Table of the Week Club...week 8: HIGH SPEED!

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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Well, just spent a solid 90 minutes with this table. I needed all the wizards, only have the 250K ramp to earn. It's so hard! Those 1-6 targets are deadly, and then to not accidentally shoot the ramp while building up the bonus, brutal. I've gotten to 200K twice only to either drain the ball or have a ricochet off the 5 or 6 (couldn't tell) up the ramp.

I do gotta say, I still think this is the best lit table FarSight has done. Every insert is perfect, without being blown out. When you hit the jackpot and the table starts strobing, just amazing. Why they can't do this with AFM is beyond me, because I do have to just cradle the ball until the strobing stops or risk losing it all together. The overall lighting on the table is nice, no nuclear hot spots to be seen. I also don't have any complaints about physics on this one. Does it play faster than the real machine? Yes. But otherwise, I'm quite pleased.

This was a table I used to love playing in VP way back when. I now remember why, as it is the epitome of a 'just one more game' machine for me. Really enjoying reacquainting myself with this one.

I agree 100% I love this table. I also spent quite a lot of time on this table recently and I believe I too only have the 250k wizard goal as well. Table can be< scratch that IS brutal and i love it!

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Did play this quite a bit when it was the Free Table of the Month and has vowed not to buy Season3 until Dx11 is out :p
On a comparable note I will prob buy S4 when Cyclone is out even though I kinda vowed to wait for Xenon.... yeah, better to keep that promise too to show that early SS makes a monetary difference "See how much more sales we got when Xenon was released; we must do more SS" or something to that effect... damn, I am only one person - forgot that.

Maybe they will release Cyclone and Xenon as a package! Yes, seems very plausible....

I will practice on the other tables. Haven't played much at all and don't really know the rules. Great then that we have TotW so I can check the threads for great tips!


I'm with you on the early ss tables and EM's as well as a lot of the other fellas on here! Rock On!


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
There is also another bug (is it a ROM bug?) whereby if you roll the score, you get an EB at 1.4M after every roll. So not just at 1.4M, but 11.4M, 21.4M, etc.

Not really a bug, this was standard behavior in the system 11 era. Pinbot, Taxi, and Dr Dude all do the same thing in TPA, re-award a special/EB on reaching the replay score again after each rollover.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Not really a bug, this was standard behavior in the system 11 era. Pinbot, Taxi, and Dr Dude all do the same thing in TPA, re-award a special/EB on reaching the replay score again after each rollover.

Now you mention it, I recall it happening in Pin*Bot too. I've never rolled Taxi or Dr Dude, but those have 8-digit score displays.

Anyway, one person's bug is often another's useful feature....


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Hi there

Looking forward to giving this a blast, as I missed it when released....went through a bit of pinball/TPA break.

I'll be interested in the lightshow that [MENTION=134]shutyertrap[/MENTION] & [MENTION=465]karl[/MENTION] mention (if it's visible on iPad?)...and like Karl I'm really looking forward to HSII, as one of my fave tables - Remember playing it back in '92 (Will it be the release after next? - Hope so).

Thanks to [MENTION=2355]Captain B. Zarre[/MENTION] for his Dissections. Though looks like it didn't take him long this week ;) LOL

Big thanks to [MENTION=5243]workshed[/MENTION] for reminding me about TOPcast (listeneing to it at work while writing this :)). I miss Clay's shows...Special Guest, SPECIAL GUEST, special guestttttt haha.

See you all in the Tourney (on a tourney note - sorry for being a downer re. [MENTION=5169]superdan[/MENTION] 's tourney idea in DMs. LOVE your podcast though :))


EDIT: After watching a bit of [MENTION=1051]Pinballwiz45b[/MENTION] 's YT clip. I'm PRETTY SURE that the lighting on the iPad's nothing like as dramatic....More's the pity :(
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New member
Mar 5, 2014
I hope FS includes High Speed in the first batch of games to get a hard tournament setting, it's a cool game! It looks great, and plays very well IMO, but way too easy as it is in TPA. I have a game paused at a little over 100M on ball 1 with 4 ebs stacked, feels like I could keep that up forever. I play pretty short sessions (30-60 min) and pause in between, and I enjoy it more than both NGG and CftBL. It's a nice break with simple rules. Black Hole also grew on me when that was the table of the week.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Leaderboards down for maintenance? I hope that doesn't mean my 281M game doesn't post :( :confused:

Edit: It did update, phew :) That was a bit insane I admit but I thought it would be cool to get a #1 spot. I like how the jackpot value can be built up to 2M before collecting it during multiball. Kind of like a 2x playfield for a while. It's also pretty unique how the inlanes doesn't get the typical feed from ramp shots, and the inlanes are actually valuable on this table. Anyways... Time to get some sleep. Next stop White Water!
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New member
Feb 28, 2014
Leaderboards down for maintenance? I hope that doesn't mean my 281M game doesn't post :( :confused:

Edit: It did update, phew :) That was a bit insane I admit but I thought it would be cool to get a #1 spot. I like how the jackpot value can be built up to 2M before collecting it during multiball. Kind of like a 2x playfield for a while. It's also pretty unique how the inlanes doesn't get the typical feed from ramp shots, and the inlanes are actually valuable on this table. Anyways... Time to get some sleep. Next stop White Water!

How long did it take?


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Not quite sure as I was pausing a lot, but whatever it takes to get to 10M times 28 as there is zero progression in the scoring. I guess something like 8-9 hours.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
I did my top scofre on my 2nd or 3rd game and never played this table again so i dont even remember how much it takes to get 10M, but i would have said your game was more a 12h one... Maybe i wasnt as efficient as u are. Anyway, the general Invitro top 10 leaderboard will have a new member soon... well, if this leaderboard survives.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
The game was too long for sure :) I'm not sure how many points I get on that list, but top 10 would be cool. I'm certain you and a bunch of other players can knock down my score on HS, it just takes time. I could have kept going as well, but enough is enough! I can scratch "hitting #1 on a TPA table" off my bucket list now ;)


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Well, u and Eldar are the new generation guys, but you're quicker than him. For maybe 6 months there's a huge gap between top ten and the rest of the world, the 2 of u are the firsts i see who will join us soon or later. But it seems this leaderboard is in danger so...
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