Will Farsight allow us to transfer our tables to the PS4 version when the time comes?

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Apr 20, 2012
TL;DR points:

iPhone 3G, 4, 4S, and 5 are the SAME PLATFORM.

Sony PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 are NOT THE SAME PLATFORM.

Backwards compatibility IS NOT THE SAME as porting. Not even close to the same thing.

Digital Distribution is the EXACT SAME THING as Physical Distribution except for the fact that one is physical the other is, well, digital!

Porting a video game requires lots of work, time, money, and resources. Expecting to get this work for free is entitlist and immoral!

Willy Wonka GOOD DAY SIR!

Mark, The Wii and Wi U are not the same platform either, but Nintendo, for a small fee, is letting their players transfer their Virtual Console games over.
Nintendo merely wrote a new emulator that will accept previous roms. If you think about Pinball Arcade DLC in the same light it's really not that much different.

Farsight can plug in the table data and have it portable to any platform of their choosing, including the PS4. Not to simplify their work on this, but if they had to start from scratch on every platform there is no way we would have multiple tables on so many platforms now!

Let's face it though, we are not talking about backwards compatibility of games that are years old.
By the time we see the current iOS/Android table pack released for the PS3, the PS4 very well may be available for purchase.

A couple things I am sure of.
1. I plan on buying the PS4.
2. I want all of my Pinball Arcade table DLC on a single platform
3. I want to avoid re-buying table DLC.

So should I hold off on buying tables until December. Or just buy everything twice?


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Reading threads like this convinces me there is a video game crash coming.

Anyways. Most of this is the same rhetoric, and can be answered very, very simply.

Research the difference between Backwards compatibilty and a port of a video game.

They are not the same. That covers about 80% of the arguments I'm reading.

Paragraph 1: I'm not opposed to a discount program. Sure, why not. Tie it in with PlayStation Plus? If Farsight chooses to do this it would be a nice, good-will on their part. But they aren't required to do so. And you're not entitled it.

Paragraph 2: Everything is a modified version of PC code. That's how game development works. 360 version is the lead but it's still built on a PC first. That doesn't mean "automatic PC version" either. Doing a PC version itself requires work, as well. A lot of work, to make a version that will be compatible with most PC rigs. All of this porting to different platforms requires lots of work and man hours.

As far as saying the game doesn't look good, I wholeheartedly disagree with that. The console version have a high level of geometry and good lighting, render at 1080P, and run a full clip 60 frames per second. They look fantastic. They aren't perfect, but considering the hardware they look great.

Paragraph 3: 1, nope. Wii U has full hardware backwards compatibility. Running old WiiWare and Virtual Console stuff requires little to no work on Nintendos part. It's simply not comparable and you're uninformed to think it's the same as porting a game to a new console and engine. 2, no it isn't. It points out the entitlist stupidity pretty well. It just goes to show that you can't look past the fact that you feel owning PlayStation 3 version entitles you to own the PlayStation 4 version for free or discounted, despite the fact that, just like the PC version, it's a completely different platform. Again, I blame Apple for this mentality. I agree, it would be really nice if they offered the first 10 tables free or discounted to 360 owners on PC and considering what we are still going through, it would be a great goodwill on their part, but they don't have to. 3, This is your counter argument? "It just is". Wow, amazing. You must have won tons of debates in college. You are seriously going to sit here and compare downloading a higher bit rate version of an MP3 with a port of a video game to a new platform. Seriously. If you honestly think that's a valid argument, then I don't know what to tell you. Just stop. 4, I have no idea how Zen is going to handle their inevitable PS4 version. If I had to guess, I would think that they are going to wait. They will probably do a Zen 3 on PS4 with an entirely new engine. If they are just porting their crappy PS3 engine over but upping to 1080P that's a huge mistake. But we'll see. Let's not speculate on what other companies may or may not do, until we, you know, actually know.

[Mod edit]

All I'm gonna say at this point is try to make your argument against my "it just is" comment to the 1M+ people who own this game on any platform (and don't post on here) about why they should have to buy the tables over again at full price just because they look better being different than better sounding Mpegs (ala iTunes Plus) at a discounted "upgrade" rate and see how much traction you'll get. (INSERT THAT WILLY WONKA CLIP AGAIN)

Be a jerk all you want, deny the marketplace all you want, but it isn't going to change anything when it comes the expectations of said marketplace.
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New member
Apr 11, 2012
A couple things I am sure of.
1. I plan on buying the PS4.
2. I want all of my Pinball Arcade table DLC on a single platform
3. I want to avoid re-buying table DLC.

So should I hold off on buying tables until December. Or just buy everything twice?
This is the problem everyone is having. Do I pay for any more downloads on PS3 or just wait for PS4?

We are kind of in limbo right now, and this is where all the tension is coming from. We need to get the FACTS about what is happening to make a smart decision. Not just speculation or wishful thinking.

Here's the facts I know. Please correct me if I'm wrong:

-Nothing from PS3 will transfer to PS4
-PS4 is not backward compatible
-You will not be able to play current TPA tables on PS4, unless there is some type of streaming emulation (may not be possible)
-Farsight is working on a new PS4 version of TPA

anyone know anything beyond that?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
FarSight can't say what they're planning to do at the moment since Sony hasn't made an official announcement on many of the details and features of the PS4, so don't expect a firm decision on the original question in OP until after E3 2013. Until then, everyone's opinions in this thread are just that and nothing more.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
FarSight can't say what they're planning to do at the moment since Sony hasn't made an official announcement on many of the details and features of the PS4, so don't expect a firm decision on the original question in OP until after E3 2013. Until then, everyone's opinions in this thread are just that and nothing more.

Yes! Beyond one post stating what you'd like to see happen in the hopes that someone from FS will read it and make your dreams come true, this thread has no point.

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I won't be buying any more console content until I see what the plans for the PS4 and next Xbox are going to be. The thoughts of having even better hardware to produce an even better version than what we've seen on the 360 excites me. But on the other hand, the whole bankruptcy thing on Xbox has me worried about the future, plus the expensive updating where we are seeing a lot of bugs that may never be fixed. I wish I could look into the future and see how Microsoft and Sony are going to handle Downloadable Content.

I may be stuck playing the much inferior tablet version for a long time.


New member
Jun 10, 2012
Nice favoritism in your editing of posts (say, mine) that aren't even what most people consider objectionable, mods. Some jerk in complete denial of the reality of markets calls me stupid as many ways as he can without anything other than some nobody-gives-a-**** technical details about videogame development to backup his irrelevant to the 99.9999% of people who don't post on here argument, and I stop short of calling him anything really, and my post is edited, while none of his hate touched. Classy. And fare-minded.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I removed one sentence, a comparison between a person and an unflattering body part. The general tone of the post, including the author's disapproval of the preceding posts, was left untouched.

Now I know why moderators have always deleted posts in their entirety rather than edit them. Lesson learned, I guess.
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