Request Road Show


New member
Feb 26, 2015
I'd love to have this pin come to TPA. The theme is unlicensed but a license with Carlene Carter could be expensive. We have plenty of Lawlor pins already but I love his pins so the more the merrier for me.


New member
May 4, 2012
I think RS is popular and good enough to be a TPA lock, if Farsight can get the license affordably.

But... I think RS is lesser than all of Lawlor's tables that are currently in TPA except ES. It may be his best table not in TPA though... I'd maybe tie it with Monopoly, put it ahead of Banzai Run, and well, I've only played Safe Cracker a few times, and haven't played any of his Sterns other than RBIoN. It got some heat for ripping off Funhouse's head, for the bulldozer shot being a pain, and for abusing its extra width. But it was the followup to TZ and literally no pin could match that :).

I remember RS having maybe the best, most sparkly and dazzling *sound* of any table. (Not talking about the Carter song, which I don't remember.)

All the little trinkets you could collect made me curious about what you would do with them, but maybe this wasn't really any big deal. I might argue that Pro Pinball ripped off Road Show not once but twice: Timeshock's collectible trinkets, and Big Race USA's trip across the US. Or maybe Pro Pinball showed Lawlor how to do these things the right way. :)

That pic above is making me a little sad so here's another:


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
I'd love to have this pin come to TPA. The theme is unlicensed but a license with Carlene Carter could be expensive. We have plenty of Lawlor pins already but I love his pins so the more the merrier for me.

Road Show has been my #2 most wanted pin in TPA since launch. (With Banzai Run being #1). RS has an excellent theme,is fun to play - and it's a Lawlor table. There's no way that RS isn't in Season 5,unless there is no S5.

BTW, I don't see how you can call RS a ripoff of FH - not if the same guy developed both...


Jan 30, 2013


Souvenirs are neat little toys that you can pick up during the game. You get one for free every time you collect a Skill Shot or Bob's Freebie Wheel award. You can also buy souvenirs (using points as your currency) from Bob's Souvenir Bunker, which is located at the Lock.
Bob's Bunker is lit by rolling through the Center Lane or the Outside Right Inlane. But in order to get the chance to buy something at Bob's, you must hit the Lock when nothing else is lit there, and when no mode is running.
When you hit the Skill Shot, you are awarded a random Souvenir.
When you visit Bob's or collect a Bob's Freebie award, you see a cute picture of the facade of the Bunker, which has a changing sign in the window. The first time you visit Bob's, you also see the bulldozer pull up to the door and park (complete with hissing air brakes!).
The sign can be one of the following:
"Home of the Big Rubber Spears" (this is always the sign on your first visit)
"Free Water -- $1 a glass"
"Uranium Ore $3 a Chunk"
"Easy Credit -- Let's Talk"
"Today's Special: Explosives"
"Try Our Frosty Malts"
"Dozer Parts On Sale Today"
"Sale On Jackalopes"
"Secret Video Mode: BRRRLLRRL"
"Frenzy? Bwa haa ha ha!"
Then, a souvenir is picked at random, with an animation reminiscent of CFTBL's Snack Bar. You are then shown the price of the Souvenir. Press the left flipper to decline it, or the right flipper to buy it. There are also some joke souvenirs: New Car, Pretty Rocks, Ashtray, Breath Spray, Uranium, Ammunition, Toothpicks, Lawn Darts, Poker Chips, Paperweight, Wooden Indian, Antacid, Towelettes (for when you get that not-so-fresh feeling).
What are Souvenirs good for? Well, you can sell them back at Albuquerque (usually for more than what you paid), and you can get extra points at Fun With Bonus. If you have a souvenir AND have visited the associated city, you get 10M per souvenir. So, if you have played the Miami mode and have 2 suntan lotions, you get 20M.
Random quotes for buying a souvenir:
Ted: "There goes the paycheck again"
Ted: "The biggest bang for your buck, baby!"
Red: "Hey, that's neat!"
Red: "What a piece of JUNK"
Red: "We came here for THIS?"
Red: "What a waste of money!"
If you don't buy one, Red may say "Thank goodness!".
Here are the souvenirs:
Souvenir Cost City
Air Freshener 20M New York
Baggy Shorts 20M Seattle
Baseball Cap 5M Atlanta
Belt Buckle 3M Nashville
Box Kite 8M Kansas City
Bull Whip 7M
Coffee Mug 750K Ohio
Cowboy Hat 6M Dallas
Deck of Cards 10M Las Vegas
Fireworks 7M New Orleans
Fool's Gold 20M Denver (40M in LA-3 and earlier)
Key Chain 5M
Pennant 1M Chicago
Picture Plate 5M (see Easter Eggs)
Root Beer Mug 2M
Rubber Nose 50M
Rubber Spear 2M Minneapolis
Salt Shakers 750K Salt Lake City
Sandals 12M San Francisco
Shot Glass ?
Sunglasses 8M Los Angeles
Suntan Lotion 20M Miami
T-Shirt 4M Albuquerque
Treasure Map 10M Butte
Wax Lips 15M
There are also three special Pinball souvenirs. They cannot be sold back at Albuquerque, but you get something right away when you buy them.
Lead Pinball 75M lights EB
Zinc Pinball 100M awards an EB
Gold Pinball 250M awards an EB and lights Special
There have been rumors of a Platinum Pinball and a Uranium Pinball.
If the sign in the window reads "Uranium Ore $3 a Chunk" quickly hit both flippers. (Here is another easter egg related to the number 3.) This starts Construction Mania, a 20-second mode with all targets worth 3M. If you start Construction Mania, you will not get a souvenir for that trip to Bob's.
You will never be offered a souvenir that costs more than you can afford. If buying a souvenir drops your score under the replay score, you will not be awarded another replay if you pass the replay score again."

