White Water stopped working after 1.15 update?


New member
May 1, 2013
As title says, White Water no longer works after the latest patch, as soon as you press "X" to go to the table the whole game freezes and I have to turn off my console, I tried re-downloading the whole game earlier today and every table that's out and it still does not work, so it has to be something the patch has messed up, not at all impressed.

Any of you having this same issue? I'm in the UK by the way.



New member
May 3, 2013
It gets worse every update, congratulations FarSight! Did any of you actually tested the update?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
It gets worse every update, congratulations FarSight! Did any of you actually tested the update?

They have a few PS3 consoles and haven't been able to replicate the problem. The US version has the same issue. I have an original PS3 and a slim version running TPA on both and I'm not having the issue. It's probably going to be difficult to figure out the problem until a commonality is found with the people that are having the problem.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
I found a workaround to fix this. Change the PS3's resolution to 720p.

It appears that Farsight uses a different version of the table for each resolution. The table works just fine in 720p, while it crashes in 1080i (and probably 1080p).


New member
May 1, 2013
So they broke it even more..?

Basically, yes! that's exactly what they've done, I'm not at all happy about it, very frustrating.

Fair play (& thanks!) to SKILL_SHOT his work around does indeed work, but the tables look c**p in 720p look very blured on this setting and lose all detail.

By the way I'm playing on an original Fat 60GB PS3 in case that makes any difference.

Appreciate all the reply's , thank you!:)


New member
May 23, 2012
I wonder why they can't get it to work. They just said they can't get it to happen so just switch to 720p and be done with it. Doesn't seem like a fix is coming anytime soon.


New member
Apr 10, 2013
I keep seeing these posts about changing the resolution to 720p but I have no idea how to do that. Not that I necessarily need to but I'm just interested as I remember trying to do it before but couldn't figure it out. Is it a TPA option or a PS3 system setting option?


New member
May 23, 2012
Under settings on the XMB go to display settings, use custom settings, select only the 480 and 720p boxes.

I also find that the menu scrolls more smoothly in 720p.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I wonder why they can't get it to work. They just said they can't get it to happen so just switch to 720p and be done with it. Doesn't seem like a fix is coming anytime soon.

Probably for the same reason as those of us that don't have the problem. It's really hard to fix a problem when you can't duplicate the problem. They will probably have a good chance at fixing it if they can duplicate it. They will probably have a good chance of replicating it if they can figure out what the difference is between those who have the problem and those that don't.


New member
May 3, 2013
I have slim 120 gb and it doesn't work. Funny thing is, this is a first ps3 game that i've heard it works on some consoles, and on the others don't. And they are all the same architecture. Strange, that doesn't seem to happen on pc with hundreds of different configs. I don't know who is to blame, and to be honest, I don't really care. All I want is to be able to play the table I've paid for. Same goes for that lag that is present only on ps3 - the game is too long on the market and they still didn't fixed that. Plenty of bugs I don't even want to mention... And there were no free tables on ps3. So in the end it turns out that we paid for an unfinished product, and now we are awaiting that "super patch" that will make all those problems dissappear - somehow i doubt that...


New member
Apr 3, 2013
All I want is to be able to play the table I've paid for.

Right. It prevents me to purchase the second table pack at the moment. And I wait the megapatch first.

Same goes for that lag that is present only on ps3 - the game is too long on the market and they still didn't fixed that.[

Wrong. The input lag has been drastically reduced since the latest updates. TPA is playable now in 1080i/p. In 720p, there is no lag at all.

Plenty of bugs I don't even want to mention...

Right, but FS is working on it. And it's more Sony's fault (they don't allow to patch DLC) than FS' fault. I think they do all they can to solve the problem (megapatch process), and I'm thankful of it.

And there were no free tables on ps3.

Two words: Sony's fault.

So in the end it turns out that we paid for an unfinished product

TPA is not a broken game. There is flaws for sure, but I doubt we all play hundred of hours and more on a broken product! :p

and now we are awaiting that "super patch" that will make all those problems dissappear - somehow i doubt that...

There's still hope! :cool:
Last edited:


New member
Jul 11, 2013
There is still plenty of lag on certain tables at 720p.

MM in the tournament is laggy as hell, as is BK (but don't even get me started on THAT mess of a table, or why they put it in the tournament this month). Go play CFTBL in 720 and tell me there isn't any lag. It's better than it was a few months ago, but it's still there, and totally unplayable on certain tables in 1080. If I want to have a productive TPA session, I have to stay off my real pinball machine for the day, or I just get flat pissed off trying to do any sort of flipper work in TPA. Particularly those edge shots like the ball locks in SS where you have to time the shot off the edge of the flipper.

Much work left to be done, IMO. I do have faith that they'll sort it out, but it bothers me that they are having such a hard time replicating an OBVIOUS bug that is affecting many users. If only one or two folks were having the problem, sure... but this is a pretty widespread issue. Makes me wonder what exactly they are using for a demo/test machine... So many of these bugs and issues just slip right by and aren't "noticed" by FS until the game is released and we all experience the problem.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
There is still plenty of lag on certain tables at 720p.

MM in the tournament is laggy as hell, as is BK (but don't even get me started on THAT mess of a table, or why they put it in the tournament this month). Go play CFTBL in 720 and tell me there isn't any lag. It's better than it was a few months ago, but it's still there, and totally unplayable on certain tables in 1080. If I want to have a productive TPA session, I have to stay off my real pinball machine for the day, or I just get flat pissed off trying to do any sort of flipper work in TPA. Particularly those edge shots like the ball locks in SS where you have to time the shot off the edge of the flipper.

Much work left to be done, IMO. I do have faith that they'll sort it out, but it bothers me that they are having such a hard time replicating an OBVIOUS bug that is affecting many users. If only one or two folks were having the problem, sure... but this is a pretty widespread issue. Makes me wonder what exactly they are using for a demo/test machine... So many of these bugs and issues just slip right by and aren't "noticed" by FS until the game is released and we all experience the problem.

I can't replicate the issue either. It seems to only be effecting some consoles. I'm sure that once they figure it out it will make sense why not every console is having the issue.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
There is still plenty of lag on certain tables at 720p.

MM in the tournament is laggy as hell, as is BK (but don't even get me started on THAT mess of a table, or why they put it in the tournament this month). Go play CFTBL in 720 and tell me there isn't any lag. It's better than it was a few months ago, but it's still there, and totally unplayable on certain tables in 1080. If I want to have a productive TPA session, I have to stay off my real pinball machine for the day, or I just get flat pissed off trying to do any sort of flipper work in TPA. Particularly those edge shots like the ball locks in SS where you have to time the shot off the edge of the flipper.

Hi MonkeyGrass,

That's strange, as we had the same "feeling" about the lag.

I didn't play in 720p since the lag has started to be reduced in 1080 resolution, a couple of updates ago.

In the tournament, I didn't experienced lag on MM and BK in 1080i (on the contrary, I find that the ball goes crazy now, i.e. hard to control, like in 720p).

In 1080i, CFTBL has some lag (but a lot less than before), I will check in 720p.

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