It's Fish Tales!!!!! (and Season 3 discussion)


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
They didn't say that the Pack would be just one table. They just announced only one table. Maybe the other one will be announced in the coming weeks.

FarSight confirmed on Facebook that it is indeed only one table.

Krooze L-Roy

New member
Aug 30, 2013
Keep in mind that within the past month, they've had to deal with launching TPA on both Steam and PS4, and are apparently working on a new UI. So while this is clearly setting a precedent, I wouldn't assume it means that one-per-month is their new standard business model; it might just be an occasional thing.

Of course, I'll be a bit bummed if I'm wrong, as it would spell doom for older or more obscure tables. But there are bigger things to worry about.


New member
Jan 29, 2013
FarSight confirmed on Facebook that it is indeed only one table.

Yeah, they confirmed it on FB. I do wonder if this definitely means one table a month going forward, though, or not - they haven't confirmed that, at least, as far as I know. There could be future 2-table packs, or even a new release schedule, like one new table every three weeks or something.


why "LIE" and "video mode" arrow are separated from back plate?
Maybe it's FS implementing 3D for the masses :D

Where's the other table I'd probably ask, since Fish tales is the big primary table of this pack (they CAN'T be releasing just one normal table like this).
FarSight confirmed on Facebook that it is indeed only one table.

I am hoping that by dping a single table in this opening pack for Season 3 FarSight will be implementing the ROMulation for the scripted tables (BK, Gorgar, Genie) that Bobby king mentioned them having running at the studio. I know this isn't a *huge* new add-on the the collection but it is something that has been waited for for a long time. If FS managed to include a Pro Mode for Gorgar and BK in addition to the ROMulation then ZOMG talk about an Xmas pressy!!

Surely we'll be getting an interface update in the next pack anyway, considering that there's physically no room to show a section for S3?
IDK if there'll be a big UI overhaul right away, but on the first menu I suspect the leaderboard tile will be removed to make room for the Season 3 one as a bare minimum.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
For me, TPA is an "in for a penny in for a pound" kind of bargain, though I do have concerns for the single table thing if it's going to be the norm.

I think EBD has a good chance no matter what, seems like a pretty popular table and will probably sell well. But there are other phenomenal older tables that may never see the light of day and that would be a sad sad thing.

If they are slowing down, though, I do hope for a few things.

Bugs need to be fixed.
Hopefully an overall physics overhaul.
Flipper mechanics updated.
ROM Emulation replacing scripted tables
Overall quality improvement in lighting, artwork and geometry

A lot of us have played pro pinball and know that a single table model can work, but the tables need to be top notch. I am pretty forgiving of minor quibbles in TPA simply because there is so much content to appreciate that I've found it easy to keep small issues in perspective. I can imagine that if we do get only a single table per month, the level of scrutiny on the product is going to increase.

Anyway, I enjoy this on both mobile and steam. I'm also hoping that either the quality skyrockets or the prices plummet.


New member
May 24, 2013
hi fellas, no problem with 1 table a month , we already have 41 tables, after this every table we get is a bonus for me !!! :cool: I don`t worry about bugs or how a table looks , I just play . if you had seen the rubbish tables I played during the 60`s , 70`s and 80`s nobody would ever complain about our tables on TPA . we are blessed we have our own pinnie hall. imagine what it would cost to buy 41 real tables wow that would take some spondully !!! just enjoy playing the tables !!! :)


Jun 27, 2012
I'll happily pay $5 for unlimited play on a new pinball table every month. o.o

...So long as it's not like, Jive Time or something.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Season three kicks off with a single table - Fish Tales said:
Hey Pinball fans! Are you guys ready for Season 3? We sure are! We have alot of cool tables lined up for you guys, and we think this Season is going to be our strongest Season yet! To kick Season 3 off, we are proud to announce Fish Tales™!

Fish Tales™ (1992): is another great game by Mark Ritchie, Designer of other Williams classics such as Taxi™. Featuring a fishing theme, this table has many fun modes and features including a high scoring Multi-Ball mode and the challenge of catching Monster Fish! Unique features include a rotating Fishing Reel used to lock balls for Multi-Ball, a boat on the playfield with two ramps, a fishing rod shaped plunger control and an animated fish on the back box topper. The flippers on this table are 1/8 an inch shorter than the standard Williams flippers. Play Fish Tales to "Catch 'em all, hook line and sinker!" 13,640 units of this table were produced.

