The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Last Days Kickstarter

Hope the Kickstarter is not left to the last day.
Take away the first 3 days and we would be struggling
---------------- definitely isn't wise for FS to do nothing & simply rely totally on the present incentives. That easily won't cut it eh. :confused::(


New member
Jun 11, 2012
---------------- definitely isn't wise for FS to do nothing & simply rely totally on the present incentives. That easily won't cut it eh. :confused::(

Kickstarters do always get a huge burst at the end as well as the beginning. I don't really see it not making it since it's already over 2/3 of the way there.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Farsight needs to announce a stretch table so everyone can bump up their pledges 10-15 bucks. The issue is making sure the table rights isn't an extra 50g's or something. I'm still hopeful we'll see Congo.


Mar 25, 2013
I would be very surprised if a stretch goal is a whole new table - particularly a table that has a licensed attached to it. Figure they would have the cost of buying the table and the needed work for building it. Then any additional costs tied to the license (actors/music). The stretch goal cost would likely be too high to reach. Plus the time it takes to secure all that stuff isn't going to happen in 30-days.

Most likely the stretch goals are things they can do within the product that don't modify the table itself. So someone came up with a good idea of making a TAF themed room for the table to sit in. That doesn't impact the table at all. Can do the usual unique themed pinballs. Or a special tournament, challenge mode, or another set of wizard goals, etc.

Hopefully they'll be interesting enough to drive some additional activity. We'll see.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
I hope we'll see some good news to make it jump, because it seems the kickstarter is getting really slow... I know we are not even at half of the time but... The price was pretty high for this thing...
I would really be pissed if it failed!!!


New member
Feb 13, 2014
Rant for the day. I have a hard time wanting to support this. I've lost my faith in Farsight as a consumer. There is hardly any consistency in what they say and what they do. I held off on buying Season 2 for the PS3/Vita, knowing that it was coming out on PS 4 and I didn't want to have to pay for it twice. Well we know that story went. It went from "it will be available soon" at launch to "30 days after the Xbox One release" announced in March. Speaking of Xbox One, Farsight likes to use the excuse that everything else is delayed because of its pending release. (DX11 update, PS 4 Season 2, consistent table releases/updates on the other consoles, WiiU, Xbox 360?). It was originally implied that it was going to release around June and now it's almost October. If you look at they're nearest competitor, what has Zen Studios done since June? Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Walking Dead, The PBFX 2 Xbox One release (albeit with issues) the release of of almost the rest of the ZP 2 tables on PS 4, the upgraded releases of both Kickbeat and Castlestorm as well.
The lack of updates bothers me as well. ZP2 has been updated 7 times since it's release 0n 12/24/13. Heck, Velocity X2 hasn't been out a month and it's been updated twice. TPA has only been updated 3 times since it's 12/17/13 release on the PS 4. People have consistently complained about the PS 4 sound quality, yet Farsight has to ask their customers for video comparisons between the PS 3 and PS 4 versions because their just not hearing it (
Another inconsistency is the removal of the Season 3 pass until all the tables were released across the board because of Apple's policies. Yet it had been listed as available for purchase for the entire season 3 on Steam.
Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy playing Season 1 of TPA on my PS 4. I would like to purchase the Season 2 and Season 3 passes, but who knows when that will be. And at this point, I might as well wait till well into 2015 in hope of some kind of sale. I think the only way I would support this Kickstarter is that TPA is released on the Xbox One before the Kickstarter ends. That would be one way that Farsight could prove to me as a customer that they can actually deliver on something that they promised. End of rant. Thank you.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I can't really argue with just about anything you said, but I still want Addams Family. To me that is the only thing this kickstarter is about.


Apr 7, 2014
I've had my own complaints over the years, but since they're the only company that produces these tables, I'll continue to support them and voice concerns when I have them. To just stop supporting them is only hurting yourself.


New member
May 10, 2012
So true, Kolchak.

