3,000,000 Wizard Goal Too Challenging?


New member
Jul 30, 2012

So long Genie, nice knowing you.
Well said. I haven't played it once since the marathon days it took to beat that she-devil.


Mar 5, 2014
Sweet, I just hit the 3M mark as my last bonus was counting down, ended up only 48k over. I had a great first ball of well over 2M (including extra balls), but got more and more nervous the closer I got to 3M. Probably should have turned the display off to better keep my cool. That was my last wizard goal for seasons 1+2. With that obsession satisfied I can finally get back to some other tables and see if I can beat my scores. So many great tables to choose from! :)


New member
Apr 3, 2013
That was my last wizard goal for seasons 1+2.

You have all wizard goals on Season 2?

How do you succeed to earn the special on Class of 1812 (Bonus Level wizard goal) and Victory (FUEL targets)?

It seems there's a recognition bug of these two wizard goals (here and here)


New member
Feb 28, 2014
You have all wizard goals on Season 2?

How do you succeed to earn the special on Class of 1812 (Bonus Level wizard goal) and Victory (FUEL targets)?

It seems there's a recognition bug of these two wizard goals (here and here)

I saw your multiples posts about this probleme which seems to ruin ur "tpa life" ( :p ) those days, so i finally checked it a minute ago, and i got the special wizzard goal on Class of 1812 (got them all). Don't ask me when or how, i'm not really interested in goals. I dont have the Victory one, but i didnt play it a lot, for me one of the worst tables ever...


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I saw your multiples posts about this probleme which seems to ruin ur "tpa life" ( :p )

Yeah, I have the OCD syndrom... ;) (Obsessive Completion Distinction). When I see someting needed a 100% completion, my heartbeat goes faster, blood veins appears on my forehead, sweaty hands, until 100% is displayed (in case of TPA, those shiny gold stars) :ironyinside:

Well, I will retry Co1812... again (I tried during multiball, with a single ball, with extra-ball stacked or not, etc., no wizard goal)

Victory is a fun table if you goes only for the checkpoint shots. It's become more a less a time attack table, fast-paced.

And for my multiple posts :)p), I only opened two bugs threads in case some TPA developper would lost his way on the Co12 and Victory forums (not really the most active ones lol).

Whatever, thanks for the info, there's still hope to get at least one of these two. XD


New member
Feb 28, 2014
I didnt blame you hey, just kind of had fun on your misery, i'm bad ;)

Anyway i don't care about wizzard goals but i perfectly understand the feeling on TPA. Good luck!


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I didnt blame you hey, just kind of had fun on your misery, i'm bad ;)

No worry, I know it was for laugh and took it as that. ;)

Anyway i don't care about wizzard goals but i perfectly understand the feeling on TPA.

Well, luckily there are wizard goals on some tables... I doubt I would play many times tables like, let's say, Goin' Nuts or El Dorado! :rolleyes:


New member
Dec 23, 2013
You have all wizard goals on Season 2?

How do you succeed to earn the special on Class of 1812 (Bonus Level wizard goal) and Victory (FUEL targets)?

It seems there's a recognition bug of these two wizard goals (here and here)

I have both ticked off on android.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Well, luckily there are wizard goals on some tables... I doubt I would play many times tables like, let's say, Goin' Nuts or El Dorado! :rolleyes:

Leaderboards ;) That's why i came back on tables like that and i change my mind on many of them, like goin nutz (i even kind of tolerate Taxi), never thought at the beginning i would play Centaur, HD or 1812 that much, now they are in my favs' <3


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Leaderboards ;) That's why i came back on tables like that and i change my mind on many of them

Oh yeah, sure, leaderboards too!

The two things come together:

- in general, if you score well, you achieve all wizard goals in the same time.
- or if you seek to achieve all wizard goals, you score well in the same time!

CQFD.:p (don't know the english acronym ^^)

Pinetwig said:
I have both ticked off on android.

Ok, thanks. So, it seems the bug occurs (the wizard goal not awarded) under particular conditions. But, which? :confused:


Mar 5, 2014
You have all wizard goals on Season 2?

How do you succeed to earn the special on Class of 1812 (Bonus Level wizard goal) and Victory (FUEL targets)?