FarSight did clarify that it would be a single table. They have not yet answered questions about pricing and if this will be the start of single tables from now on or why just the single table, etc.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Interesting times. Let's see if they surprise us with a surprise reveal of table two.

Perhaps Season Three will herald the "quality over quantity" many folks have been asking for.

Let's wait and see. Either way, I'm looking forward to the season.


New member
Nov 3, 2013
I don't think we have seen the end of packs with two tables, I just think they are going to become less common. If there is a big table everyone is wanting such as Fish Tales then it will be by itself. If it is not one of the big tables then they will likely bundle it with a second lesser table.

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
They also announced 3 more tables for sure in the beta season 3 news. I will not mention the names they said as I am not sure if they want everyone to know yet or just the beta testing team. I am stoked at what is coming for sure. They do mention 10 tables for season 3 though. I will say that much is confirmed in their news I saw tonight.

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
Mick has mentioned before that he is a heart attack survivor. So I don't think he is kidding.

Hey Mick - hope all is well bud.

That was not a joke unfortunately. Bad family genetics at work there guys. I am in pretty good shape for my age too. I was even working out when I had the attack that took me out. I was bench pressing 285 lbs and then I started sweating from every part of my body. Within a couple of seconds my left arm went numb, my jaw, teeth, shoulder, heart area of my chest and back, all felt incredible pain. My arm felt like someone was cutting it off with a hack saw. I passed out 4 times from the pain, and because the room was spinning so bad. Dizziness, loss of balance and consciousness are other major early signs. Then vomiting and diarrhea hit me...followed by more passing out. I had a 100 percent blockage of my right Coronary Artery. It meant my blood was reaching my heart and then was stopped from circulating back into my body. I suffered permanent nerve damage in my fingers of my left hand, but I can live with that. Life is life. I will take it in any form I can get it in.

I made the mistake of taking over 1 hour to get to the hospital. I died on route in the ambulance and they used the deffibulator paddles to bring me back to life. Super painful, and quite horrific I can assure you all. So stay in shape. I don't smoke or drink either.

I thought I was a healthy and am a somewhat young dude, but you can't run from your family history. I just wish my family had told me how many men in my immediate family had chronic, deadly or serious heart conditions. I would have been more careful. Not going to the doctors for 5 years was stupid too, but I never even got a cold in that time so I thought I was fine there too. Never think everything is fine and hope for the best. Men start to get heart attacks as young as 40 and more commonly than you would think. Woman need to pay serious attention when they hit the 60-65 years of age mark. Then their risk factor reaches the same level as men from 45-50 years of age. You learn all about this stuff once you have it hit you. Watch for the warning signs, and most importantly learn the warning signs for you sex and monitor you weight, blood pressure, heart rate, exercise, stress and sleep habits. It all can come back to haunt you.

The most important part is I am recovering fine. A healthy and happy mind is important for proper healing. I have that going on. I really enjoyed playing Fish Tales today in the Steam beta. So great to be alive and playing pinball. I played a fair amount in hospital on my iPad. On the 22nd they had me in a room I later found out was the death room. I wasn't expected to survive they later told me. After 3 days in there they allowed me to start moving around very slightly and allowed me to play pinball. I had 2 nurses by my side for 72 hours. 2 of the nurses on those shifts over the 3 days in that room ended up buying TPA on their iPads after seeing me play in my bed. They told me a few days later when I was leaving the hospital that they were in love with TPA and were solidly hooked. Neither of those woman were gamers before. TPA just Rocks!!!!!


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Welcome back to the land of the living, Mick! : ooo That's quite the harrowing tale, I can't imagine going through it--but at least it has a happy ending : )

Quite a few FS posts recently have mentioned reduction in staff allocation at FS towards TPA, in favour of other projects.
We should be grateful for 1 a month going forwards.

Apparently I hang out in the wrong parts of the forum and totally missed this. Have they said what their other projects are?


Staff member
May 8, 2012
What an eye-opening recount of your recent run of misfortune, Mick. Thanks for sharing that with us.

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