The Addams family on PS4.


New member
Feb 26, 2015
Worst outlane in the history of the game IMO.

Constant slingshot -> slingshot -> outlane

Once you get the skill shot down you should be able to get a nice feed to the lower right flipper if you don't try to flip the upper right flipper. Just hold the right flipper up and give it a very slight nudge from the left while it is near the top of its bounce to keep it from touching the sling. I agree that the right outlane can be grabby if you miss your shots, but it isn't close to the worst in the game IMO. The left outlane on Pin*Bot comes to mind.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Thanks guys! How do you do Thing's ball control?

Doesn't work as far as I know. I will be sending this issue along with the rest of the PS4 bugs/issues I have confirmed directly to FarSight. Please feel free to continue to use the old PS4 bug thread to report anything you find with the latest update as I still have my eye on that thread.
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New member
Sep 22, 2013

From the pro tips.
Jan 6, 2013
I never thought the audio quality was that good on the real table to begin with. At least for the dialogue. Here's how it is in VP and I'd say compare it to the first vid I posted above. I think VP is a bit crisper while TPA is deeper, kind of like the real table was. Not factoring in the obvious issues of clicks and pops.

Off the subject here but i really hope we can get the Christopher loyd uncle F. instead of what we have it bugs me and feels like a different table do you think f.s. will ever get the rights or is this it for ever .I just think they could of done a better job with what we have like make his eyes darker or something.
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New member
Feb 26, 2015
Skill shot should be ignored.

What do you prefer? I know it's only 5 million, but it is a safe feed. Miss short and you have a controllable kickout from the swamp. Miss a bit long and you can typically avoid hitting a switch and just let it drain for another shot at it.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Off the subject here but i really hope we can get the Christopher loyd uncle F. instead of what we have it bugs me and feels like a different table do you think f.s. will ever get the rights or is this it for ever .I just think they could of done a better job with what we have like make his eyes darker or something.
I wish they could work it out, but it sounds like it's stupid money to get it. Not worth it.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Once you get the skill shot down you should be able to get a nice feed to the lower right flipper if you don't try to flip the upper right flipper. Just hold the right flipper up and give it a very slight nudge from the left while it is near the top of its bounce to keep it from touching the sling. I agree that the right outlane can be grabby if you miss your shots, but it isn't close to the worst in the game IMO. The left outlane on Pin*Bot comes to mind.

Glad I havent played much pinbot then.

I appreciate the tips, my issue isnt so much the plunge as missed shots and "the power", specifically after I have a really good run.

Maybe its my paranoia, but I can FEEL the game trying to balance itself by draining my balls, if youll pardon the phrase, after I score a bunch of points.

I want to like this table, but my god I hate this table.


New member
Feb 26, 2015
Glad I havent played much pinbot then.

I appreciate the tips, my issue isnt so much the plunge as missed shots and "the power", specifically after I have a really good run.

Maybe its my paranoia, but I can FEEL the game trying to balance itself by draining my balls, if youll pardon the phrase, after I score a bunch of points.

I want to like this table, but my god I hate this table.

Missed shots can certainly hurt you on this table. My advice would be to get used hitting the bear kick from a trap on the right, followed by the thing ramp on the fly. If you can get those shots down the game opens up for you, sort of like mastering the triple combo on TZ. I find it safer to shoot the chair from a trap on the left flipper so post pass from the right to get it there. Post passes work nicely on this game. As for the power, I avoid playing with it on as much as possible. Time out seance, although you'll need to hit a switch once or twice to keep the timer going. I usually plug the chair to restart the timer as the power doesn't have much time to screw you over. During multiball make sure you have one ball trapped safely before you try any jackpots while the power is running. You can also just time the power out, but that is boring. If your mansion isn't complete I find it better to just keep going for mansion rooms instead. There are two extra balls available each time through.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Doesn't work as far as I know. I will be sending this issue along with the rest of the PS4 bugs/issues I have confirmed directly to FarSight. Please feel free to continue to use the old PS4 bug thread to report anything you find with the latest update as I still have my eye on that thread.

Oh! Should have guessed, I suppose. Thanks for looking into it!


New member
Jan 1, 2015
I hope, that we in Europe will get TAF for PS4 next week (along with Earthshaker, Starship Troopers and the tables from season 2, which are missing actually in EU).
Can´t wait for TAF (and of course, I´m not alone with that).

So please, not another disappointment on March, 25th!!!


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Missed shots can certainly hurt you on this table. My advice would be to get used hitting the bear kick from a trap on the right, followed by the thing ramp on the fly. If you can get those shots down the game opens up for you, sort of like mastering the triple combo on TZ. I find it safer to shoot the chair from a trap on the left flipper so post pass from the right to get it there. Post passes work nicely on this game. As for the power, I avoid playing with it on as much as possible. Time out seance, although you'll need to hit a switch once or twice to keep the timer going. I usually plug the chair to restart the timer as the power doesn't have much time to screw you over. During multiball make sure you have one ball trapped safely before you try any jackpots while the power is running. You can also just time the power out, but that is boring. If your mansion isn't complete I find it better to just keep going for mansion rooms instead. There are two extra balls available each time through.

You are a good dude (I assume), thanks!


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Dirty Pool should trigger by slipping the ball in to the vault after the 2nd ball drains on multiball while the bookcase is closing, shouldn't it?


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Also discovered, not sure if intended, but during multiball, I sent two balls up the bear ramp at the same time and got triple jackpot.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
It's funny how I made this thread and yet... I cannot play it because it's not yet available on the EU PLAYSTORE ^^


New member
Jan 1, 2015
You really should be buying from the US PSN. This was obvious from day one when the EU PS3 version was delayed for months.

Well, you need a second US-Account to buy from the US PSN. And, if you do so, Sony may ban your PS4-console (mac-address), due to a second false, fake account. In Germany many users got banned for that. It´s against the general terms and conditions of Sony Europe (in Germany called "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen"). You are not allowed to have a second account in the US, when another account on the same PS4 exists in Europe. Maybe the risk, getting banned for that is not very high, but it´s possible. So be aware!

I won´t take this risks. So, my TPA got to retire for a while. Back in business, when new tables (which means also the tables from season two, still missing in EU) are available.
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