Where are people buying iPad Air?


New member
Sep 23, 2012
Apple Store? Best Buy? Online?

After some Google searches it seems like Best Buy might be a good option. Reward points, and a good exchange policy for defective units (less chance of being handed a refurb).

I wonder how hard it will be to get one on day 1.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Apple Store? Best Buy? Online?

After some Google searches it seems like Best Buy might be a good option. Reward points, and a good exchange policy for defective units (less chance of being handed a refurb).

I wonder how hard it will be to get one on day 1.

I will be picking up an iPad Air at Best Buy this Friday. :)


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
If I end up getting some money that I might be coming into this holiday season then this will be mine. It's time to upgrade from my iPad 2.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
If I end up getting some money that I might be coming into this holiday season then this will be mine. It's time to upgrade from my iPad 2.

Right on. You could probably still get a nice return for your iPad 2 on eBay or Craigslist. One great thing about iDevices is how well they hold their value.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm still on the fence about upgrading this year. I already jumped from 2 to 4 within the year. I'm thinking I should keep to the Star Trek movie formula and go with the even numbers.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I'm still on the fence about upgrading this year. I already jumped from 2 to 4 within the year. I'm thinking I should keep to the Star Trek movie formula and go with the even numbers.

Yeah man, I'm thinking the same. The iPad 4 is still amazing, and more than enough for TPA especially. It's light and thin enough for me.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I'm mainly upgrading because the iPad Air is thinner and lighter than my iPad 4. The extra bulk and weight is especially uncomfortable since I play TPA in portrait view.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
I will most likely upgrade my iPad2 to new Air mainly for heavy audio apps. So it's disappointing the Air seems to have only 1GB RAM, especially thinking the new mini is $100 cheaper with the same specs. TPA will again be really fast on the Air, maybe too fast on some tables.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
My ipad 3 has served me well for 18 months and has now been ebayed. Hope to pick up an air on Friday at local electrical outlet.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I'm mainly upgrading because the iPad Air is thinner and lighter than my iPad 4. The extra bulk and weight is especially uncomfortable since I play TPA in portrait view.

Good point. It should be much better for portrait indeed.

My ipad 3 has served me well for 18 months and has now been ebayed. Hope to pick up an air on Friday at local electrical outlet.

That will be a really nice upgrade. Hopefully your screen doesn't wear out as fast this time from flipping :)


New member
Apr 5, 2013
I have been playing on a borrowed ipad2 with cracked screen for a few months, and now playing on my iphone4S just seems really crap in comparison. I need to give the borrowed thing back, so have been waiting for this new iPad announcement and will be buying one as soon as I can.

I'm in UK so no best buy here. Anyone out there in UK know where I can get the best price? I'll be going for the black one with wifi but no sim (so no contract) and with the biggest memory. I think at the apple shop it said £639, can I get it cheaper somewhere else?



New member
Nov 2, 2012
Picked my iPad Air up today, gameplay is fine but the in game menu UI elements are all quarter size and often in the top left ¼ of the screen only, like it thinks its running at iPad 2 / mini resolution.

Main menu is ok, just in the games the menu appears in top right, and the buttons for camera, pause, launch ball are all tiny (but in the correct corners).

Played AFM first and noticed the red lights have a light effect I don't remember on my iPad 4.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I just popped into tesco on the way home from a night shift but they were clueless. Got home, jumped onto argos website and reserved one for when I get up later.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Picked my Argos reservation up no problem, that's the easiest way I've ever bought one. A quick blast on TPA, seems to work great although the menu/UI is a bit messed up, everything is a quarter of the size it should be so must be loading up iPad 2 resources.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'm still on the fence about upgrading this year. I already jumped from 2 to 4 within the year. I'm thinking I should keep to the Star Trek movie formula and go with the even numbers.

I'm doing the same. Too expensive to do it every year for me. I'll wait for a six.
Plus my wife has a 2 with a broken camera. So I will probably upgrade hers for Christmas. (Maybe a mini)


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I would *seriously* think of doing the Best Buy trade-in again where I'd get ~$240 for my iPad 4 Wi-Fi or ~$215 for my iPad 3 Wi-Fi + 4G Verizon model (I know, not the best deal but it's EASY). I did this some time back (traded the iPad 2 for the iPad 4 & hung on to the iPad 3) but this time, I believe I'll pass...the main reason being, I'd lose the nice/fast/non-garish color scheme of my iPad running iOS 6.1.3. :(

I've had my taste of iOS 7 (I finally installed it on my iPhone 5 because it's not used much for TPA or games) and really don't want that update forced upon me with the new Air. And WTH is up with iOS 7 & all that WHITE? Geezus...yellow on WHITE, baby blue on WHITE, light red on WHITE. Makes me wonder if anybody at Apple even tried using an iOS 7 device outdoors. I can see Apple designer, Sir Ive using his (gold, of course) iPhone 5S walking around outdoors, looking at his iOS 7 masterpiece and muttering to himself "I can't see sh*t but hey, it's iOS 7 and it's new & awesome!"
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