Standard and Wizard Table Goals Master List & Hall of Fame Scores


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Cool looking website, skillsock. I only have these tables on PS3, so I can't help you with Haunted House, Teed Off, Victory or Class of 1812, but maybe someone else can. Anyway:

Terminator 2
-Score a 15 Million Point Hurry-Up
-Score a 5 Million Point Skill Shot
-Win Video Mode
-Score a 5,000,000 Point Million Plus
-Score a Super Jackpot

Goin' Nuts
-Earn three Extra Squirrels
-Re-Launch 2 balls from Captive Ball
-Increase the Timer to 360 seconds
-Earn a 500,000 Point Bonus
-Score at least 3,000,000 Points

Flight 2000
-Increase Right Spinner to 5,000 Points
-Earn the Outlane Special
-Score a 150,000 Point Bonus
-Earn the Center Lane Special
-Score at least 2,000,000 Points

-Score a 3-Way Combo
-Earn a Skyway Paid For
-Earn a Special
-Advance the Bonus Multiplier to 6X
-Collect the Mega Door Bonus

The Champion Pub
-Win a Fight by Knockout
-Win a Cash Fight
-Complete 30 Consecutive Jumps on Jump Rope
-Activate the Ultimate Challenge
-Win the Ultimate Challenge


New member
Oct 29, 2013
Thanks, Gorgar. I've integrated those into the site. If anyone can help with the last four, I would greatly appreciate it.




New member
Oct 29, 2013
Hi Jan,

I appreciate your kind words. I hope to have the site up and fully operational within the next 2 weeks.

Thanks for asking. I'll post here when it goes live.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Hi Jan,

I appreciate your kind words. I hope to have the site up and fully operational within the next 2 weeks.

Thanks for asking. I'll post here when it goes live.

it sure looks great. if you decide to add the scores needed for 1000 HOF points, these are them:

Pinbot 10M
Centaur 12M
Whirlwind 450M
C Pub 2.3B
F2000 12M
Goin Nuts 12.5M
T2 2.5B
Teed Off 17B
Haunted House 6M
Class of 1812 750M
Victory 400M

OK they might not be exact, especially if my own score was too low to make extrapolation accurate, but they're close


New member
Apr 17, 2012

You really should start your own thread for this. I am sure others could provide more and more info for the site, and ideas of where it should go. Love to see tables showing what you need to get 1000 points.

It would be cool if you had links on the goals showing how to achieve them, rather than go and read the instructions.
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Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Hey, guys. I'm the OP of this thread. I haven't been around these parts in a while. After it became clear that new tables were never coming to the 360 I more or less checked out of TPA altogether. Now that it's coming to Xbox One I am back on board. I see that in my absence a site was created that, in part, lists the table goals. I also see that it is down at the moment. Has it been down for a while? Is it coming back? Is there any use in my updating this thread and resuming ongoing maintenance of it? I'm happy to resume!


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Oh wow! Welcome back! For your sake, I hope it doesn't take another 2 years to show up on MS consoles. To answer your question, the site in which you speak of hadn't been updated in months. In fact, the current "Site under maintenance" screen is the most change it's seen in a while. If you're happy to resume, I'm sure everyone here will be to.
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Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
OK, I've got the list as caught up as I can. I used Steam to look up all the Standard Goals, and I filled in Wizard Goals from all the screenshots that had collected in the thread. I even went so far as to scroll through Steam community screenshots looking for people bragging about completing all Wizard Goals, but that only filled in a few tables. From here I need some help from you guys. Find a table that still has ?s in the OP that you have unlocked Wizard Goals on, screenshot the list, and PM it to me here. I have been meticulously transcribing these precisely as they appear in the game itself, so I'd really rather have actual screenshots and not just your best guess from memory. Sorry about the absence!


New member
Mar 12, 2013
I think someone said elsewhere that POTO was 63M for 1000 HoF points. That seems consistent with the scores and points I have.

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Nice topic!

If you want to complete the HOF scores, all are listed here for the first three seasons:

Oh hey, thanks so much! I didn’t realize that someone else had taken over compiling these. I hope I’m not stepping on your grill. I only originally added HoF score thresholds to this thread per mod request. I’ve never even played TPA on a platform that computes Hall of Fame points. I started as an Xbox 360 player, left when it became apparent that was permadead, and then returned upon hearing the news that an Xbone version was coming “soon™”. I would be delighted to have you as my primary source for this info going forward, if you’re game. In any event the list in this OP is now up-to-date thanks to you.

And thanks to TomL as well for the POTO value. He seemed somewhat unsure of the validity, but I’ve gone ahead and used that number for now, pending possible correction from the community.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Oh hey, thanks so much! I didn’t realize that someone else had taken over compiling these. I hope I’m not stepping on your grill. I only originally added HoF score thresholds to this thread per mod request.

Not at all! :)

It's good to have a topic where everything is listed like this one.

I’ve never even played TPA on a platform that computes Hall of Fame points. I started as an Xbox 360 player, left when it became apparent that was permadead, and then returned upon hearing the news that an Xbone version was coming “soon™”. I would be delighted to have you as my primary source for this info going forward, if you’re game. In any event the list in this OP is now up-to-date thanks to you.

Me too! I play on PS3 and there is no HOF points system on this TPA version (why? it remains a mystery...). I took HOF scores from but some were wrong and the site was no more updated (since, it is currently in maintenance, so someone works on it?). Then, DanBradford from the forum became my primary source for the HOF score. :p

IMO, the HOF points add a lot of replay value (as the most difficult wizard goals), even to the less interesting tables (who said El Dorado?). And it gives a great indication on how you really perform on a table, and what "kind of scores" can be achieved.

Thanks TomL for the POTO HoF score!


New member
Mar 12, 2013
Based on my games of The Party Zone, the 1000 pt Hall of Fame score looks like 7.5 Billion points.

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
OK, cool. Added to the OP. Thanks, Tom! Please PM me some screenshots of the wizard goal list if you're able to.

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