iPhone 4S/IOS7


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
I've still haven't put IOS 7 on my phone. Those that have I was wanting to know how it was doing. I have read that the 4S just can't handle it. Thanks for any input.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Slowed my 4s down a good bit but it didn't break anything..

Agreed. Also seems to drain the battery faster. Look up tips to conserve battery life after you upgrade. It hasn't made my 4s a dog but I do miss ios 6, especially for the appearance. My mother in law has an iPhone 4 and it's really slow with ios 7


New member
Apr 21, 2013
sorry i am a little late. i have had it on my ancient iP4 and no issues. i turned off animations and close APPS i am not using. long as you run just one APP at a time its not slow but if you have too many APPS open your asking for slow. Only time its sluggish is when you first start the phone (power up) just wait two or three minutes after that its fine.

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