Williams' Collection Volume 6 guesses


New member
May 24, 2013
Zen hasn`t set a date yet , when they do it`ll be out about 2 weeks later . all they`ve said so far is , coming soon !!! i`ve got my pre order date for the xbox console 22nd september and now just waiting for sony pre order date , i`m patient . should be great last 4 months to 2020 . i`ve pre ordered Dirt 5 which i think is going to be a cracker alongside Valhalla and Watchdog Legion .:cool:


New member
Jun 16, 2019
Also, the longer we have to wait for this pack (which for many is 'meh') anyway, the longer it is going to take for future stuff to come out.


Oct 31, 2015
The Williams license isn’t going anywhere, let’s just shut that down right now. I’m privy to info I can’t share, but that I can say without fear of legal reprisal.
That's easy for you to say, you must be sitting on like 5 or 6 sets of Beta tables, just dying to tell us "No really, this Goin' Nuts table is incredible!". :D


New member
May 24, 2013
That's easy for you to say, you must be sitting on like 5 or 6 sets of Beta tables, just dying to tell us "No really, this Goin' Nuts table is incredible!". :D
you don`t need to be a bloody galah , shutyertrap was just letting people know Zen`s William`s license isn`t going anywhere .:cool:


New member
Mar 9, 2019
Do Chris and other folk in the Zen inner circle still have access to the unreleased tables - beta releases or whatever they are called? Essentially meaning they have been playing the new tables since back in March and still have them to play now? Or is it a timed trial thing where they had them for like a week or two but then Zen remove their access to them?

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Scared Stiff

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May 18, 2019
I think Zen could have done a far better job at conveying that to their customers.

Unfortunately Zen is THE WORST commmunicator of any company I have bought games from. It’s really abysmal. They have these social media employees who don’t engage and keep people in the dark. It’s crazy. And it’s annoying. Especially when people complain, and they don’t ever change...well not for the better. They certainly change for the worse though!

I don’t get it. Maybe someone at Zen can explain it to me someday because you would think they would be a little more attentive to the people that keep the lights on and the paychecks paid. In other words..don't ignore the hand that feeds you. Just be upfront with people. It’s not hard. And not doing so only causes frustration and gets people angry. And it’s never a good idea to get your customers angry. NEVER.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Me waiting for the new tables...



Feb 21, 2015
Hahaha. Oh man did this take off. It is fun to speculate. Think about these little nuggets.

  • There were 13 Bally/Wiliams tables released in year/season one
  • There are 5 tables so far for year 2 and if Vol 6 doesn't launch in the next 30ish days that will be the total.
  • There hasn't been a Zen original table released in 2 years (Solo - September 2018).
  • Pinball FX2 launched on 10/27/10, it will be 10 years old next month.
  • Marvel Pinball started in December 2010 and the last title (Women of Power) was released in 2016
  • There hasn't been a Marvel table developed for it's initial release on FX3, and yet it's the likely first 1up table collection.
  • Gladiators was released on TPA in December 2016, after the Women of Power FX2 pack, which means the Toyshock pinball that includes it actually has more recently released tables than the upcoming Marvel one.
Oct 15, 2013
Methinks Zen may have spread themselves too thin. Too many platforms, now expanding into physical ones as well. Same issue Farsight had. These aren't AAA studios.


New member
Jun 15, 2018
Methinks Zen may have spread themselves too thin. Too many platforms, now expanding into physical ones as well. Same issue Farsight had. These aren't AAA studios.

I know Shutyertrap tried to console us that Zen has plenty of employees and individual teams devoted to specific projects, but I also have had GameAddict's suspicion for six months or so. The moaning on facebook is laughable to me. Which do people want? As many new tables as possible delivered as soon as the company can manage, or endless retreads of the same games to accommodate an ever-expanding range of consoles, portables, and VR.

