What are your most-wanted EM tables?

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
1. Royal Flush
2. Big Brave
3. Fireball
4. Queen of Hearts
5. Monte Carlo
6. Four Million BC
7. Slick Chick
8. Jumiping Jack
9. Flying Turns
10. Challenger

I found out it was Flying Turns I played in Vegas, not Race-Way.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
1) Royal Flush
2) Hokus Pokus
3) High Hand
4) Space Mission
5) Centigrade 37
6) Top Speed
7) Fast Draw
8) Time Zone
9) Sure Shot
10) Atlantis


New member
Apr 10, 2012
1. Jacks Open
2. Volley
3. Sinbad
4. Abra Ca Dabra
5. Centigrade 37
6. Atlantis
7. High Hand
8. Fast Draw
9. Big Shot
10. Jack In The Box


New member
Mar 28, 2012
EM? Does that mean early machines? Some of the names I don't recognize or have never played. If so I would like Frontier. That was a table I play back in the 80's where I can play for several hours with 1 quarter. Definitely would like that.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
EM? Does that mean early machines? Some of the names I don't recognize or have never played. If so I would like Frontier. That was a table I play back in the 80's where I can play for several hours with 1 quarter. Definitely would like that.

EM means electromechanical. Frontier is Solid State, not EM. EM is like an analog clock that has no computer and only clockwork inside, but is still run by electricity. SS is more like a digital clock with a computer inside. Some of the really old machines before flippers are PM, as in Pure Mechanical, which is like a wind up clock. www.ipdb.org has a search so you can look up EM games by company, and has a list of top EM games as well.
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
Big Shot
Aces High
Central Park

My exposure is limited to the Gottlieb Pinball Hall of Fame game and their inclusion is what I enjoy most about that collection.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
4 square
Lady Luck (Recel 1976)
Beat Time
Slick Chick

That's all I could think of.

edit: I though of one more.

Wild Wild West.
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Slick Chick
Dancing Lady
Big Indian
Happy Clown
Diamond Jack
Wild Wild West
King of Diamonds
Sing Along
El Dorado
Mini Pool

That's the ten best according to ipdb, so that's the ones FS should do. BTW, every one of them is a Gottlieb.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Does anyone actually like El Dorado? I'm genuinely curious if it's just that the version in the Gottlieb collection wasn't well done or if it's just me. I felt like there was too much dead air due to the wide-open centre of the playfield and it was nigh impossible to get the special given the drop targets reset between balls unless you executed some series of events before losing your ball.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Does anyone actually like El Dorado? I'm genuinely curious if it's just that the version in the Gottlieb collection wasn't well done or if it's just me. I felt like there was too much dead air due to the wide-open centre of the playfield and it was nigh impossible to get the special given the drop targets reset between balls unless you executed some series of events before losing your ball.

Did you play on EU PS2? It's 50 Hz only, so it's slower than the real table. Not to mention that the version in that collection is the Solid State, which I heard is faster than the EM, which is still faster than the video I have seen of the EU PS2 version. The game is highly rated at www.ipdb.org and has a lot of alternate versions (Canada Dry, Target Alpha, Gold Strike, and, Solar City). EM is electromechanical, as in machines with no CPU, no digital display (in most cases), and only chimes as sound.
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
I played it on the Wii, and yes, it's 50Hz. The ratings don't mean much to me because I don't know who is doing those ratings or their criteria. If the real machine is faster I guess that would help, but I didn't find speed to be an issue in other tables in that collection (bar Genie, which also didn't do much for me). My main problem was the layout and not being able to get into any kind of scoring flow. I take it you enjoy this machine?


New member
Feb 26, 2012
I live in Connecticut, and during the 70"s when I was a teenager, free games and matches were actually illegal. My experience with pinball was with add-a-ball. I have fond memories with games like Gold Strike, Captain Card, Bank Shot, Lucky Hand, Dimension, Jungle King, Free Fall and Top Hand. The challenge of lighting the Wow light and scoring as many extra balls as possible made these games fun to play. I know that these type of games are not everyone"s cup of tea, but the Gottlieb wedgehead is a big part of pinball history and I hope if any of these are converted, the add-a-ball versions are included as an option.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Does anyone actually like El Dorado? I'm genuinely curious if it's just that the version in the Gottlieb collection wasn't well done or if it's just me. I felt like there was too much dead air due to the wide-open centre of the playfield and it was nigh impossible to get the special given the drop targets reset between balls unless you executed some series of events before losing your ball.

There are a lot of people who like drop target-heavy tables, so for them, El Dorado (or any of it's variants) is a dream come true. I would personally rather they do Target Alpha, as that has the best looking playfield. I suppose it would be feasible to include an option to change the art to whatever style you want. They could even advertise "four tables for the price of one". Canada Dry is obviously a license, but, as the table was originally designed to advertise the drink, I don't think it would be too hard to obtain permission from the company to give them free advertising.

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