Ghostbusters Table is a Bad Omen


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Ghostbusters is out on Google Play now (currently syncing). Go cross the streams and form your own opinion about the model.
What have you got to lose? First 10 plays are definitely free.


New member
May 24, 2013
what a banana of an idea,just sell us the table !!!! :rolleyes:what a brainwave this one is !!! I`m going to play FORZA HORIZON 2 ON MY NEPHEWS XBOX 1 ,drive club was crap traded it in straight away,now THE CREW is not coming out till dec 2 and PROJECT CARS in march 2015.i would like to know what there putting in there water at FARSIGHT STUDIOS ? :eek:

Tokyo Rose

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Has anyone considered this; having played a few games now, I don't believe that FS thinks this is a regular market game-nor their best efforts at an 'original' table- but are simply putting out a prototype for the user base, and anyone else curious to try video pinball, to try out. Perhaps it's just an example of their efforts into original work and they want us to have a bit of fun with it , but not have anyone stuck with a full price purchase?

Personally, I'm very pleased to try the table this way, and glad that I didn't just buy it fully priced, as I can't see myself playing it much as it's clearly ( and they have declared it as such upfront in the newsletter) a reworking of Haunted House. These guys have been at it for over 3 years now , and I'm sure none of them would declare it a top-notch new effort on the part of the company.

What I do appreciate, and I'm guessing they want us to as well, is showcasing some of their abilities to create interesting sounds, toys, animations , and rule sets, etc. - but not a whole lot more. They will build on what they've done and put out better later, but much of the above feedback is unhelpful and misses the point in this respect. However, there are all types of players/customers, and some may want to play this to death or even really like it ( like those suspect people who LOVE Gorgar or Black Hole ;) ), and if that is the case they just put a price structure system in to make a little return from it. No harm; no foul in my opinion. For people to take this as the newest, and best, regular FS effort-given the brilliance of some of the past efforts-is just to hit panic buttons and misunderstand the whole project.
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Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
What platform? Haven't seen that on android.

I am playing The Walking Dead on iOS and think that you have an option to purchase a fourth ball after losing the first three. On the new South Park Pinball by Zen they start you off with 3 free extra balls. Once you use them all it costs .99 USD for 3 additional extra balls. Could be the reason The Pinball Arcade is now trying this out on Ghostbusters. I remember playing other pinball games on iOS that also featured pay to play options before either Zen or The Pinball Arcade started trying it out.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
When I first saw this I thought that there actually was a real Ghostbusters pinball machine! It is kind of interesting that they took Haunted House and put a new skin on it. I like the Ghostbusters version better than the original. I never cared much for Haunted House.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
I'm definitely in the crowd of those who find the typical implementations of IAP pretty gross, but I'm also aware that a lot of that is because we've become accustomed to such value. Sometimes it really amazes me that we can pay $5 or so to play a meticulous recreation of Medieval Madness as much as we want for basically forever, and the value there is tremendous. I think the same thing of games like Grand Theft Auto V, where there's this enormous world to explore at your leisure with potentially hundreds of hours worth of content, yet they ask the same $60 to play as much as you want with no limitations as you pay for a linear action game that's over in fewer than 10.

I think a lot of the F2P business practices are really geared toward more casual gamers who aren't really used to the concept of getting such great value for your money. They don't play a lot of games so they don't have much in the way of expectations of what they should be getting for their money. Sure, it's exploitative in a sense, but when you compare the money people spend on other leisure activities, it's not necessarily objectively wrong. It's just a different way of approaching something that so many of us already have preconceived expectations for.

The Night Flier

New member
Jun 10, 2014
The more i think about this concept the less i like it.TPA really should remain true to their roots.Not waste time on these mutation tables that might draw new customers but might also disillusion and alienate the core base.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
The more i think about this concept the less i like it.TPA really should remain true to their roots.Not waste time on these mutation tables that might draw new customers but might also disillusion and alienate the core base.

You mean Farsight. This isn't related to TPA.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
I'm kind of neutral on the issue. If I played the Ghostbusters table more frequently, I would probably have a stronger opinion, but right now I'm sitting at 41 free tokens and I doubt I'm ever going to run out.


New member
Oct 30, 2014
I am a Ghostbusters freak so of course I downloaded the table. I also really like HH so the fact that FS put a GB spin on HH was just awesome to me. I don't mind the fact that it's limited plays because I mainly play on PS3 so I usually can pick up my tablet and expect to have enough tokens to last for as long as I feel like playing it. They give out free games so often that the fact that they charge for extra tokens is almost a non-issue, at least for me.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
One thing I gotta ask, is how they got the rights to make the table... Like Ernie Hudson... considering he was omitted from pretty much every Ghostbusters video game in the 80s/90s.

Or even Bill Murray, considering he's not the easiest person to get a hold of...

Part of the package deal facilitated by sony. There is a large push for GB content this month as the anniversary has arrived and the hype train for the reboot has already begun. I'm guessing of the Sony tables FS aquired rights for, GB was probably the easiest as Sony currently has a agenda to push with this IP.


New member
Mar 10, 2015
I played for a few hours to the GB table in my iPhone and there's no way I'm going to pay a penny to play more having all those amazing classic tables available. It is simply not as good.

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