when will we see cabinet options?

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Just to clarify, I have multiple jobs.

1. New table each month
2. Steam releases
3. Bug Fixing
4. Another task I can't discuss yet, but many of you will be happy with it.
5. Changing some scripted tables to emulated
6. Pinball Cabinet.

Priorities change from time to time depending on where we are in the months schedule, etc. Cabinet is the lowest priority of those because management hasn't decided how it will be sold. And we're not sure how great the demand is. But I know the demand is less than #1, #2, #3, #4, and possibly #5.

For those that wanted to know what #4 was/is.



New member
Nov 19, 2013
I've given up waiting for cabinet options. Really we just needed some better portrait viewing angles. In the same time we've received a poorly implemented portrait view for PA, visual pinball has been ported from DX7 to DX9, Unity pinball has arrived and even Zen have given us a way to put a DMD on a 3rd screen.

I had really high hopes for this program, I'd even bought pro versions of the first 2 seasons on both pc and ps3. The lack of any sort of time frame for cabinet options, DX11 support and the repeatedly delayed ps3 super patch (now delayed for me again as I need to wait for it to go live on the EU ps3 store) has really lowered my confidence that a lot of these features will ever be implemented.

Must just be a lot more profitable to pump out tables for mobile devices. If it's going to take a kickstarter or something to get a proper cabinet version I'd happily donate.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Cabinet is DEAD. Too bad. Maybe they can auction off their pin cab since it probably isn't being used. And I thought they were pinball fans. Guess not. They are fans of $.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Cabinet is DEAD. Too bad. Maybe they can auction off their pin cab since it probably isn't being used. And I thought they were pinball fans. Guess not. They are fans of $.
Mike and the other developers who visit here are not responsible for setting the priorities for adding features to TPA; they are responsible for implementing the features that FarSight's management decides are important. For various reasons, FarSight's management appears to have decided that the cabinet version is not a high priority at this time. So for you to b*tch at Mike and the devs that the cabinet development is not proceeding as fast as you would like not only makes you look bad, but also is completely ineffective in speeding up the process.

And seriously, who isn't a fan of $? I personally like to have as much as possible.


New member
Nov 7, 2013
It is understandable that they will put the most resources in the areas that are making the most $. They are, after all, a business. I just think they should be more up front and provide better information about when we will see these features. That is FS biggest downfall. They seem to tease us with things that never materialize or at least take far longer to materialize than they make us believe. The principle of under-promising and over-delivering seems lost on them.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I don't care who sets the priorities. Don't say you are going to do something and then not do it. They have been talking cab for well over a year. That IS the reason I bought one. I don't care what you or others think.i want them to produce what they said they were going to. What happened to the PS4? We were supposed to get tables each month according to THEM, not me. We haven't seen anything since release. Go beat your dog or something.
I am not taking it out on Mike or the developers. I am taking it out on the company. If they can't deliver, shut the F up!!
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Jun 27, 2012
A date for cabinet mode was never given. No hard promises on when there would be cab support have ever given other than 'we're working on it'. If you're experiencing buyers remorse because you invested in a pinball cab, while there was no date on the software you wanted to run on it, that's your fault.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
No buyers remorse. It would just be much better if they would deliver on WHAT THEY SAID. I didn't put their foot in their mouth time and time again. Or, I don't support them anymore. Simple. Easy enough.
I am done after this season unless they put up. Not a threat, who cares, I am just one, just sick of waiting on vapors.

Just look at some of the old posts from ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO. I may be the most vocal about it. But I am not the only one who has been waiting for a LONG time.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Farsight doesn't cater to just you.
Stop acting like an entitled little child or go bug your parents or something.

They are working on cabinet mode they have said as much. They don't give us dates because of people like you who whine and complain that they made "promises" according to you, they said they intend on bringing things out.

You're just talking **** with all your drivel about this and that being dead. People still play XBOX 360, consoles don't just die the second a newer one is released and they must think there is enough of a market to make it worthwhile to release it. They've also been waiting a ton longer for new tables than you have for cabinet mode.

