This past Friday, Pinball Arcade Fans Moderator Jeff Strong and Senior Member Chris Friebus (aka shutyertrap) took a trip to Big Bear and personally met with FarSight Studios Lead Designer Bobby King for another round of Q&A addressing questions voted on by members of the Pinball Arcade Fans forum.[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]
This round of topics include details on the PS4 version, the upcoming PS3 mega patch, updated lighting and cabinet support for the PC version, online head-to-head, PC version modding, original tables, ROM emulating scripted tables, PS4 version discounts plus other topics as well as Jeff and Chris afterthoughts.
You can access the audio interview and discuss it HERE. Enjoy!
Thanks goes out to Jeff Strong, Chris Friebus and Bobby King for taking the time to put together another informative interview. Stay tuned for Round 4 in the near future!