The Nostalgic TPA Thread


New member
Dec 18, 2013
TPA is the reason I enjoy pinball today.Before that had very little interest in pinball.Hardly played any real tables before seeing them on TPA.Thank Goodness for this game.Actual pinball tables is a rare sight here in Australia.Definately not as popular as they are in America.
There is a Aussie Pinball Expo coming up in November.Look forward to that.
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
I don't recall how I came to learn of TPA. It was around Christmas 2013, though, and my first reaction was, "How on earth did I not know this existed until now?"

So I downloaded it, tried out TOTAN since it was free, and it all snowballed from there.


Apr 7, 2014
I don't recall how I came to learn of TPA. It was around Christmas 2013, though, and my first reaction was, "How on earth did I not know this existed until now?"

So I downloaded it, tried out TOTAN since it was free, and it all snowballed from there.

It's funny, because like I said, I grew up a pinball fan. However, I hadn't played or heard of a lot of tables from Season 1, so for mostly lazy reasons, I never checked em out.

...and then I saw the words "Attack From Mars", and that was all she wrote!

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
I dumped a ton of hours into the Williams Collection before TPA came out. Once it was released I bought a Nexus 7 pretty much for the sole purpose of TPA. The tables I wanted most at the time were Theater of Magic, Funhouse, Pin*Bot and BK2K. The first three I got pretty early. BK2K took a bit longer. If I remember correctly, the first new pack that came out after I downloaded the game was CFTBL and BK. I started participating in beta tests on android not long after.

TPA kind of turned pinball into a hobby for me. I even competed in a small local tournament and won a little trophy about a year ago.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I don't recall how I came to learn of TPA. It was around Christmas 2013, though, and my first reaction was, "How on earth did I not know this existed until now?"

So I downloaded it, tried out TOTAN since it was free, and it all snowballed from there.

Almost the same for me. My second fat PS3 (40Gb) made a YLOD in 2011 summer. I quit totally the videogames world (no playing, no news) until 2013 spring, when I get back a 250Gb PS3 for free (yeah, lucky day!).

I came in a little shop to buy some games at cheap prices (spring sales) and saw Farsight's Williams Pinball Collection for 10 bucks. Instant buy, as I didn't even know the game existed (I owned Gottlieb Pinball Classics on Wii though, as the game wasn't released on PS3 in Europe, back in 2007 or 2008, don't remember).

Back to home, I played and enjoyed the game, despite its awful leaderboards ^^. So, I searched some forums about the game, and I saw a game named "The Pinball Arcade" was released by Farsight (and available on PSN) in 2012 winter.


WTF!!! I downloaded the demo: outstanding graphics, far better ball physics than PHoF, but... awful input lag in 1080i :p (yeah, those were the days!)

I purchased it, and played in 720p, waiting one more year that FS fixes this damned lag (a patch fixed it about 2014 spring for me).

Since that day, I think TPA is my most played game (hundreds of hours) and will stay as it!
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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I don't remember where I first heard of TPA. I knew it existed for a long time. But I couldn't play it by not owning any of the platforms it was on. PC Master Race forever. But they finally got it onto Steam a year ago and here I am.

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