Rate it 5 stars in the store and made a 'highly recommended' review.
quick overview
slow down on rbot ipad 3 usually while balls in middle of pf
when purchasing rbot it also asks you to buy mog even if you purchased it on the previous screen
already noted multiball camera bug
also fixed cam seems alittle too streched.
anyway so far overall impressions seem postive rbots been tweaked to no end much faster and much better physics lots of new features aswell and changes so far so good aside from minor slowdown and camera issues! also would it be possible to get the orignal camera angle too as the new one is slightly higher , its good but mogs is much closer to the original rbot. ill get back to everyone later about other changes.
as for mog...well its crazy fun the couple of games ive played havent noticed any issues just yet.
prices in the uk 79p for rbot and 2.29 for mog
ill get back with a better idea of rbot improvments and changes mostly for our andorid members and ill also post the new rule sheet if your intrested.
i wint review the product just yet gonna have a beer and get stuck into bastardo!
whats mexican for slimjim?
oh yeahhhhhh
Bought it! And played some more. Beautiful graphics, I think I like the perspective level of Masks better than on Rob when set on 'fixed camera'. They should have both the same perspective I think.
Like I wrote before, difficulty level on Rob is much higher than Masks, which seems hard to loose a ball, I could keep on playing for a good while. Perhaps the gameplay could be made harder somehow. Great DMD animations.
Perhaps a bit of nitpicking, but when the figure disappears inside the luchador-ring, you can't see any signs there is an elevator platform there. On a real table you would see a small groove or something that tells you these are different elements. Did I explain this well in English?
So far a joy to play on my iPhone 6, have yet to give it a try on my iPad2.
The music at the Rob-O-Bot option screen is great. Reminded me of the music from The Pacific Rim movie. Both pins look great as well. Bought both tables and enjoy them both.
Early impressions. I wish Rob-O-Bit was a tad easier and Masks a tad harder. Also could use a little more friction on the flippers to give it more feel. As for ball speed, Rob-O-Bit feels great but Masks feels a little too fast. Are they set the same? Or does the layout of Masks just make it feel faster?
just played a quick game before i start working.
You definitely win slickest presentation.
These tables don't feel like any other pinball tables out there. so congrats on that.
my biggest notes would be nudging. it doesn't exist and it needs to. every ball i lost on both games was a center drain i could have saved with nudging. this to me is the most important thing to address. PLEASE look at how ASK does nudging on the Zacc App. i think it is a million miles away the best nudging scheme. they use an area between the flippers at the bottom of the screen as a track pad so you can use your thumbs without moving your hands. it's intuitive and organic and allows for more hairpin saves. i hate that with TPA and Zen i have to use my pointer finger or shake my tablet to nudge. i lose track of the ball sometimes or move my hands and lose flipper control.
i also feel like giving us table options like Zen and Ask does should be the norm. so I'd like to see more table views and have the option to do 3 or 5 ball games. light and dark room would also be great considering how amazing the art design is on both tables.
I agree with Kolchak i would like a little more friction strictly for feel. i like the speed of the game. i'm not a cradle the ball sharp shooting player so i can't speak to that. but just banging the ball around these games are a lot of fun.
You need a rules screen for each table.
The fixed cam view of the table needs to be pushed in and titled a bit more to get a better view of the back of the playfield.
Sounds graphics and themes for both tables are top notch. the DMD's are nice. Personally i get going classical DMD. but i'd rather you did full color DMD and really separated yourself from the pack.
MASKS - love Diabeto. that's hilarious. this is a really fun game. the theme is great. i can see myself playing this one a lot. i only did one match so maybe it gets harder as it goes but to make matches harder perhaps time limits to the shots, maybe as a grudge match mode. small thing but when you get a new ball - rounds are in boxing. you would do rematches in wrestling.
ROB-O-BOT - great theme. great graphics. another winner. had three center ball drains in under a minute. no nudging...
Excited to play more later and might have more to say. but for right now you guys are definitely busting out of the gates running. i look forward to seeing what you guys will do next. if your niche is quirky cartoonish tables power too you. but i'd be curious what a less cutesy game theme from you guys would be like.
Best of luck!
First off - great job on the atomic pinball collection - awesome themes, modes, and design, already have had a lot of fun playing. First impressions - agree masks felt too easy and rob-o-bot too hard - mostly due to playfield layout - when a ball returns from the upper playfield in robo it has an overly high chance of being an un-savable SDTM. I know immediately its going to drain, and think "sure wish I could nudge and have a fighting chance of rescuing that ball and beating this evil robot"
Mask of glory
- excellent humor through out!
- felt like there should be some progressive scoring on the skill shot and jackpots (although your compensated for multiple jackpots at end of ball bonus).
- extra ball stays lit after earning - letting me know I can't get it twice?
- really like the extra chance feature at the end - haven't won yet but first time ever playing digital pinball I cared about matching my last two numbers.
- happy with the first one - honestly you could have added nudge and the fixed camera and you would have been good to go. Comments are based on comparisons of the original and new players will have a different perspective playing this "fresh"
- miss the voice from the original - imagined it was my partner betty helping me beat the evil robot - voice and lines grew on me -even the slightly unsemantic "one more time" X4 was endearing. I like the voice acting in the new version but not the context -the main voice has a robotic filter -so not Betty? And if the new Betty is the over-the-top teen screaming "get some, oh yeah, and combo" then I have mixed feelings on my in-game soul mate.
- no challenges in Game Center?
Again great job and wish you a very successful launch. Would like to remind everyone in the forum (with iOS) to give them a review in the store and help them on their way.
PS - add nudge and icade support![]()
whos bastardo then! i. ould help releatung down with the bastardo!
Rate it 5 stars in the store and made a 'highly recommended' review.
So the only way I can find it in the store is through the link Anderson provided
Doing an in-store search for atomic pinball collection or color monkey ab yields no results - hopefully the stores search index will be updated soon.
There is no better thing than getting a match in a real game, so we have added that. It's not just a pointless feature, you will get an extra ball. Getting a credit as in real games is kinda pointless in a digital version thoughBut man that "smack" is so sweet.
The woman that did the original voice for Betty (Larissa), unfortunately moved back to the States, so we had to replace her altogether with a new Betty. Larissa is a friend and we did the recording ourselves for Rob, but this time we used professionals. She is just so much more involved. The new Betty is def over-the-top, and I guess it's either a love or hate thing. We did a vote and it was a close call between over-the-top-Betty and a more "normal" Betty. I personally like it, she always make me smile.
Thanks again! Keep the feedback coming.