iOS version 4.1.0 #3 (Phantom Of The Opera) Discussion & Feedback


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Please post your iOS version 4.1.0 #3 feedback here.

What's New in Version 4.1.0

- Phantom of the Opera™ digital pinball table added
- Scared Stiff™ as Free Table of the Month

If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD instead and follow the guidelines in the first post.
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Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
In POTO, if I get a high score, after entering my initials, the buttons for entering you initials won't go away and I have to close the app and restart. If I don't get a high score, it just seems to go I to attract mode and I have to pause and quit to start a new game.

iPad 3
iOS 7.1.2


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
It's been a fun table so far. As far as the difficulty, it's fine. That's why buying a digital pinball table has its advantages.

It will give you the hang-up though. When you enter your initials. The way around this is to not press anything right after you enter the 3 digits.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I'm liable to get shot for saying this but I'm liking POTO much better than BSD. For me, BSD has an odd vibe to it...I assuming this was the goal though and if that was indeed the case, it succeeded in that respect.

The initial entering on POTO is a bit odd and slow...I thought it was just me. Hopefully, it will be corrected.
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New member
Jul 21, 2013
On my iPad. 3 you have to type those 3 initials hesitation or times up!!!
No other issue I'am on 7.1.1 I don't trust 8 point anything period. I'll pass.......

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Having a bit of trouble with entering my initials. When I put them in the game instantly cuts to the attract mode (with no music) but the initials bar stays there. When I press start an unplayable "game" starts and I can't exit out of it. Please fix this in the next update.


New member
Jul 28, 2013
I like it so far, but it could be because of the newness factor.

I managed to blindly attain the standard goals and three wizard goals after only a few plays, which is sort of a drag, since I tend to lose interest in tables once all goals are attained (only to come back once they appear in tournaments).

I caved in and bought the pro version, and as usual only used it for the table exploration and pro tips.

Feeling nostalgic for the days of getting two tables per pack, though.

All in all, I expect to tire of POTO soon and return to the "can't wait for the next table" mode.

Still, TPA remains my most harmless addiction.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Having a bit of trouble with entering my initials. When I put them in the game instantly cuts to the attract mode (with no music) but the initials bar stays there. When I press start an unplayable "game" starts and I can't exit out of it. Please fix this in the next update.

All you gotta do is wait after you type the 3 initials. Don't push anything for a couple of seconds and it will register, and go to the high scores screen. The weirdest is that I tilted once AFTER the game ended lol

You guys ever hook up a Jam Box? This table is particularly awesome with one of those turned all the way up. Turn the bass up!
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Active member
Feb 20, 2012
You guys ever hook up a Jam Box? This table is particularly awesome with one of those turned all the way up. Turn the bass up!

I tried using an Oontz for a bluetooth speaker but there's so much lag, I couldn't do it. Jam Box is lag free?


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
I tried using an Oontz for a bluetooth speaker but there's so much lag, I couldn't do it. Jam Box is lag free?

I haven't experienced any lag with mine. Those pop bumpers really bang with one. Ive heard sounds using this that I wouldn't've heard otherwise, like with Pinbot. The music in attract mode.


New member
Jul 28, 2013
I bought a refurbished Klipsch Music Center KMC 3 Portable Speaker System for about $170.00 (total with shipping and tax), and it was well worth it... Great bass and no noticeable lag with TPA.

My only con is it uses 8 D batteries (rechargeable would be nice), but it works ideally as a stand alone speaker plugged into the wall. It's big, and the sound fills my 25x30' living room nicely.

It lists for $400, but if you can find it for what I paid you'll be pleased!


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I haven't experienced any lag with mine. Those pop bumpers really bang with one. Ive heard sounds using this that I wouldn't've heard otherwise, like with Pinbot. The music in attract mode.

Thanks. Time to go shopping.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
not sure if this is the right thread, but found this bug.

I input my name at the high score list as "PEZ" (as normal) but it showed up with a weird wrong character in place of the "P", and put my score in second place instead of first.


(also, at the time, it looks like this is a top-ten score!)


New member
Aug 27, 2014
not sure if this is the right thread, but found this bug.

I input my name at the high score list as "PEZ" (as normal) but it showed up with a weird wrong character in place of the "P", and put my score in second place instead of first.


(also, at the time, it looks like this is a top-ten score!)

This happened to me too - weird initials with a super script a - not sure about the 2nd place rating because I got 11mil and the high score is 12 mil so I was literally in second place. I checked the high scores in the menu later and it was back to normal


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I managed to blindly attain the standard goals and three wizard goals after only a few plays, which is sort of a drag, since I tend to lose interest in tables once all goals are attained (only to come back once they appear in tournaments).
Those last couple goals will keep you busy. :)

The three hard ones are 5th million, double score, and 5x jackpot build. you probably have two of those left. :)


New member
Feb 28, 2012
A couple of problems with POTO...

Top of backbox is missing,

Also there's a black line on the top of the screen that always follows the camera,


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Since bugs have been reported in this topic, I'll continue in this topic as well for now. I'll create a new bug topic though and maybe a mod can move all the bug reports from this topic to that topic...

Device/OS: iPhone 5 on v8.1 beta 2, iPad mini 2 on v7.1.2

Bug Description: Pin*Bot table crashes to main menu (SpringBoard) after the completion of a game.

Steps To Reproduce: Start a game of Pin*Bot, then let all balls drain

Frequency: 100%

Additional Comments: All iDevices are affected AFAIK. Crash is 100% reproducible, 100% of the time
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