 months... Repeated and MS refused to exchange it again so I gave up on them.

The PS3 Slim has been great though. It's a very quiet system that runs cool so there shouldn't be any issues. If the PS4 is more like that it will be a great thing.

Sony has a bright future ahead and I'm glad I bought the PS3 & Vita. Things will only get better with the PS4.
Gakai will be used extensively to allow every PS4 game to be remotely played on the PS Vita. This will put an end to game companies trying to get you to buy the same game twice just to play the portable version. The Pinball Arcade on a portable Vita with PS4 visuals should be a great experience and I look forward to that!

You have to admit Sony is quite good to the player when it comes to letting you play your older purchases on the Vita. Just about all of the older PSP games are now playable on the Vita as well as any PS1 Classics & MINi's that you purchased for either the PS3 or PSP. In contrast when I wanted to play Super Mario Bros, Zelda, or Metroid I had to pay $5 each even though I already owned them on Virtual Console, then they charge you another fee to move them to the Wii U. Not cool IMO.

I just hope Microsoft and Nintendo can continue to earn profits as competition is always good for the consumer.
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New member
Jun 8, 2012
I owned the original 40GB model of PS3 for 4 years before having an issue and that was playing it on a nearly daily basis. The Xbox 360 on the other hand RROD'th on me after only THREE MONTHS.. I exchanged it for another which lasted about 6 months... Repeated and MS refused to exchange it again so I gave up on them.

My experience was almost exactly the opposite of yours. My launch day 360 worked perfectly for years (used non-stop daily) until it finally got RROD. MS fixed it for free (shipping included) and had it back to me in only 11 days. My replacement worked perfectly until I traded it in for the Elite/slim model that I have now.

My launch PS3 quit reading discs within the first year and Sony charged $150 plus shipping expenses to fix it. My second PS3 started having problems reading movies (not games) almost immediately.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I can't argue with a new tablet + root + sixaxiscontroller app.

That said, I'm happy with the vita and although I haven't exactly been blown away by the software lineup yet, it has essentially been a free ride so far with TPA cross buy and all the PS+ freebies. That, and, I'm on board the PS4 train so I look forward to being able to play "virtually every game" on the Vita as well.
Jan 6, 2013
Hey guys i was thinking about getting a vita my self.Can anyone tell me if this is worth getting strictly for tpa,how are the tables and game play on it and if i do get it should i buy the bundle packs i have been doing some research about this and some people say the tables look better if you buy the packs and will the tables work on the ps4 when it comes out?Thanks


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I love it for TPA. The portrait mode could be better(ie. flipped so you can use the X and triangle buttons for flippers), but I love it otherwise.

The overall software lineup has been weak, but Uncharted is great. I also would have preferred to have the traditional XMB. App support is lacking so far, but more are coming.

PS4 integration should be interesting.


New member
May 30, 2013
I love my Vita. It has lots of indie games on it and a few major releases that are pretty cool. Pixel Junk monsters has been eating up a lot of my time on it right now. As far as TPA goes, it's kinda spotty. It started out strong and then they got lazy with the conversions. Now, however, they seem recommited to it and the last few packs have been great.


New member
May 23, 2012
The Vita does have good games but if this is for TPA then don't get one. FS is just going through the motions with the Vita version

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