Buying Season 3 questions - Assuming that Season 3 starts (Mod: It will.)



So instead they'll just let the bugs pile up and not address any of the concerns people currently have with the game? Yeh sounds like a good idea.
I'm sure they'll keep a lot of happy customers around to buy season 3 like that.
If they don't start fixing things soon the backlog for fixes and features will just get bigger and they'll have to take more than just a month off to get things done.

I love the beginning of winter, don't you?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
So instead they'll just let the bugs pile up and not address any of the concerns people currently have with the game? Yeh sounds like a good idea.
I'm sure they'll keep a lot of happy customers around to buy season 3 like that.
If they don't start fixing things soon the backlog for fixes and features will just get bigger and they'll have to take more than just a month off to get things done.

I see your preferred device is PC so you might not be well informed about the releases they do but to bring you up to speed:

They release bug fixes with every DLC Pack on mobile platforms, MacOS.
They release supplemental updates on those same platforms approximately every other month.
They have acknowledged bugs in the PSN version and have mega patches coming.
PC will also have bug fixes released with DLC packs and special updates.

New bugs will continue to happen or be discovered and like the previous and current bugs, those will be fixed. It's not perfect but certainly more understandable and tolerable as it does not make the game unplayable or remove any of the enjoyment of the tables represented. The "Backlog" you mention of issues that you state are not being fixed has actually been shrinking.


New member
Nov 10, 2013
It's more about missing features than bug-fixes really.
I'm sure they fix minor bugs every now and then but the bigger problem is the core engine of the game.
The fact that no staff members seem to respond to any concerns about it isn't exactly helping.

One example is the thread about essential pinball moves missing from the game which was first brought up roughly 1 year ago and never had a single reply from any of the developers.
In its current state that aspect of the game just feels unfinished which is sad because I had (and still have) high hopes for the PC-version of TPA.

This thread seems to be going off-topic. Maybe this should be moved to a different thread?
Last edited:

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
So instead they'll just let the bugs pile up and not address any of the concerns people currently have with the game? Yeh sounds like a good idea.
I'm sure they'll keep a lot of happy customers around to buy season 3 like that.
If they don't start fixing things soon the backlog for fixes and features will just get bigger and they'll have to take more than just a month off to get things done.

This is no time to talk about the Olive Garden... although I am craving some raviolis... :)


New member
Apr 27, 2012
It's more about missing features than bug-fixes really.
I'm sure they fix minor bugs every now and then but the bigger problem is the core engine of the game.
The fact that no staff members seem to respond to any concerns about it isn't exactly helping.

One example is the thread about essential pinball moves missing from the game which was first brought up roughly 1 year ago and never had a single reply from any of the developers.
In its current state that aspect of the game just feels unfinished which is sad because I had (and still have) high hopes for the PC-version of TPA.

This thread seems to be going off-topic. Maybe this should be moved to a different thread?

There have been several upgrades of the physics along with many other updates to the core game since it came out. FarSight has much more of a presence here than I've ever seen from any other game maker on a fan forum. Bobby always seems committed to improving the physics as much as possible whenever he talks about it. They aren't a big enough shop to put a team on making flipper physics as good as possible and just work on it until they're done. But they keep making improvements.


New member
Nov 10, 2013
I know that there have been small tweaks and fixes to the engine over time but the fact that there is still so much missing after almost an entire year of development doesn't exactly help me in believing that things will somehow drastically change in the future.
This doesn't mean that I hate TPA by any means. In fact it's pretty much the opposite. I love it and I hope that it will be going into the right direction over time.

I just wish there would be some kind of official statement about it so that I could support Farsight while knowing that my money is not only going towards new tables and minor fixes but also towards bigger changes that make TPA feel more like a proper pinball sim.
Anyways it seems that I'm repeating myself so I'll just stop here.

On a side-note: The Olive Garden Analogy is quite the read.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I would vote for a thread re-name. Farsight has stated publically that Season 3 will be starting and yesterday they did mention on their facebook page that their will be WMS licensed games that are leftover from their original contract and at this point negotiations are not final but potentially there will be several more Williams games once the negotiations are done.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
For those who are new: It is an unwritten custom on this forum that a truly proper rant must contain at least one reference to Olive Garden. This "rule" came into being about a year ago, after the appearance of...

The Olive Garden Analogy

Do have about half an hour to spare before clicking the's a loooooooong rant.

I wonder what the ShortSight Olive Garden would be like a year on...

"This carbonara sauce is too pink!"
"Why do you only serve Gottlieb Spaghetti with everything?"

Haha... that post tickled me. Thanks for sharing.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I wonder what the ShortSight Olive Garden would be like a year on...

"This carbonara sauce is too pink!"
"Why do you only serve Gottlieb Spaghetti with everything?"

Haha... that post tickled me. Thanks for sharing.
Feel free to do a parody update if you like. We only keep that thread around for its lasting entertainment value anyway.

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