They are working on this stuff, if it gets delayed then try and deal with it in an at least semi-mature fashion, seriously.


New member
Nov 19, 2013
Superballs DanPinballWizard is entitled to his opinion. He has obviously seen PA was impressed and started looking at cabs - probably as a result of the talk about them on here. Yes it is a niche market and there's other software that will cater to his and other's needs if PA doesn't come to the party.

Whilst I'm a massive visual pinball fan and rarely ever load PA on my cab these days it's a market that could do a lot better than some think. At the moment it's a lot of work, build or buy a cab and then deal with all the VP software and table updates - that alone drives many off. Start delving into ledwiz and dof setup and many more get scared.

Fair sight has a real opportunity here with an emerging market I would personally trade VP any day for a closed system that updated itself and just worked. More hours playing rather than setting up and maintaining. That in itself would open the market a lot more - not all cabs need to be full size with all the bells and whistles. It's not hard for a lot of people to find an old 19" monitor for a backglass and 22-27" for a playfield setup in a simple cab.

I am literally about to go to a friend's house who has 80k worth of real pinball machines in his garage. Show him pinball in a desktop view or on a mobile device and he laughs. Show him my cab and he plays for hours. I'm sure there's many others in his position with a large disposable income that would jump onto virtual cabs if they didn't need an IT degree to maintain them


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Superballs DanPinballWizard is entitled to his opinion. He has obviously seen PA was impressed and started looking at cabs - probably as a result of the talk about them on here. Yes it is a niche market and there's other software that will cater to his and other's needs if PA doesn't come to the party.

Whilst I'm a massive visual pinball fan and rarely ever load PA on my cab these days it's a market that could do a lot better than some think. At the moment it's a lot of work, build or buy a cab and then deal with all the VP software and table updates - that alone drives many off. Start delving into ledwiz and dof setup and many more get scared.

Fair sight has a real opportunity here with an emerging market I would personally trade VP any day for a closed system that updated itself and just worked. More hours playing rather than setting up and maintaining. That in itself would open the market a lot more - not all cabs need to be full size with all the bells and whistles. It's not hard for a lot of people to find an old 19" monitor for a backglass and 22-27" for a playfield setup in a simple cab.

I am literally about to go to a friend's house who has 80k worth of real pinball machines in his garage. Show him pinball in a desktop view or on a mobile device and he laughs. Show him my cab and he plays for hours. I'm sure there's many others in his position with a large disposable income that would jump onto virtual cabs if they didn't need an IT degree to maintain them

"I like pizza" is an opinion.
"Table A is better than table B" is an opinion.

"Cabinet mode is DEAD" is not an opinion, it's a mistruth stated as fact.
"360 is DEAD" is not an opinion, it is a mistruth stated as fact.

He's acting like he knows what's going on inside of Farsight's offices and stating as fact, things that are contrary to information given to us directly from members of development. Hiding behind the veil of opinion isn't going to suffice here. I could say that my opinion is that the Holocaust didn't happen but I would be an idiot for saying so.

I'm going to repeat, they said they are working on cabinet mode and they are. They didn't say it was going to be here tomorrow or next month, even if they said that they expected it to be done on a time frame, that doesn't mean that it will be done. They have other things to work on that are by far more important according to them and they are first and foremost a business and they have to think of generating revenue first.

This stuff is all going to happen and it plays acceptably on a monitor in portrait orientation, and while not perfect, it means that it's playable on a cabinet.

Expecting full cab support on things like ledwiz, and real DMD support is going a bit far. Not saying it's not going to happen but really, we should be happy if we get proper views with multi-monitor support.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Go beat your dog or something.
I am not taking it out on Mike or the developers. I am taking it out on the company. If they can't deliver, shut the F up!!

Stop acting like an entitled little child or go bug your parents or something.

You're just talking **** with all your drivel about this and that being dead.

C'mon guys, chill. Both of you need to take it down a notch.
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