TZ is up.. (1.2.1 Feedback and Discussion)

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New member
Mar 7, 2012
Okay I logged out and in again and got TZ with Pro Mode back. All the tables stayed this time but lost Pro Mode on TOTAN and SS. Went to the operator menu on SS, it checked with Farsight and prompted me to purchase the Pro Mode. Exited the table and now the Buy Now stamp is on SS and lost it completely but TZ still works. Something with their content delivery is very screwed up. This makes me very worried should Farsight disappear one day. I've sunk a lot of money into this game.


New member
Nov 8, 2012
Can't get Twilight Zone to update on my Ipad1. Tried a fresh install. Not working either. What gives? The icon just says 'waiting' for hours.
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New member
Nov 1, 2012
I'm enjoying the table but in less then 10 games I've encountered two major bugs, one of them game ending. The first was right after I completed LITZ and it said "player 1 keep shooting" or something to that effect. The camera stayed on the gumball machine (I tried changing from locked to scrolling and different angles) and my ball was plunged and drained. Next, the camera zoomed out but for the next 6 or so balls that I had, I plunged and the flippers didn't flip, thereby draining the rest of the game away. Note that the game I played before it, I had LITZ three times and this didn't happen.

The other bug was quite similar and happened after powerball mania, the camera stayed on the gumball machine and my ball drained and then for every ball after that I began with two balls in the plunger- when one of them drained, my ball was over.

I love TZ, but two game ending or nearly game ending bugs within a few hours of playing makes me pretty wary to undertake any more long games for high scores, knowing that I could lose my progress at any moment.
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New member
Nov 1, 2012
Oh, and another bug... this was released the same weekend I have a 15 page paper to write. :eek: Damn you, FS!


New member
Dec 1, 2012
Wow what a mess. I've done exactly what the email said to do and some of the tables are there. Some are buy now. I own all of the tables and can't play most of them. Glad I only did the kickstarter for TZ. At this point if they do another kickstarter project I will not spend a dime on it. It's not worth it until they get it together. No skin either. Major disappointment.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
All the ball skins seem to do for me is change the shade of the ball a little. (iPad 3). Anyone else having the same trouble?


New member
May 27, 2012
Boron, when the ball is moving fast it does just look like a different color. Try trapping it on a flipper. You can see that the skin is there, but when the ball spins really fast it blurs. Really obvious with the smiley face.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Well now I seem to be stuck. Deleted my beta build, installed TPA, logged in and downloaded my free TZ along with pro menu. Restored purchases and downloaded all tables. Now TZ wants buying and no amount of logging in and out fixes it. Normally if something I own wants me to buy again I just do it because I know it will say ' you already own this - download for free ' but in this case as I didn't purchase it the normal way so I'm afraid to do this.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Try this. Log out of farsight. Exit the game, even from background. The power off. Power back on, log back in, and go to TZ. Hit start, it will ask if you want to redownload your purchases. Then you should get it back.
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New member
May 26, 2012
Well now I seem to be stuck. Deleted my beta build, installed TPA, logged in and downloaded my free TZ along with pro menu. Restored purchases and downloaded all tables. Now TZ wants buying and no amount of logging in and out fixes it. Normally if something I own wants me to buy again I just do it because I know it will say ' you already own this - download for free ' but in this case as I didn't purchase it the normal way so I'm afraid to do this.
Similar story here. I think I may have accidentally paid for it. It didn't ask me for my AppleID again, but I had already entered that to restore my existing purchases. I guess £5.49 isn't much in the scheme of things, but still annoying after contributing to the KS (doubly so when my second platform was the 360).

Other than that, it plays remarkably well on my iPad 1. Only bug I've found is that the Powerball looks exactly the same as the regular grey metal balls. Using a skin changes the appearance of the regular balls but makes the Powerball semi-transparent grey.

BH is still messed up (octagonal bumpers and half-height elongated flippers) but I didn't expect that to be fixed this time.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I accidentally paid for it the exact same way. Entered password to restore purchases. The worse part was I didn't have access to pro mode. Deleted all and reloaded TZ by logging out and in. Seemed to work. Now have pro mode.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I think I've cracked it. Re-installed, logged in and downloaded TZ, clicked on ripleys, restored purchases, download ripleys and BH. Back to TZ, still working. Downloaded all other tables then went back to TZ and it was locked again..........DOH!. logged out and back in, clicked on TZ ' restore purchases?..........NO!! ', then went on to load TZ. Now all is working, well at least for now.

Edit, spoke too soon. This is just rediculous. I give up.
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New member
May 31, 2012
I'd also like to share my experiences if I may.

Apart from this EXTREMELY annoying login/purchase bug, the game is quiet nice... but I have experienced big differences on different devices. On my iphone 4 the game is super smooth and fast but on my ipad mini the framerate appears to be low on many occasions. Anybody else noticed this?

I really hope we'll have an update soon...I mean come on I can't play TZ without an internet connection at the moment because of this bug.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
This is annoying.

TO play TZ, I have to logout and login to my Farsight account. But this then breaks the other tables, so I have to basically try to enter pro mode, then exit out of the table, then re-enter it. And then it works. But then it breaks TZ!


Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
I hate to say it but I have no issues at all. All tables work, pro modes, the lot, mind you I have used the same email / pw's on all id's. Dumb i know but maybe that's why everything works.

TZ is absolutely superb, exactly how I remember.

My scores are pitiful but the table is tough. Just how I like it.

Well done and thanks Farsight. roll on ST:TNG I say
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