Sorry to hear that you feel that way "thefly0810". If it bothers you more than the enjoyment you get out of it, no reason to keep playing it. To me it is all about what game/app I get the most enjoyment out of and even if Zen would release 50 tables in a month I would still play TPA. That's just me, though and I totally understand that you feel differently. Farsight have certainly had their share of problems on consoles, no argument there.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Rant for the day. I have a hard time wanting to support this. I've lost my faith in Farsight as a consumer. There is hardly any consistency in what they say and what they do. I held off on buying Season 2 for the PS3/Vita, knowing that it was coming out on PS 4 and I didn't want to have to pay for it twice. Well we know that story went. It went from "it will be available soon" at launch to "30 days after the Xbox One release" announced in March. Speaking of Xbox One, Farsight likes to use the excuse that everything else is delayed because of its pending release. (DX11 update, PS 4 Season 2, consistent table releases/updates on the other consoles, WiiU, Xbox 360?). It was originally implied that it was going to release around June and now it's almost October. If you look at they're nearest competitor, what has Zen Studios done since June? Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Walking Dead, The PBFX 2 Xbox One release (albeit with issues) the release of of almost the rest of the ZP 2 tables on PS 4, the upgraded releases of both Kickbeat and Castlestorm as well.
The lack of updates bothers me as well. ZP2 has been updated 7 times since it's release 0n 12/24/13. Heck, Velocity X2 hasn't been out a month and it's been updated twice. TPA has only been updated 3 times since it's 12/17/13 release on the PS 4. People have consistently complained about the PS 4 sound quality, yet Farsight has to ask their customers for video comparisons between the PS 3 and PS 4 versions because their just not hearing it (
Another inconsistency is the removal of the Season 3 pass until all the tables were released across the board because of Apple's policies. Yet it had been listed as available for purchase for the entire season 3 on Steam.
Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy playing Season 1 of TPA on my PS 4. I would like to purchase the Season 2 and Season 3 passes, but who knows when that will be. And at this point, I might as well wait till well into 2015 in hope of some kind of sale. I think the only way I would support this Kickstarter is that TPA is released on the Xbox One before the Kickstarter ends. That would be one way that Farsight could prove to me as a customer that they can actually deliver on something that they promised. End of rant. Thank you.


ok dude, deep's just a game. i don't like their greedy business model so i'm not paying their start up costs for them, but i love their product and will continue to buy every table. you have some anger there my friend. let it out. pinball is the source, man, it'll change your life, swear to god.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Hope we see the new table. I will buy it for sure. Not contributing though, not until proper cabinet support. That is just me, but can't bring myself to support them, without proper support for cabinet. Period, end of story.


New member
Feb 13, 2014

ok dude, deep's just a game. i don't like their greedy business model so i'm not paying their start up costs for them, but i love their product and will continue to buy every table. you have some anger there my friend. let it out. pinball is the source, man, it'll change your life, swear to god.

Yeah, it came off a lot more angry than intended. Definitely needed more Olive Garden. I wanted to list all of my issues at once. I've always enjoyed Faresight's products, starting with the Gottlieb Collection on the PS 2, to the Williams Collection on the Wii and the PS 3. In fact the biggest thing I miss from the Williams Collection that is absent in TPA is the Williams Challenge.

Farsight has been at this game for awhile now. The Gottlieb Collection was released in 2004. TPA will be 3 years old come February. The issues that I listed above should not exist as much as they do now or at least should be dealt with in a more timely manner than they are currently. How many players have they lost over these last couple of years due to these or other persistent issues have had? I know a few that have gone from either the PS 3 or 360 to the PS 4 and/or the PC and then finally gave up on Farsight because of their lack of updates and consistency. It's not that I'm never going to buy another table from them. I've just gone from a player who bought every table on the week of it's release with Season 1 on the PS 3 to waiting patiently for the Season passes to be available on the PS 4 to I'll buy them eventually down the road unless I find something else I could put my money towards.

This Kickstarter will be funded without my support. It's The Adams Family! How can it not! However, I do feel if they if had been better about maintaining the product that they currently have by resolving the issues that people have had over the last few years in a more timely manner, and had found a way to release the XBOX One and 360 versions prior to the Kickstarter, they could have easily blasted past that $97,000 goal and gone well into the stretch goal territories. That is just my opinion though. :p

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