Do you know this table? (Extremely blurry 90s family picture, detective skills manda)


New member
May 29, 2012
(..."mandatory" is what I meant to type before my sausage fingers hit enter.)

I was visiting my mother today, and while I was casually browsing one of our old photo albums, I came across a picture that showed my cousin and me sitting in an italian restaurant in Gummersbach, Germany, during the 90s - and in the background: That pinball machine I always used to play!

Now, there´s a problem - you can only see the side of the cabinet, and it´s very, very blurry - it´s absolutely impossible to identify any letters or pieces of artwork.

Does anybody know what table this is?

The only information I have:

-The year of the picture is 1997. Yeah, that doesn´t really narrow it down.
-I´m 90% sure that it was a DMD machine (again, this being the late 90s doesn´t really make it any easier - and I could be wrong about this as well.)
-It involves the color red and the title seem to consist of two words. Um, I THINK.

Okay, I have absolutely no idea what this could be. I remember absolutely no specifics. Any hint is very welcome :eek:

(Just ten minutes earlier, while flipping through a different album, I came across my brother and me sitting in a restaurant in Texel, Netherlands, in the background a clearly visible Jack*Bot, which I don´t think I´ve play at that time.)
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New member
May 29, 2012
Yeah, that could be it! It definitely has the red big letters in the right place. It even came out 1997, and I would think that during these times the machines were regularly switched with the most recent machines :)

The translite box has this white dot on the upper part (above the part that is blocked out by the reflection), which could be the handle of the dagger in the artwork:

(It's easiest to see in the third picture, the one that's not zoomed in)

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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I'd be more interested in identifying the midget with the shotgun in the background.


New member
May 29, 2012
The midget mafia wars were a big problem in Germany during the 90s, though this guy in particular is probably just holding a katana and stabbing someone on the floor, no reason for us to get up from our table.
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