Table pack #36 speculation.

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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Sadly, this pinball machine gnome stole all the tables here in France too...

Fortunately for me there is a place called Jillian's that has a ton of redemption games, multiplayer
Sit down and race games and three pins. Last time I was there, maybe a month ago they had the pin2000 Star Wars, Simpsons pinball party and (very cool) HS2 The Getaway. In the car it's literally like 1 minute from my house or I could walk there in 10-15 min. Thy also have a boatload of pool tables as well which, to me is a-kin to playing golf (boring)

Also within walking distance from there is Ralph's Di er that had a ToM table last time I was there and a mile or so from that place there is a bar with South Park. There was another bar that had Sopranos for a while but now every time I look inside it's a stand up vid. Major bummer.

Now that I've posted this the gnome will not only steal my underwear but all the tables in Worcester as well.
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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I agree that if they did a KS for it, there's I big possibility that it will fail. But I'm still hoping on hope that it'll be the next one. If FS actually campaigns this next KS better, I could see it happening. Among other things. Like, say how the project is going, etc. maybe I'm wrong, maybe a KS would be better for a different table if TSPP is too much of a license. I'd like to believe it's doable though

Unless FX2 releases a Simpsons table like they did with South Park. If FS keeps dragging their feet it's a real possibility.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Wizard Blocks was one of the unreleased Pinball 2000 machines. Apparently it was supposed to combine elements from puzzle games like Tetris with pinball. Only one prototype was released.

Thanks captain. I wondered if it was something like that. Didn't guess it was a pin 2000 though. Wondered if it might be like the baby pacman table that had the short table and vid screen that would have a Tetris type game in it. Bummer that they went into only making slots. They could have perhaps downsized on the pin side but kept on doing both. Too bad indeed


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Fortunately for me there is a place called Jillian's that has a ton of redemption games, multiplayer
Sit down and race games and three pins. Last time I was there, maybe a month ago they had the pin2000 Star Wars, Simpsons pinball party and (very cool) HS2 The Getaway. In the car it's literally like 1 minute from my house or I could walk there in 10-15 min. Thy also have a boatload of pool tables as well which, to me is a-kin to playing golf (boring)

That's cool.
Of course there is still some places left where you can play some games.
20/25 years ago, there wasn't a bar without at least one pinball here.
Good old days...


New member
Feb 8, 2014
That's cool.
Of course there is still some places left where you can play some games.
20/25 years ago, there wasn't a bar without at least one pinball here.
Good old days...

I lived in Grenoble for about 9 months in '94/'95, nominally studying abroad as part of an exchange program. Instead there was this arcade that had a dozen or more tables, plus of course the aforementioned table in every bar and cafe from the railway station to the edge of town....

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
That's cool.
Of course there is still some places left where you can play some games.
20/25 years ago, there wasn't a bar without at least one pinball here.
Good old days...

No kidding. Btw...,I HATE BEING OLD AND ACTUALLY KNOWING THAT FACT! Thanks for reminding me.....,Richard! Aka DICK! ;)

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I lived in Grenoble for about 9 months in '94/'95, nominally studying abroad as part of an exchange program. Instead there was this arcade that had a dozen or more tables, plus of course the aforementioned table in every bar and cafe from the railway station to the edge of town....

Them were the good old days!!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
What in the hangs was Wizard Blocks? Today is the first time I heard of it. I must investigate. When was it supposed to be made? Was it one of his first tables?

I've actually played it. The league guy with the astonishing house and arcade full of prototypes owns it, as well as a VERY early stages Playboy table that was for Pin2000. The layout and shot selection, even on a whitewood, is much more fun than Revenge From Mars and certainly Phantom Menace. Most of the holographic graphics are complete, not sure about the audio though. What happens is boxes drop and stack on top of each other with different values or powerups in them. You shoot the boxes, making them explode and thus collect their value. Even in its unfinished state, it was fairly fun. I could see the potential of where it was going. The Playboy table, it barely had any holograms going. Lots of green screen where eventual full motion video was going to go. To say the least, it was going to be a full on adult table.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I've actually played it. The league guy with the astonishing house and arcade full of prototypes owns it, as well as a VERY early stages Playboy table that was for Pin2000. The layout and shot selection, even on a whitewood, is much more fun than Revenge From Mars and certainly Phantom Menace. Most of the holographic graphics are complete, not sure about the audio though. What happens is boxes drop and stack on top of each other with different values or powerups in them. You shoot the boxes, making them explode and thus collect their value. Even in its unfinished state, it was fairly fun. I could see the potential of where it was going. The Playboy table, it barely had any holograms going. Lots of green screen where eventual full motion video was going to go. To say the least, it was going to be a full on adult table.

That's awesome. How was the playboy table? I love finding info about unreleased tables. Do you know of a site that has a lot of info on them? I spent an entire afternoon trying to find stuff but couldn't find much. Pinball did find some cool stuff on ToM. It was originally supposed to be The magic of David Copperfield and then when it became the table it is now the center had a pop up like space shuttle and a moving tiger saw I can post the link if you'd like?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Good luck finding any info on the Playboy table. Most of the guys in the league are collectors, and even they didn't know much beyond it being a rumor. In terms of how it played, not much to tell you. Imagine shooting on a table where no modes start, no blinking lights tell you what to shoot...essentially you have an orbit and two ramps per se to shoot at. That's the thing with Pinball 2000, if there's hardly anything going on with the video, there's not much to do.

This same guy own a Zingy Bingy...I'll let you go on a magical journey to find out about that one. I wasn't there when he brought it out, as it was a fundraiser night, but I heard all about it.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I'd love a Pin2K based on Penthouse. Imagine where that center shot would be going up. Ohhhh yeahhhh...


New member
Sep 9, 2013
We normally wait for the official confirmation first, I think. It could be a red herring again. We've been caught out before!


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
We normally wait for the official confirmation first, I think. It could be a red herring again. We've been caught out before!

Was that the time we all thought a table was Black Knight 2000
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