Lights...Camera....Action....released on iOS

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I found a bug.

When the camera view button is pressed, instead of cycling normally, it changes between these symbols:
- pause button
- "Launch Ball" button from Attack from Mars, Medieval Madness & Monster Bash
- Orange button from Harley-Davidson, Black Knight & Black Knight 2000
- stop sign with a hand on it

What are the red and blue circles which appears on the top of the table some times?????

These are emulating the red and blue lights at the top of the table, as the iOS version doesn't have sufficient lighting capacity as consoles.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I found a huge bug (at least to me). Running the most recent v3.7.0 along with the updated (v3) Junk Yard table results in NO Junk Yard's INVISIBLE!...there is only a ball. :confused:

Anybody else seeing this?

The camera pans around but pressing play (or ANY button on-screen) will crash TPA. I have the older v2 Junkyard table backed up and tried it but (of course) TPA v3.7.0 automatically updates Junk Yard to v3. I've tried deleting the table, then reinstalling it but it results in the same thing on three different devices under iOS 7.1.1 (iPhone 5, iPad mini Retina, iPad 4). I'm about to try some troubleshooting to see if I can correct it but I thought I'd throw this out there in case others have the issue as well...seems as though the v3 Junk Yard table is messed up somehow but I'll know more after some testing...

1. I tried to force TPA v3.7.0 to use Junk Yard table v2 (by renaming it to v3) but the same invisible table (a ball is visible though). This points to an issue with TPA (so far at least)

2. I tried a reset of the iPad mini (I'm testing solely on the mini Retina so far) with no change

3. I tried the Free version with the same result

I'll keep updating this post as I try more things to correct this...
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New member
Jul 21, 2013
On my iPad 3 all local scores are ZERO! TPA needs better beta testers it says my only one game I played with almost no score is in top spot. This should not have been releases today it's screwed up big time.


New member
Feb 10, 2013
On my 5S, my Hall Of Fame score for Junkyard, was reverted to a score I had achieved, before, I had gotten 32 million, which kind of hurts. I also noticed a fresh High Score table for LCA, and after achieving HOF worthy scores for Junkyard and LCA, I am getting no new Hall Of Fame scores.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
TPA needs better beta testers it says my only one game I played with almost no score is in top spot. This should not have been releases today it's screwed up big time.
Hell, I'm beta testing as we speak...the trouble is, I'm not on the beta team so all my testing doesn't make one bit of difference.

BTW, I fully deleted TPA & all tables & scores (backed the scores up though), reinstalled v3.7.0 from scratch and installed ONLY Junk Yard and I still have an invisible table which crashes on any button press...

Is ANYBODY here getting the invisible Junk Yard table under v3.7.0 or is it just me?

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
My Junkyard table seems to be working fine (iPad 3) but all my hall of fame scores and the table goals are at zero.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
On my 5S, my Hall Of Fame score for Junkyard, was reverted to a score I had achieved, before, I had gotten 32 million, which kind of hurts. I also noticed a fresh High Score table for LCA, and after achieving HOF worthy scores for Junkyard and LCA, I am getting no new Hall Of Fame scores.

I noticed the same thing today after getting the update and table installed. I think I had a total of 3421 Hall Of Fame points accumulated and today it was back to 3192 points. I also noticed when setting a high score on Lights Camera Action no HOF points were awarded for high scores.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Epic Fail Friday! TPA really screwed big time on this release. I'am giving them hell on FB. I'am pissed!!!


New member
Oct 5, 2012
*All* of my devices have the invisible Junk Yard table under today's v3.7.0...and note that the iPad 3 is running iOS v6.1.3 so I really doubt it's the iOS version.

iPad mini (1st gen), iOS 7.1.1
iPad mini Retina, iOS 7.1.1
iPad 3, iOS 6.1.3
iPad 4, iOS 7.1.1
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.1

I've wiped TPA off of the mini Retina and did a clean install of TPA (no scores, no tables...nothing) and only installed Junk Yard with the same issue. Looks as if I'll have to keep one device running 3.6.0 so I can play Junk Yard and one for 3.7.0 for LCA until this mess is sorted...almost seems now as if it's the download of the Junk Yard v3 table since Lord Boron's (and others as well) iPad 3 is fine with Junk Yard. Very strange...I'll keep re-trying to download the table to see if that's the issue.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
OK...some progress and a possible solution for the invisible Junk Yard table issue. This may help others so I'm throwing it out there for that reason...

What ended up working (at least on the iPad mini Retina so far which I wiped TPA off of, then started from scratch) was:

1. Logged into TPA with my account (I *never* log in since my scores have all been offline)
2. Deleted Junk Yard under Options/Manage Tables
3. Reloaded Junk Yard by tapping on the table under the tables list (did NOT use Manage Tables here)

Junk Yard now loads and plays normally. I logged out of my account and it's still functioning.

