The Addams Family - Progress Thread

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New member
Feb 21, 2012
I think any amount up to about 80-90k should be easy. They got a huge amount for twilight zone without promotion and that table isn't as popular. People were saying back then that they donated x but would donate 5x for taf. I Would guess the first 3 days it will probably get over 50k


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
I think any amount up to about 80-90k should be easy. They got a huge amount for twilight zone without promotion and that table isn't as popular. People were saying back then that they donated x but would donate 5x for taf. I Would guess the first 3 days it will probably get over 50k

3 days for 50k
Bit optimistic
But I hope your right
Can't really compare T2 to TAF
That barely got over the line
This one should be a cake walk really unless it's an astronomical amount


Jan 30, 2013
How about custom balls as tier rewards? Silver ball with your initials or name on it, gold ball, or higher reward you get to to design custom ball however you want. The ball will be named after you. You can choose if the ball will be available for others or only yourself.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I hope actual involvement in pc betatest is a reward. as i my input mattering. that's a fair exclusive reward for backers, which non backers can't complain about it.

I agree that the kickstarters are fair. the tables that are requested are simply unprofitable without them. Copyright is a pain at times. :(
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Does it come with cabinet backglass support, or are they still teasing us with the backglass? Will any tables at least have backglass support before this kickstarter? Want to know if i should support or not. No bakglass at the minimum, no $.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Did anyone explain yet why they can't just charge more for each download, make it a $10 table? Isn't that more honest?

I contributed to the PAPA kickstarter. I didn't for T2 as I don't particularly like the game, but I still bought it. And I like TAF so I will purchase it when it comes out.

Farsight bosses should chip in too, as they will be making a fat profit on this. You lot giving them free money are very generous and altruistic, thank you, but I save my charity donation for people who need it


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Did anyone explain yet why they can't just charge more for each download, make it a $10 table? Isn't that more honest?

$10 for a table is probably more than the market can bear. Sure, plenty of people would pay for it, but a lot more would pass. As it is right now, $5 is too much for a lot of people. Heck, even I think it's too much, and I've been a fan since PHoF.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Huh. Well maybe someone will agree with me later then.

Please don't get the idea I am anti-FS as I completely support them as a happy customer should, with purchasing their product, I just think they are taking the piss.

I think they are relying on the fact that so many of us love pinball and it's still not out there available to play, so they know we will pay. And I think they are depending on people saying that they're not Pepsi and are hardly making any money, so it's okay for them to ask for help. Well I think that business model stinks. I will pay them $1000 when they offer me 1% of the profits they will make from selling this game. They didn't invent pinball, or digital pinball, or the Addams Family, or TAF pinball. They're a company making a profit and I salute and support them.

But not with a charity bucket being handed round the pub. There's no kid dying of cancer. There's no clock running down. There's just a bunch of executives who'd rather not spend their bonus.

It's not a charity. People will give money to KS and in return get the game plus some other rewards depending on how much they gave. If you think FS is the only company offering product on Kickstarter you haven't been paying attention. It has turned into a very useful way to fund projects via preorders. It's role as a 'charity' changed a long time ago.

I used to have a similar attitude towards most KS that were wildly successful from big companies and famous people. Like why can't they take all the risk up front like they are supposed to? In the end though, the answer is they wouldn't take the risk, and the thing being offered wouldn't be made.

Some pinball machines are more equal than others. If there are people willing to spend more than $5 for a legendary pinball table that would benefit others who wouldn't but would still buy it at retail price KS is the perfect venue.

That said, FS really annoyed a lot of people in the last few KS by running them terribly, not communicating properly, and other screw ups. This needs to be addressed.


New member
May 3, 2013
$10 for a table is probably more than the market can bear. Sure, plenty of people would pay for it, but a lot more would pass. As it is right now, $5 is too much for a lot of people. Heck, even I think it's too much, and I've been a fan since PHoF.

$5 is too much? What should we in the EU say then, we pay 5€ for each (normal) table. That's about $6.50, and I think it is worth it.

Anyway, happy to see TAF coming to Kickstarter, and I hope it'll reach the goal. Surely I'll pledge something for this classic, and hope many will do the same.


New member
Oct 4, 2012
There's a snowball's chance in hell I'll give them money for this kickstarter after the way they've handled the last 3 and the fact I own an Xbox 360.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
I thought they handled the last kickstarter very well.I had zero problems.
Don't know about the first two as I was not aware of them


Mar 25, 2013
I think any amount up to about 80-90k should be easy. They got a huge amount for twilight zone without promotion and that table isn't as popular. People were saying back then that they donated x but would donate 5x for taf. I Would guess the first 3 days it will probably get over 50k

3 days for 50k
Bit optimistic
But I hope your right
Can't really compare T2 to TAF
That barely got over the line
This one should be a cake walk really unless it's an astronomical amount

I think your looking at about half that 50k for three days if the standard tier rewards are given. It'll follow the pattern of the other Kickstarted tables. The first two days will be huge then a sharp drop off with a few spikes here and there depending upon marketing and changes in rewards - can see this when you look at the projects on Kicktraq.

Also the interest for Twilight Zone was very high. I'd say about as desirable as Addams. That cleared 77.5k and back then didn't have a lot of the negativity towards the company I'm seeing today. Maybe I'm misjudging how many people would be willing to pony up big bucks for this table but my sense is its going to have a slow crawl to reach 80k. If the goal is well beyond that (90k+) it's really going to have a hard time.

