The latest PS4 patch is up - welcome to the rumble


New member
Jun 26, 2013
I didn't even know there was an update! My PS4 never notified me. When I launched the game today, it started downloading the update.
After the update, I tried to access the 3 new tables and it says it can't find them. Did anyone else have trouble with this?
I only launched the game to play the gold version of Addams Family and I was happy to see that it automatically changed it to the gold version via a setting and it's not two different versions on the select screen.
Also, I noticed that the lightbulb custom ball is now working great! It lights up bright in the darkest setting and I don't lose the ball in the dark anymore.
In addition, with rumble working now, CV with variable neon colors, and the AFM strobe now working, I am very happy with this update.
Now we just need 3-D implemented! Hopefully that's still coming?


New member
Jul 21, 2013
No issues here in Texas.

I did the update Friday night and saw the 3 tables in Season 4 they were Free because I bought Season Pass awhile back and rumble worked fine.

When I first turned my PS4 on under downloads it was already downloading the update for TPA as well. I tried the playing again on Saturday all tables were still there with no issues.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I didn't even know there was an update! My PS4 never notified me. When I launched the game today, it started downloading the update.
After the update, I tried to access the 3 new tables and it says it can't find them. Did anyone else have trouble with this?
I only launched the game to play the gold version of Addams Family and I was happy to see that it automatically changed it to the gold version via a setting and it's not two different versions on the select screen.
Also, I noticed that the lightbulb custom ball is now working great! It lights up bright in the darkest setting and I don't lose the ball in the dark anymore.
In addition, with rumble working now, CV with variable neon colors, and the AFM strobe now working, I am very happy with this update.
Now we just need 3-D implemented! Hopefully that's still coming?

The AFM strobe is now working? That is awesome news!!! I'll need to check this one out when I get the chance.

Edit: it is cool, but not as seizure inducing as I was hoping it would be.
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New member
Jul 28, 2012
and still no update in UK

What is it with these (Post code lottery) patches from SCEE ?

Im also in UK and I also have no update despite paying for season 4.

Why the updates are always late for UK is beyond me in this day and age and really frustrating as well.

Mk pinball fan

New member
Jul 11, 2012
I didn't even know there was an update! My PS4 never notified me. When I launched the game today, it started downloading the update.
After the update, I tried to access the 3 new tables and it says it can't find them. Did anyone else have trouble with this?
I only launched the game to play the gold version of Addams Family and I was happy to see that it automatically changed it to the gold version via a setting and it's not two different versions on the select screen.
Also, I noticed that the lightbulb custom ball is now working great! It lights up bright in the darkest setting and I don't lose the ball in the dark anymore.
In addition, with rumble working now, CV with variable neon colors, and the AFM strobe now working, I am very happy with this update.
Now we just need 3-D implemented! Hopefully that's still coming?

I am also unable to get the three new tables after the update. When I go into season 4 and try and purchase them, it says no content. I also purchased the season 4 pro pack, so it eventually should be free. Anyone else have this issue? My guess is we will see them on Tuesday when we get the next psn store update. I know the newsletter said they were available now, but that doesn't seem to be the case for me. Thanks!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Cyclone, Jack●Bot and Xenon have been available for the PS4 on PSN since Friday, July 24th in North America...not sure about Europe.

PlayStation Store -> Add-Ons -> New -> See More


Feb 26, 2013
With the Season 4 pass already purchased, I was only able to acquire the three new tables by "purchasing" them for free from the PSN Store using my PC (mobile phones may also work).

I then added the tables from the PC store into the PS4 download queue and they then finally showed up in game on the console.


New member
May 10, 2012
Latest patch here in Norway was in April. The only season 4 table available to me is TAF. There is also a few tables from season 3 not available yet. The first few of this season and the last few of season 3 is in the available tables to buy menu in the app, but not possible to download. (also searched the ps4 store. The latest table there is T2)

The Pinball Arcade has been a Pretty bumpy ride on ps4. At least here in Europe.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
I got a Pinball Arcade update here in UK on Tuesday and I can see the tables in Season 4 but when you click them it says not available. I also looked for them in the PS Store to see if I can get them that way but the new tables are not even showing up in there and so even though the update has been and downloaded I still cant get the new tables.

Seriously regretting buying the Season 4 pass for PS4 as its just a complete shambles. Luckily I already have the tables on PC and I actually think the PC version is superior and plays better anyway so I'm not too bothered if I have to wait but I certainly wont be buying Season 5 on PS4.


New member
Mar 1, 2013
I got a Pinball Arcade update here in UK on Tuesday and I can see the tables in Season 4 but when you click them it says not available. I also looked for them in the PS Store to see if I can get them that way but the new tables are not even showing up in there and so even though the update has been and downloaded I still cant get the new tables.

Seriously regretting buying the Season 4 pass for PS4 as its just a complete shambles. Luckily I already have the tables on PC and I actually think the PC version is superior and plays better anyway so I'm not too bothered if I have to wait but I certainly wont be buying Season 5 on PS4.

I got last weeks update and everything worked fine. Another update today and now the 3 new tables have gone. I am also regretting getting the season 4 pass


New member
May 10, 2012
To those having trouble locating the three new tables on PSN, have you tried searching for them through the steps I provided below?

If I do that, the latest table is T2

Edit: Just got the latest update now, but I am still not able to download the last 4 tables from season 3 and any table from season 4 (and still nothing in the store)
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