It seems there's a recognition bug of these two wizard goals (here and here)
Both of those were hard for me, especially Victory. First time I got the FUEL target special it didn't register the wizard goal, but luckily it did the second time I made it. It's easy enough to get the ball to the FUEL targets, and not that hard to advance to the 200k level. Completing FUEL for the special on the other hand is very hard and requires some lucky bounces as there are only a few seconds (7-8?) to make it. I really focused on learning how to hit those targets from the awkward flippers up there, but still you will need luck to get a good kickout for a setup that will give you a chance to make the last shots (kickout hitting F, and ball slowing down enough for a quick shot at U from left flipper for me, leaving a few seconds to go for E+L). I think the table itself is alright, so I didn't mind playing it lots of times trying for the goal. I even made #3 on the leaderboard the game I finally scratched that one off the list! Scorewise the table can be abused quite a bit with that repeatable extra ball hole kind of granting 2 extra balls, but I do think the scoring principle (8x during checkpoint countdown) is really cool and unique in Victory!

Class of 1812 was not as bad, but still pretty hard as the balls drain so easy. I played a bunch of games where I didn't care about anything but shooting for those standup targets and bumpers. The ball can be shot up there consistently from either flipper. I did go into multiball as well to have some insurance for the inevitable drain. I'm pretty sure I advanced the bat-o-meter as a door prize once as well. Advance the reward to extra ball, then collect it, and then advance to special (it should light as the next reward after you colletected the extra ball) and finally collect that. For me it registered right away when I got it. Haven't been back to Co1812 since that, I hate the sounds on that table. I feel your pain if you've made it without the goal registering :( Not sure how many times I landed in the secret passage on Scared Stiff before that one finally registered. And I don't like Scared Stiff.

I think it's a blast going for wizard goals though. Some tables more than others for sure, but several tables that I didn't like at first really grew on me after spending more time on them. It's a good way to learn the table rules and the dynamics of the table flow. Playing Big Shot after learning how to nudge (on Genie) is a huge difference for me. I was struggling with the 250k goal there but I get 250k+ every other game now :) Hopefully I can put that to use on more tables.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Both of those were hard for me, especially Victory. First time I got the FUEL target special it didn't register the wizard goal, but luckily it did the second time I made it. [...]

Wow, thanks for the detailed answer. :)

Same here. On Victory, it's easy to go to the FUEL targets, to light the special... but shoot the 4 targets in order, under seven seconds, can drive crazy (as luck is involved). I'm tired of trying to unlock this wizard goal. I did it three times again and no wizard goal. Erf.

On the contrary, light the Bonus Level Special (5 stiffs + all bonus lights once again) is a lot easier on Co1812. I did it 4 or 5 times again, and still no wizard goal. I begin to wonder if the multiball is the problem. Maybe I have to try to light all 5 stiffs and collect the special WITHOUT starting a multiball (it will be a lot harder!).

So far, I light the 5 stiffs during a multiball, then I lose a ball to relight all the bonus and collect the special with only one ball on the playfield (like on SS and MB, on which the wizard goal is awarded if there's only one ball on the playfield). But no wizard goal.

I think I'm done with it for the moment. I have 13 wizard goals remaining on 5 others tables (CBW, GN, El Dorado, TO, and HH). :p

Whatever, thank you for your answer.


Mar 5, 2014
Ah sorry you meant the bonus level special. I cleared that one without thinking about it, but I'm sure I went into multiball at least once. It's hard to avoid the multiball on Co1812 :) it was the bat-o-meter special I had to spend some time on. Good luck and I hope it registers for you next time.


New member
Jun 3, 2018
Back when I got this, I thought nothing can be harder. Working on 'Going Nuts' right now, and I'd rather earn 100M on Genie instead. Here's the vid:

Last edited:


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Woo! Finally got 3M today. I've had 3 decent periods of playing this table since it came out to do this and finally I managed it today.
Before this 3rd period I had only managed 1.7m. Last week I beat that with a 2.75 (both 5 balls)
Today I Warmed up with a 2.1(5 balls) but since time was tight I switched to 3 balls. Got 3M on my first ball! (includes extra balls). I drained the final extra ball and balls 2+3.
Ill never play this again but I'm very happy to have achieved it.


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