Which is what I hope they do more than just the standard tier rewards. For myself I'm looking at the $20 tier with the table on two platforms, as I never really cared for Addams. But would be willing to go to $100 if there's good reward.

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
I suspect the kickstarter won't launch until after the release of the xbox360, Xbox one and maybe a few more tables get updated on the ps4 platform. So be patient people, but this would allow them to gather some needed good will which should lead to a successful campaign.

Cab support stuff: expecting news on this as part of a kickstarter is hopeful at best. IMHO the kickstarter info should be focused 100% on the largest fan base, not the smallest. And this comment is coming from a cab owner, I want Pincab support!


New member
Sep 22, 2013
People will donate regardless of "goodwill" crap or whatever butt hurt feelings people have. T2 wasn't very successful because nobody gives a sh*t about it compared to TAF. It's so funny to me how people are holding their support hostage for features that they want. TAF is going to crush its goal, because people want it. The only other table that would do as well is Indy.



Active member
Feb 20, 2012
$5 is too much? What should we in the EU say then, we pay 5€ for each (normal) table. That's about $6.50, and I think it is worth it.

Anyway, happy to see TAF coming to Kickstarter, and I hope it'll reach the goal. Surely I'll pledge something for this classic, and hope many will do the same.

Read my whole comment. I never used the words "everybody" or "nobody" did I? In fact, my comment pretty much includes folks like you. "Sure, plenty of people would pay for it,..." See? That's you. I was just giving DanBradford an answer to his "Why not $10" question.
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Active member
Feb 14, 2013
The whole xbox360 thing is NOT FARSIGHT'S FAULT, people! jeesh. and they are finally fixing that now.

I for one am looking forward to it.


New member
May 4, 2012
I'm not going to donate, partially because I'm poor. But mostly because I have just played so much TAF that it's now a little dull to me. It is a great table, but not one of my top 10 or maybe even top 20. I'm very interested to see how much the KS costs, and how it does.

It goes without saying that playing TAF should be tremendous pinball fun for anyone who hasn't played it much or at all.

Here's my tiny review of TAF:
- the main shots (ramp, Thing ramp, chair, the two upper flipper shots) are all brilliant and extremely satisfying. (I say "brilliant" because they each have different/unique "feels" on top of being great shots. Like that wonderful clunk sound/feel when the ball falls off the Thing miniramp.)
- the flow of the shots is wonderful.
- the sound may be the best of any table ever.
- the dots are terrific too, although WMS outdid them with later tables.
- the art is beautiful and among the all-time best.
- the use of a license is almost the all-time best. I think STTNG does a little better with its license. Maybe Shadow and Road Show, too.

- Hitting the electric chair over and over and over probably dominates the strategy. (I may have an incorrect idea of the best strategy.)
- Similarly, playing all those modes seems less worthwhile than lighting the chair and hitting it again.
- I don't remember the right flipper through bumper shot, or the left flipper orbit shot to the right of the vault, having any value. Lawlor did a better job of making all major shots have value with TZ.
- I wish there was a (easier?) way to feed the tiny flipper.
- The Thing hand is great, sure. But after it gets dull, it actually becomes a bit of a negative, because it slows the game down too much.

(I am doing this from memory, and haven't played TAF in a few years, so hopefully I am not making too many mistakes.)

Some random comments on TAF:

TAF was the first table that I had an hour-long game on. The table I did this on was in a very busy and crowded campus -McDonald's-, which I found very amusing. I have not seen a pinball machine in any other McDonald's or fast food place.

Smithsonian Magazine did an article on pinball back in 1992 or 1993, which was very focused on TAF and its success. The article has a full-page picture of an illuminated TAF playfield, which I think may be my choice for most beautiful pinball-related picture ever. It's a great article, I loved it back then, I don't know if it's as impressive now. Unfortunately, I cannot find it on the 'net right now. The article is very well worth seeking out.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Smithsonian Magazine did an article on pinball back in 1992 or 1993, which was very focused on TAF and its success. That is one of the very best writing on pinball that I have read. And there is a full-page picture of an illuminated TAF playfield, which I think may be my choice for most beautiful pinball-related picture -ever-. Unfortunately, I cannot find it on the 'net right now. The article is very well worth seeking out. Heck, it's -essential-.

Ya big tease.


New member
May 4, 2012
Ya big tease.

Well I searched a little more... I cannot find the article or its photos, but it's from the January 1993 issue, and the article is titled "Pinball, full tilt once more".
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Well I searched a little more... I cannot find the article or its photos, but it's from the January 1993 issue, and the article is titled "Pinball, full tilt once more". I bought several copies in the 1990s because I loved the article so much, and back issues were dirt cheap. It is probably not as impressive now, with the ease of finding great pinball articles and pictures on the Internet. I remember it being a rather euphoric snapshot of a time when pinball was at its absolute peak. (Sometimes when I feel a little old, I try to thank goodness that since I'm a little old, I was able to be around for and a full participant of those glory days of pinball in the 1990s.)

Is this the right one?

Edit: is a shame the official archive only goes back to 95
Here's the link for anyone who's interested.
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