So excited for the PC STEAM release!! Just purchased a new monitor for THIS GAME!


New member
Nov 19, 2012
None of that makes any sense to me, but I'll believe him when he says it. Too bad, hoping to see it soon on all platforms.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Most of the presence on the forum is from developers... with a few QA guys here and there. We aren't really at liberty to discuss things that are still behind closed doors, nor do we have the time to address every single question asked. Just in case it's not really clear, the time spent outside of beta and bug report sections is done while waiting for the code to compile or at home (we don't get paid to read and post on the forum).

That being said, we aren't able to answer the questions about the cabinet version at this time. Information about it will most likely be in a newsletter or a Facebook post when it is ready to be disclosed.

I hope this clear things up.

Thank you for your response!

Although it does leave the issue in somewhat of a limbo state, acknowledgement of the question being asked is greatly welcomed.

I'll probably go ahead and bite the bullet and buy everything for the PC release right away, but still am holding out hope that this will be "ugradeable" to a future cabinet build release.

Thank you again for telling us what you could. As I said previously, I'm satisfied with just getting any response over just kind of hanging.

Now.. on to tomorrow!

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