BALL graphics


New member
Jan 26, 2014
as most of my posts were ranting about things that could be improved for the pc version, here's what I really like about TPA:

the ball animation is superb! Also the reflections on the ball and on the playfield look very nice.
only the ball shadow could be a bit less corona-like as it makes the area around the ball a bit blurry sometimes (there I go again :cool:).

Way better as in VP / FP / U3D (they just look fishy, like the ball does't really belong there) and Zen in my opinion. Fine job FS!

although zen has real reflections on the playfield, theirs is just too pixelated - and you have to stare at it the whole time.
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New member
Jul 24, 2013
I agree here - love how the balls look in TPA, close to perfect - it just adds so much to the attraction/fascination of pinball... shiny reflective metal balls that pick up their surroundings and the lights - great work there!
Funny enough in Taxi the balls do not seem to reflect the actual table but some empty yellow room.

I used to really like the ball rendering in FP but ever since I've seen Zen and TPA the FP ball just looks more like glass than anything else and the reflection looks more like something appearing through the ball rather than on it.
U3D would be cool if the reflections updated in real time and weren't that pixelated but they are heading in the right direction.
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New member
Jul 22, 2013
For ball physics, I think VP wins over TPA. I just feel that the ball physics for TPA are jus not tweaked enough to actually move like a real ball. However, TPA has better graphics and controls and getting tables is more easier than it is on VP. Of course, the ball reflection on TPA looks more realistic than that on VP. So it seems that I'm having a war beween TPA and VP.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Agreed - the test build of VP with the latest physics engine is way superior with ball spin, etc. and it is getting better by the day. Plus it is fully adjustable, slope, flipper power, flipper friction, table friction. You want a tough game with weak flippers where its a challenge to flip the ball to the back of the table, then you have got it.
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New member
Jan 26, 2014
Which version with which add on? I really don't enjoy / have time for this. Searching 3 hours, installing, finding the table that supports it, then finding a table that I like...ooops I'm to tired to play now. if you engage with VP the netto playtime is like 20-30%. The rest is fussing around. Having some real life to do once in a while I just can't afford it atm.


Mar 25, 2013
Which version with which add on? I really don't enjoy / have time for this. Searching 3 hours, installing, finding the table that supports it, then finding a table that I like...ooops I'm to tired to play now. if you engage with VP the netto playtime is like 20-30%. The rest is fussing around. Having some real life to do once in a while I just can't afford it atm.

That's certainly true. I play a lot of the VP tables but a lot of the time is just fiddling around with new tools or the tables themselves - particularly now that I found out how to rotate the DMD on the full screen tables. I do kinda enjoy that and have spent a lot of time fiddling and little time playing. VP isn't for those that just want to fire up something and play right away. There's a fair amount of prep work to get the point where you can play - but it can also be pretty rewarding as there are quite a few tables that are really well done.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Which version with which add on? I really don't enjoy / have time for this. Searching 3 hours, installing, finding the table that supports it, then finding a table that I like...ooops I'm to tired to play now. if you engage with VP the netto playtime is like 20-30%. The rest is fussing around. Having some real life to do once in a while I just can't afford it atm.

New physics build 2 is here. Scroll down to post 176:

You will need to change table settings as described by the programmer. You can take any old table and adjust the settings. It plays very well.

I admit it is tricky to get VP cab support running for the average player but it is well worth it, and I can add a table with backglass to the cabinet in about 5 mins. If TPA one day can get these features and make it easier for the averages person then brilliant.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Thanks for the link. Now that its easter holidays I might even try it :)


New member
Mar 26, 2012
New physics build 2 is here. Scroll down to post 176:

You will need to change table settings as described by the programmer. You can take any old table and adjust the settings. It plays very well.

I admit it is tricky to get VP cab support running for the average player but it is well worth it, and I can add a table with backglass to the cabinet in about 5 mins. If TPA one day can get these features and make it easier for the averages person then brilliant.
Took me ages to work out what settings to apply and how to apply them, but man is it worth it. The physics are nothing short of incredible.

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