This may have been the series of events that fixed it but I cannot be sure until I try with the other devices.


I've now tested the above on the iPad mini (1st gen) with success on it as well. Seems as if the v3 Junk Yard table does not download/register correctly unless you are logged in to your Farsight/TPA account. This is the very first I've ever seen anything like this. As I mentioned, I NEVER login to play TPA since all my scores have been achieved in off-line mode since I'm not always connected to the internet when I play. If I login to play, I lose all my off-line scores since they're kept separate from your logged-in scores.

Hope this helps out others with this issue. I'll post back with successes/failures as I work through my devices.
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New member
Sep 29, 2012
Is ANYBODY here getting the invisible Junk Yard table under v3.7.0 or is it just me?

No prob with Junk Yard on iPhone 5S/iOS 7.1.1. It was invisible on my iPad Air, but then the game crashed, I restarted it, and it's fine now.

I apparently have lost all my hall of fame points, local scores, achievements, etc.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I apparently have lost all my hall of fame points, local scores, achievements, etc.
The first thing I did before any of this oddness started was back up my scores using the iFunBox method. After fixing the issues with Junk Yard as I mentioned above, I restored my scores and all is back to normal...sure, my scores are offline scores but that's how they were achieved in the first place.

BTW, my method above for the Junk Yard table fix (I hope this was the only table that had this issue as it's the only one I've been testing so far) has worked on ALL of my devices and things are back to normal with my scores & table goals intact.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
The first thing I did before any of this oddness started was back up my scores using the iFunBox method. After fixing the issues with Junk Yard as I mentioned above, I restored my scores and all is back to normal...sure, my scores are offline scores but that's how they were achieved in the first place.

BTW, my method above for the Junk Yard table fix (I hope this was the only table that had this issue as it's the only one I've been testing so far) has worked on ALL of my devices and things are back to normal with my scores intact.
All my scores are back. They were fine on the ipad, so I made another backup.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
There are still issues on my end and they seem to stem from previous score files and/or TPA v3.7.0 not handling them correctly. If I use my score files from previous saves, it affects the Junk Yard table causing it to disappear. While using those scores, if I use the procedure I mentioned above to fix Junk Yard (login, delete JY, reload it), everything is initially fine. On the next TPA startup using the previous scores, Junk Yard is again invisible. Fix JY again and on the next TPA startup, it's gone endless fix/break/fix/break cycle. Seems the only way around this is to ditch your previous scores/achievements and start from scratch...until Farsight fixes TPA. :(


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I noticed the same thing today after getting the update and table installed. I think I had a total of 3421 Hall Of Fame points accumulated and today it was back to 3192 points. I also noticed when setting a high score on Lights Camera Action no HOF points were awarded for high scores.

It happened to me as well. I wuz robbed of 640 HOF points. Yeah, I know it's just a game, but I worked hard for those points. May I have them back, please?

And someone mentioned they need better beta testers. I think the beta testers needed more time to work the bugs out.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
And yet more discoveries...

Seems your high score file has nothing to do with the invisible Junk Yard table...I totally deleted it and ran TPA with the following results:
If you log in to your TPA account, the table is normal and visible.
If you "Play as guest" (not logged in), the table will disappear...if not on this run, then the next time you run TPA.
If the table is invisible, log into your TPA account, shut down TPA and the next time you run it (still logged in), it will be fine.

If some of you guys that don't have the invisible Junk Yard table issue, maybe you can try this to test:

Note: *It's important to shut down TPA fully from the multitasking bar when indicated*

1. Run TPA and verify Junk Yard works correctly
2. Exit Junk Yard
3. Go back to the Main Menu and Logout of your TPA account
4. Exit TPA, then shut down TPA fully from the multitasking bar.
5. Run TPA again.
6. This time, select "Play as guest", then run Junk Yard. The table should be invisible with a ball floating ball near the back wall.

To fix it:
1. Exit TPA and shut it down from the multitasking bar (or just press any on-screen button which will crash it but you still need to shut it down from multitasking even if it crashes)
2. Log in to your TPA account
3. Exit TPA and shut it down from multitasking
4. Run TPA and run run Junk Yard which should now function correctly again...until you log out.

This is 100% reproducible on my end.

So as of now, the only plausible fix that I can see (until this issue is fixed by Farsight) is to stay logged in to your account while playing TPA, even if you have no internet connection available (you'll get a pop-up message telling you that you are not connected). For those of us who have never logged in with an account and have always "played as guest", we either have to start all over again with our scores and achievements in the logged-in state (logged in and guest scores/achievements are kept separate), login, delete and then redownload the table to temporarily "fix" it, then log out and play logged out (a big PITA) or revert back to the previous version 3.0.6 (and hold off on the new LCA table) & wait for the fix.
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