Table Bias for Keyboard vs Controller


New member
May 4, 2015
I've noticed something a little strange. Now, remember, I'm not a fine-control kind of player. I just thrash around and have a good time. The few tables where I have any kind of reasonably high scores (by the standards of all you pros) or have finished the wizard goals are ones which I play enough that I just happen to remember "oh, yeah, if I hit the ball exactly there it'll go there" and play accordingly. I play for fun and I play in ten-to-twenty-minute bursts and I don't think about it too hard.

But I sometimes play with a keyboard setup. And sometimes, when the mood takes me, I play with a Steam controller. And what I've noticed is that there are tables where I play better and longer with keyboard than with the controller, and some tables where I play better and longer with controller than keyboard. What I'm wondering is: Why should this be?

I note that I have more trouble with finesse on the plunger using the controller than the spacebar. On the standard Steam controller setup, you have to sort of draw your finger down the right pad to use the plunger, and it's actually a bit TOO sensitive - you can't easily get, say, 50% pull on the plunger. Or at least I can't. But I'm not talking about skill shots. I'm talking about basic flipper thrashing. For some reason, it's easier to hit some shots with controller than keyboard, and easier to hit some shots with keyboard than controller.

How can this be? Why is this? Any theories?


New member
Jun 13, 2013
I've noticed something a little strange. Now, remember, I'm not a fine-control kind of player. I just thrash around and have a good time. The few tables where I have any kind of reasonably high scores (by the standards of all you pros) or have finished the wizard goals are ones which I play enough that I just happen to remember "oh, yeah, if I hit the ball exactly there it'll go there" and play accordingly. I play for fun and I play in ten-to-twenty-minute bursts and I don't think about it too hard.

But I sometimes play with a keyboard setup. And sometimes, when the mood takes me, I play with a Steam controller. And what I've noticed is that there are tables where I play better and longer with keyboard than with the controller, and some tables where I play better and longer with controller than keyboard. What I'm wondering is: Why should this be?

I note that I have more trouble with finesse on the plunger using the controller than the spacebar. On the standard Steam controller setup, you have to sort of draw your finger down the right pad to use the plunger, and it's actually a bit TOO sensitive - you can't easily get, say, 50% pull on the plunger. Or at least I can't. But I'm not talking about skill shots. I'm talking about basic flipper thrashing. For some reason, it's easier to hit some shots with controller than keyboard, and easier to hit some shots with keyboard than controller.

How can this be? Why is this? Any theories?

I haven't played with a Steam controller but have played with a controller on PS4. It feels more natural using a key board to me, because it spaces out the hands like being at an actual machine. I use the Cap lock and enter key for the left and right flipper and the two shift keys for nudgeing left and right. I plan to get a Steam controller soon though and will try it and get back to you.

Also just a tip for even more precise launching the ball. Hold down both buttons on the mouse and draw it straight back then release at the point you want and it is very precise.


New member
May 4, 2015
I'm not necessarily referring to differences in feel. I mean specifically ... ok, for example: Big Hurt.

- If I'm playing with keyboard (shift keys are flippers), I have an easy time hitting the orbits (left easier than right) and the drop hole, but trouble going up the center, especially the home run shot.

- If I'm playing with controller, the ball just about lives in the scoop full time, center shots are easier, orbits harder, and the drop hole is so hard to hit that I played a game of it with the controller yesterday for five minutes and didn't start a single play round.

Now, whether I thrash around or aim shots or whatever seems irrelevant; I'm playing the same way I always play no matter what input method I'm using. Yet there are definitely differences, and I can't figure out why. Every table (but I haven't identified the differences as clearly with all of them, so I don't have more examples).


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
It could be a matter of milliseconds. Keyboard might be quicker on input than a controller, especially if your controller has analogue input for the shoulder buttons. I personally don't like using the keyboard (for any game), and I also can't do without rumble feedback. The true test would be if you had one of those X-Arcade panels that has flipper buttons mounted on the side. My brother in-law just bought one for fighting game purposes, but I'm dying to try it out for pinball. Again the problem would be no rumble, but at least your hands would be in a natural pinball state. I do think regarding plunge, the analogue sticks of a controller are wildly inconsistent. Advantage clearly goes to keyboard there.

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