Taxi/HD/Gofers/Elvria update out!


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I noticed some cool fixes that I didn't see mentioned. Seems like there are upgraded pop-bumper sounds all around which sounds a lot better. Also on Funhouse, Rudy's Hideout music seems to work all the time now. :) Not sure if it's just me, but the graphics seem a little more crisp as well.

also noticed. improved sounds and textures in a lot of places(including the pop bumpers)


New member
Jun 24, 2012
I noticed some cool fixes that I didn't see mentioned. Seems like there are upgraded pop-bumper sounds all around which sounds a lot better. Also on Funhouse, Rudy's Hideout music seems to work all the time now. :) Not sure if it's just me, but the graphics seem a little more crisp as well.

That's interesting, because FunHouse is one of the two tables that weren't updated for this release (Medieval Madness being the other one*). Might have been some change in the app itself that sorted out the music thing, but the graphics should be exactly the same, as neither of those two tables had to be re-downloaded.

* Tales of the Arabian Nights might also not have been updated. Can't be sure about that one, since it's built into the app itself and thus it never needs to be re-downloaded.


New member
Jun 24, 2012
All four of the new tables seem to be working well. I was able to resolve the issue I saw earlier where touch-to-nudge wasn't working on the Harley table by switching the nudge setting to "shake", exiting the settings, then going back in and changing it back to "touchscreen". Works fine now. Haven't seen the issue where the right flipper doesn't work (maybe that only affects the demo version; I've got the full table now). I also only saw this problem on the iPhone. Didn't occur on the iPad.

Taxi and Elvira are both fantastic. Really liking Gofers too (no surprises there, as Pat Lawlor is easily my favorite table designer). Not crazy about Harley, so far, but maybe I'll warm up to it. Something about Stern tables makes them feel a little generic and soulless compared to the classics from the 90s. (I feel the same way about most of their real-life tables too, so this isn't a TPA issue.)


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Ripleys is a great table from Stern, but HD is quite generic. More pinball is always a good thing, though.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Ive only had a few games so far but hareky seems like a fun if average table, im fond of its chiptunes tho so may be alittle bias


New member
May 26, 2012
After the disappointment of BK (and even CFTBL to some extent), FS have really redeemed themselves here. On the strength of Taxi and EATPM they should get to work on some more System 11 games pronto! :)

I'm also pleasantly surprised how well NGG has turned out. Much better than the PHOF version. I might even end up liking the game at this rate. Perfect timing for the Ryder Cup too.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I don't know if Cirqus Voiltaire was updated, but man it plays a hell of a lot faster and better than the console version I can say that much just going off the demo play too.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Did anyone manage to enter a highscore on Taxi ? I beat the highscore twice (first time around 4,100,000, second time around 10,000,000), and each time, i wasn't able to enter my initials : when taping on "Enter initials", the alphanumeric screen shows "00 Ball 1", which is the screen of a new game (taping "Enter initials" just adds new player, just like on a real Williams sys11b game when pushing the credit button).

And am I the only one finding the ball physics weird on Taxi compared to the other tables ?


New member
Aug 26, 2012
Help me. Updated today and the buy now sticker are only on the new tables. Can't buy the old ones. Im on iPhone 4s with free version. see that post on Facebook. it's exactly what I'm having too


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Did anyone manage to enter a highscore on Taxi ? I beat the highscore twice (first time around 4,100,000, second time around 10,000,000), and each time, i wasn't able to enter my initials : when taping on "Enter initials", the alphanumeric screen shows "00 Ball 1", which is the screen of a new game (taping "Enter initials" just adds new player, just like on a real Williams sys11b game when pushing the credit button).

And am I the only one finding the ball physics weird on Taxi compared to the other tables ?
It happened to me first time yesterday. But then today it entered fine. Not sure if it mattered but yesterday i was in landscape, today in portrait view. Will try again later.
edit: tried again in landscape view just to make sure it wasn't the landscape part. anyway it worked fine, so....maybe ok now
Last edited:


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
For those of you who are unable to purchase the old tables on iOS after updating to 1.1.8, please power down and reboot your phone or device.


New member
Jun 14, 2012
So finally bought the two packs today and got some more time in on all 4. Harley still seems buggy and broken to me. I still from time to time have issues with the flippers not working properly. Like one time I had it so that if I hold the right and hit the left flipper then let go then hit it again the left flipper won't go up. I've also had issues with the right flipper not responding. Going into the menu and going through the camera options will eventually get the input to stop as if I was still holding down on the screen and the music just stops. =/

On the other tables. Man NGG has not become my new IT table (prev Voltaire). I just can't get enough of this table. EATPM on the other hand i'm not digging. In my first game I had all 3 balls drain immediately with out ONCE having a ball touch a flipper. =| Sure could nudge but more and more I find table nudging a horrible mess in PA (not responsive or over responsive).


New member
Sep 28, 2012
I "bought" and "restore" like 10 times as the game pop ups dialogs meanwhile manually kill the app and reboot, etc. I hadn't set up the new security questions on Apple ID and I guess after that I finally had purchased them all if that helps..

Björn Wessman

New member
Sep 4, 2012
Been playing some Harley today, and while I'm not too fond of neither the theme, the over-simplified rule set or the table layout, I gotta say the physics are the best in any table so far. I love how fast it plays, it's the very opposite of the syrupy Circus Voltaire. The biggest problem I have is that it is way too easy. A game can easily last for half an hour.


New member
Jul 4, 2012
I already liked the "real life" harley pinball, because it had some nice effects and was not too hard to play. it is fun on the ipad as well, although it probably won't have long-term appeal.

Playing it again after a long time, I wondered why I got so little points in video mode although I was avoiding all cars and pedestrians - see what a nice guy I am! ;)
But seriously, does anyone else considered running over pedestrians a bit tasteless?

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