What do you think the Season 3 Stern will be?


New member
Sep 9, 2013
So Farsight have said that a Stern will pop up this season. Pretty chuffed because I guessed a Stern would make an appearance!

We've discussed this in bits and pieces in other topics, but I thought it would be good to give it its own subject. What do you think this Stern would be? Anything on their more modern software is probably ruled out due to processing power issues. And given Farsight's current focus on modern machines, I reckon we're probably looking at an early-2000s machine. Though an 80s machine is definitely a possibility. There have been rumours about Rollercoaster Tycoon of course, with Gary Stern under the impression that it's already part of TPA, but the highest rated cheap license Stern in our polls is Monopoly. I would really like Monopoly to make an appearance, so I'm hoping for that one.

Are we assuming Data Easts are still out of the equation for now? If not, Tales From The Crypt would be a big possibility, too.
Jan 6, 2013
On the tpa facebook page someone asked about when or if they were doing the Tales from the crypt table anytime soon and they said that they would love to do that table but it wont be in S.3.So no tftc for s.3 hopefully we will get in S.4


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Yep I'm predicting Monopoly
Anyways we are getting the hint in the newsletter soon so we should have an idea soon


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Yep I'm predicting Monopoly
Anyways we are getting the hint in the newsletter soon so we should have an idea soon

Might not be the next pack. We know that Diner isn't next, so Diner is 29 or 30, which means the Stern could be 28 or 30.

Fingers crossed for Monopoly! Put a lot of money into that one at my arcade. It's like a hybrid between Whirlwind and Twilight Zone.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Gary Stern is optimistic that Ripley's Believe it Or Not will come out this season.


But what is it about modern sterns and lack of processing power? A PC and even Smartphones should have more than enough to handle it. I guess what's preventing us from modern sterns is that the emulation technology is not ready, yet.


New member
Sep 9, 2013

But what is it about modern sterns and lack of processing power? A PC and even Smartphones should have more than enough to handle it. I guess what's preventing us from modern sterns is that the emulation technology is not ready, yet.

From what I understand, more modern Sterns do have a good amount of power in them. It would probably be impossible to emulate on weaker systems, and still difficult for the stronger ones.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
From what I understand, more modern Sterns do have a good amount of power in them. It would probably be impossible to emulate on weaker systems, and still difficult for the stronger ones.

I thought I read on vpforums that the pinmame guys actually have the emulation down for the modern sterns already. Problem is they have a verbal agreement with Gary Stern that they will not release release any emulated tables until 3 years or more after the table is released. In addition they will not release the emulator for the new hardware until stern switches to a new system.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Monopoly easily makes the most sense. Iconic but attainable license, and Farsight seems to be huge Lawlor fans.

I would prefer High Roller Casino though. Lawlor tables aren't my favorites and we already have a million that all play the same.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Monopoly easily makes the most sense. Iconic but attainable license, and Farsight seems to be huge Lawlor fans.

I would prefer High Roller Casino though. Lawlor tables aren't my favorites and we already have a million that all play the same.

We haven't had a Lawlor this season, though. You really need at least one - it's a given. We've had two Steve Ritchies already.

Hehe. Doesn't that describe all Lawlor tables? :)

He does reuse a lot of idea, yeah. But I felt those two machines quite strongly with Monopoly. It has the balls locking in the left launcher for three-ball multiball, two bumper sets, upper flipper ramp shot joining to left ramp path etc. from Whirlwind, and the two ramps right next to each other, mini orbit and similar ruleset from TZ.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Monopoly! I recently played it at the Texas Pinball Festival back in March for the first time.
Awesome table with lots of bells & whistles! It would make a great addition to our growing TPA collection.
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Mar 25, 2013
I thought I read on vpforums that the pinmame guys actually have the emulation down for the modern sterns already. Problem is they have a verbal agreement with Gary Stern that they will not release release any emulated tables until 3 years or more after the table is released. In addition they will not release the emulator for the new hardware until stern switches to a new system.

That kinda been changed to not doing any Stern pinball machines that are currently in production. So there is at least one author doing some of the SAM tables in VP and releasing those. There was also another author that did AC/DC in VP and showed it running on his cabinet, which looked great. But that one won't get released until the table is out of production. Same with Star Trek. There was a picture from a recent Expo where it looked like someone was running it on their virtual cab.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
That kinda been changed to not doing any Stern pinball machines that are currently in production. So there is at least one author doing some of the SAM tables in VP and releasing those. There was also another author that did AC/DC in VP and showed it running on his cabinet, which looked great. But that one won't get released until the table is out of production. Same with Star Trek. There was a picture from a recent Expo where it looked like someone was running it on their virtual cab.

Yea ac/dc and star trek were recreated by jpsalas. It was a future Pinball table so no emulation, but he's not releasing them because he now works for a competing pinball co. and doesn't want to stir up any trouble.

Like you mentioned, I had heard those sam tables are floating around, but only devs and veteran table recreators have access to them outta respect for stern.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'm going to guess Rocky and Bullwinkle just because I like it. NASCAR (Grand Prix) would be my second choice.

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