Soooo.... Frankenstein for iOS tomorrow?


New member
Aug 2, 2014
FS said they'd roll out the new table to the iOS, Mac and Ouya throughout the week. Well it's been 7 days, are we makin' Halloween? I've tried playing the Steam version and it's the only table running poorly on my laptop, not sure why. Seems like a fun table, though.

Hey Farsight, ever notice how Zen Studios tweets all day, every day, and is actively communicating with their fans? Might be cool if you were a little more involved with your audience and kept us more informed on a regular basis.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
In all cases when there has been an iOS delay, it was released on a Friday after the regular release on other platforms. Maybe something to do with the app store process? I can't remember an instance in which it was released on another day, but it may have happened. That Friday is actually my Saturday because of timezone differences, so I guess all my tables are a day late. So fingers crossed for Friday. I get your plea for more communication, that has been often asked from Farsight but just is not their strong point. I rather have quality tables with good physics. To be fair, Farsight employees are more active than earlier on the forums, with FlippyFloppy and Rschwanter for example reacting much faster to questions and bug threads.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
They should just employee someone to run all of their social media. Someone who can actually answer questions. I understand not wanting to make promises you aren't sure you can keep, like when certain update wills roll out, etc, but I think it's a good practice to discuss what is being worked on when and the general priorities from month to month.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Just can't wait to be able to show a friend of mine that I work with. Ever since he forcibly was shown TPA by me, he told me he used to play Frank, and Tommy at a previous job. So I hope it sparks a fire in his heart

Gothamboy, point taken. I wouldn't let it get to you though. Maybe there isn't much talk about it because IOS is expected to be delayed by now. Know what I mean? My thing is, I really get stoked about Halloween. And even more so for the fact that TPA releases halloween tables during Halloween. So I guess what I'm saying is, wouldn't it make more sense to have released it last month? That way we could jam out on our spooky table all during the month of October. Yeah yeah, sales, blah blah, and also it used to be 2 halloween tables. But cmon, learning lesson FarSight. By the time halloween gets here in 2 days, everyone's going to be taking down thier decorations and smashing thier pumpkins
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Active member
Jul 21, 2012
I agree, but they don't do that :) Just as they don't provide a thorough platform specific changelog with each release, that the HOF leaderboard for iOS is not fixed yet, that POTO is still crashing my whole app and kills the remote backup function which forces a whole reinstall, that some tables are still very broken (lock issue on Black Knight and bad scripting for example). So you could make a list if you want. Go ahead :)


New member
Mar 5, 2014
I'd rather have that employee keep recreating pinball games tbh. Or work on tournament settings or something else that would improve the game. Don't get me wrong, I really like it when the FS team is active in the community, but if I would have to choose between a polished product and getting daily tweets the choice is easy. Besides - RSchwantner, FlippyFloppy and Mike do read this forum and have helped out with answers and fixes many times. I'd rather praise them for that than say it's not enough.

And I'm also looking forward to Frankenstein! :)


New member
Aug 2, 2014
[MENTION=4188]Gus[/MENTION] I mean hiring someone just for public relations/social media, not retasking a coder. A lot of companies do it.

By-and-large Farsight are the only ones in the game of recreating real tables. Yeah, on PC there's a whole VP scene, but that's just PC, user-supported and messy to set-up. When it comes to playing a polished product on consoles and mobile, Farsight are the only folks in town. That means that a lot of us will keep buying their content, even if we aren't satisfied with it, because it's that or nothing. I don't buy TPA tables because I think Farsight is great at what they do, I buy them because they are the only ones who do what they do. But they leave a lot to be desired in their product. They also seem to lack any actual design artists on staff judging by their UIs, logos and the abysmal Ghostbusters table. They are solid at recreations but not at original assets.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
Welp. Still no Frank. I guess we aren't making Halloween. BTW, FS, you did say through the week. It's been a week. This lack of communication is what I'm talking about. It takes 2 minutes to tweet a status report.
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New member
Aug 2, 2014
It's 11:45 EST. It's been 7 days and no word on twitter or facebook. I think it's safe to say that Farsight has failed us again.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I wonder if Apple is getting backed up with the release of the new AppleTV and getting that App Store up and running.

The Great Cornholio

New member
Apr 5, 2014
It's 11:45 EST. It's been 7 days and no word on twitter or facebook. I think it's safe to say that Farsight has failed us again.

What did you expect? FS has a long history of disappointing their customers. XBox 360. PS4. You name it. I wonder how some people still blame MS, Sony or Apple for the shortcomings of FS.

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