Zen Pinball - Star Wars


New member
Sep 9, 2013
While we're on the topic of gloating over our high scores...


Do let me know if you manage to beat it :eek:

Completely out of the blue (only previously managed a couple, max three missions completed in a whole game), got to the wizard mode in my very first ball! It was the perfect ball. I got 200M on it, and 300M bonus. The rest of the game was chump change because I was getting tired, and didn't feel like I had anything to prove to the table anymore.

That was possibly my longest ball in a game of pinball ever.
Last edited:


New member
Sep 28, 2012
bought 3 tables on iOS. The gizmos are really gorgeous and I think the game play is much better than the previous 3 tables which I quickly found not interesting. I still don't like mission centric game rules - real pinball's rules are usually much more complicated and you'll work on several things (including mission like stuff) simultaneously while in Zen, you always have to shoot this particular ramp and then another one or you earn nothing. Compare to TPA the ball could be a bit more bouncy (TPA is too bouncy) and yes, the gap between flipper should be larger. The FX and music is so crisp and vivid even on the iPad2's speaker. This is one thing Zen is so ahead to FS... Personally I want to change the physics sound to something SF sound effect or it'd fit better to beyond pinball theme. They're well done.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
bought 3 tables on iOS. The gizmos are really gorgeous and I think the game play is much better than the previous 3 tables which I quickly found not interesting. I still don't like mission centric game rules - real pinball's rules are usually much more complicated and you'll work on several things (including mission like stuff) simultaneously while in Zen, you always have to shoot this particular ramp and then another one or you earn nothing. Compare to TPA the ball could be a bit more bouncy (TPA is too bouncy) and yes, the gap between flipper should be larger. The FX and music is so crisp and vivid even on the iPad2's speaker. This is one thing Zen is so ahead to FS... Personally I want to change the physics sound to something SF sound effect or it'd fit better to beyond pinball theme. They're well done.

I think the best strategies for Darth Vader don't involve missions, actually. You can stack multiballs and hurry ups (which don't actually act like regular hurry ups) for big points, which is really satisfying as the table lights up like a Christmas Tree. Sith hurry up is the money maker, you can easily get about 30-40 million per hurry up with it.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
The third mission on Darth Vader is infuriating. I finally managed to get one shot away from completing it, messed up, and let out a "NOOOOOO!" Which was ironic because if I made the shot, Luke would have said that. I took his place.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Spent the last two week playing basically nothing but this. Final scores: RotJ about 350M, SFA about 550M, DV about 300M (though if I was really score-chasing I could just spam the sith hurry up and beat that easily, but where's the fun in that?

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Cleared sorcerer's lair, 180m, bought plants, but not sure about any more tables as I'm not a huge fan of Zen. Are the latest ones the best? I had the blade pack on my xbox, and I'm not sure about the marvel ones. Is Dr strange any good? Trials are very short.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
1- Are the latest ones the best?
2- Is Dr strange any good?

1- No - It's personal taste.
2- Personally not a fan of that one, I think it's dull.

I'd recommend... (in roughly this order)
Fear Itself.
Epic Quest.
Bobba Fett.
Nightmare mansion.
Earth defense.

But someone else will give you a different list.
You must find your own Zen.


New member
Sep 9, 2013

New table pack out this spring: Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within.

It's a four pack but will be the same price as a three pack. No doubt Zen giving more for less will draw TPA comparisons on Facebook, what with their less for more approach with Season 3.

Tables are: Han Solo, A New Hope, Droids, Masters of the Force. Video of Han Solo and screenshot for three of the four tables on the blog.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Eh, I tried one of the new tables a while back. Until they fix their physics, they can polish all they want; it's still lipstick on a pig. (At least to me - I understand many others enjoy it.)

Zen physics are what they are. It's kind of like how TPA has a pretty well established look, that you either need to learn to accept (lo res textures and questionable lighting choices) or you'll forever complain about. Zen designs their tables around the performance of their physics. If they had the TPA physics, they'd be a bouncy mess and admittedly more forgiving than they already are!

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
The detail on the Han Solo table is incredible.
Click the still image below youtube clip and zoom in on the background modelling. Wow.
Plus it's the same designer as 'Fear Itself' which is one of my all time favourites.

Ep IV sounds good - according to the Zen forum it's a faster more intense table this one, 3 mini playfields, transforming bumpers and moving death star. Ooooo.


I am wondering, still, which of the Star Wars or Marvel franchise titles they will turn into an IAP driven pinball "adventure"; much like they have with the SLF game.

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