vita patch beef (sort of)


New member
Dec 14, 2013
edited post: i take back what i said about it being less enjoyable, i already gotten use to it, and the ball frame stutters arent that noticeable, especially since there are so many balls on the screen at once and it doesnt happen all of the time. i guess i jumed the gun a little, im cool now. take more of the "good" in this post.

FS fixed a lot of what they said they were going to fix, and for that i thank them. it has been a long time and vita fans have been super patient (antsy, but patient nonetheless). most of the tables are now playable, and despite one or two still broken (victory, a newer one): im a super chill guy so im not gonna complain (hopefully they fix it in the next patch or something, tho). the tables now look better and play great, im pleased with the work that they did.

they improved a lot of the textures on the tables too, so they look even nicer. my (sort of) beef is: (and this will be my only complaint, i sware, FS) What they did to Centaur. there wasnt a problem with it to begin with (imo). and although they made it look nicer, they slowed the ball down, i crushed my high score on my first try after the patch by 6 million (from 16M+ to 22M+ ) and ive been trying to do that for like 5 months. though it felt great, it was less enjoyable playing than what it use to be. now i understand how people get such high scores because the vita version is probably now equal to all the other versions. so i understand if they dont change that. but i do wish that they fix the multiball now bc the patch made the frames on the balls stutter a little when there are 4-5 balls on the screen (its not game-breaking, tho, so i dont expect them to fix it asap). my biggest fear was that they were going to change Centaur for the worse bc that has become my favorite table. all of the other tables look and play better than they ever have. this isnt a major complaint, and i am more than happy with all the other fixes that they made. FS still has my money when it comes to the best pinball sim in the world and i will continue to support them. also the comunity members have been a vreat help here, and the patch lived up to the hype (imo). sorry for the long and unimportant read, guys, i just had to get that off of my chest. now to check out these two new tables on vita!!! :D. happy pinballing, TPA players!
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