What was your first in-app purchase on The Pinball Arcade?

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I remember buying the Funhouse/Cirqus Voltaire pack first when I found out about the app. Back then I only had an iPod and still enjoyed it on the smaller screen. I remember reading the most bought tables on iTunes like a top ten list and was surprised what the rankings were.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I remember buying the Funhouse/Cirqus Voltaire pack first when I found out about the app. Back then I only had an iPod and still enjoyed it on the smaller screen. I remember reading the most bought tables on iTunes like a top ten list and was surprised what the rankings were.
I bought the core pack, then 3 and 7. Gorgar and Scared Stiff. MB was the last real table played and I enjoyed that, too.


The first one that was released. And everyone after that without even thinking.

Same here, but if by IAP they mean add-ons then it would either be a ball skin pack when they were released or the pro pack for TOTAN for $4.99 when it was first introduced.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I bought the entire Season 1 individually and owned Season 2 & 3 before completing Season 1. I bought some of the best tables real late because I had no clue what they were and didn't bother looking them up on YouTube. I thought Ripley's Believe It Or Not and Medieval Madness were going to be horrible themes and I was so surprised after playing them. I think the last table I bought to complete the set was Black Hole and it was a sort of tribute to a neighbor of mine in Ohio who had the actual table in his basement.


New member
Oct 26, 2013
When i discovered the game I tried the limited demo of a few tables, and after maybe 15 minutes i bought the season 1 and 2 pack ^^


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Been there from the start on PS3, and bought all from then on. Even if the pack is a stinker, it's the cost of a lunch, and I've had much worse lunches...


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Found TPA in June or July of 2012 when TOTAN was a free table of the month, then bought it. Tried it out, and was hooked. Slowly bought all the previous table packs and went from there.


New member
Apr 3, 2014
I bought it on PS3 so I got the first four tables at once. Spent most of my early time just playing Black Hole - which was odd, because I found it frustrating and not all that fun in the demo but I wanted to conquer it. Now it's one of my favorites, yet I rarely play it. :)

First add-on I bought was Creature and Black Knight. Wanting Creature for its nostalgia was basically the reason I bought the game in the first place. After that I was just plain hooked on the whole thing and eventually bought both season passes. Still not sure when I'll buy the 3rd season. Someday, surely.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Don't know if this counts, but my first purchase was the paid version of TBA. So it was TOTAN, then followed by T2 (obviously)

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