This happens all the time. The best Italian buffet in town now is obsessing over their stupid taco bar and frozen appetizers from Costco. For god's sake, would you /please/ just pull that pizza out of the oven and put it on the counter. I personally only am interested in the best and most expansive PC/Cabinet gaming experience possible, and don't even want to hear about all the new dipping sauces for the soggy spanakopita.

Canned Tuna

New member
Jun 18, 2020
Me waiting for the new tables...


I am slightly optimistic that Zen will finally give us a release date this week. They did the same for Castlestorm last week. Also, yesterday, someone commented on their Facebook page that "we waited way too long for more Williams tables" and Zen answered with a hands-raised in celebration and a happy face emoji. One will cling to anything these days but hey, that has to mean something, doesn't it?


New member
Oct 10, 2019
Zen just want to release Vol 6 on the 1-year anniversary of Vol 5, you guys, it's obvious! :D

Frankly, I'm done giving Zen any more of my money and regret I invested so much in FX3.

Their FX3 client still has bad / useless camera angles, despite having so many, they still haven't unified physics across all WMS tables, the ROM sounds on the last few releases have been very quiet and no fixing, even though they said they were aware of that and working on it almost a year ago. Their engine still has dull, flat lighting and their tables still look nothing like the lightshow that a real pin is. It's amazing that you work on much newer tech and end up with something that looks worse than TPA DX11, which just has two simple lighting sliders.

To top it all off, Vol 6 will have exactly 1 table I can't play in TPA, and frankly, I've had so much fun playing Funhouse in TPA since the Vol 6 announcement, I can't bring myself to spend any more money on Zen's stuff, only to have to spend the next 10 months frustrated that nothing new is coming out, again. Optimism and a refutation of this sort of attitude in the face of the current situation and the dead silence from Zen is pointless, I think.


New member
Mar 9, 2019
Of course, annual table packs for the next 10 years! That’s the much touted but clandestine grand strategy unveiled for all to see, lol!

I’m not sour on Zen and PBFX3 despite personal disappointment that the releases have dried up so dramatically but can’t deny my my enthusiasm for Volume 6 has dropped off a cliff due to the manner in which this release has been communicated to us average punters.

We’re all allowed to have an opinion and I feel Zen’s pinball dept. could massively improve upon their communication and general interaction with their audience. We may be a small niche market but there’s a lot of passion in the pinball and digital hobby. A smarter man than me could no doubt suggest a multitude of ways in which this aspect of Zen’s business could be harnessed for the better.

Until something changes this deafening and deflating silence is all there is.

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Jul 9, 2012
I have no insider knowledge whatsoever, but my opinion is that they are absorbed with the work required with "Arcade1Up" for the physical one-third size cabinets.
Three have been announced: "Williams", "Star Wars", and "Marvel" -- each of which will contain around 10 Zen tables; but none of these have appeared for pre-order yet, and we are now in the Holiday sales period for wholesalers.

I'm sure the Pandemic slowed the efforts here, but they are probably months behind schedule on this Project. They're probably being slammed by the "Arcade1Up" guys on a daily basis at this point.

At this point, I don't really expect Volume 6 to street until we see preorders available for at least one of the announced Arcade1Up cabinets.


New member
Mar 9, 2019
Yes, I agree with what you hypothesise. Sucks for any Zen pinball customer other than North Americans with $600 plus of disposable income and able to pre-order.

I hope these Arcade1up cabs prove to be a decent product and are a success in order that we might get some in the UK and other parts of the world.

But still find the long delay thoroughly demotivating in regards Volume 6. I’d actually be more excited now to hear what other tables Zen have planned for release in 2021 regardless of how many months away that might be.

Volume 6 - coming ‘soon’ and *crickets* has just left a very sour taste.

Ha! Ha! I need to stop wasting my time looking forward to new Zen pinball dlc it just puts me in a bad mood these days. Total opposite of what it used to be when Zen first got the Williams/Bally licence.

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