I would really love to have Roadshow in TPA.
It's an awesome pin and I love the song :-D
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New member
Aug 27, 2014
That is one wide machine. Is the game THAT different without Carlene Carter's voice?

it came up on the zen new avengers game, someone complained about the voice acting not being voiced by original actors. zen replied that they would not be able to keep the current price point of the game if they did that.

With TPA there is the authenticity issue - but if they can photoshop fudge some graphics (TAF) I really don't have an issue with overdubbing some voice work. I just want the game.

Hope Carlene is cool and just wants her work to migrate to new mediums and new fans and not pull a llyod.

Baltimore Jones

New member
Jul 25, 2013
Played this for the first time at the Pacific Pinball Museum in Alameda on Saturday. Unfortunately the acoustics and noise level are bad in the room where it is, so I didn't get to hear much of anything and probably wouldn't mind or notice if they had to replace the country singer! Definitely had a lot of fun with it though.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I recall the song playing during multiball. I also always assumed she voiced Red as well. But I don't remember any other songs from her on the pin.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I used to play the crap out of this table in Visual Pinball. Was one of my faves. I've been lucky to play it at a few locations in the past year or two. In every instance, it was fully LED'd out, with a mirror like playfield. It is a good looking pin, really eye catching. On top of that, it's a Lawlor!


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I mostly played this in a campus bar at university, which I only ever went to when I was already drunk... so while I recall playing it lots, I can't imagine I played it very well.

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014


New member
Aug 17, 2012
Can I also please 'second', 'third' and even 'fourth' Red and Ted's Roadshow? So far it's only available on 'Visual Pinball' and not even on 'Future Pinball'(where I've been requesting it like crazy for the past few months). Even getting a taste of it on 'Visual Pinball' makes me salivitate. If this table makes it to TPA, devs, you'd make a hell of a lot of your 'fans' very happy indeed.
So, any idea of if and when you might be able to produce it (I can't imagine it has the kind of licenses that'd require a kickstarter afterall, could you?), unlike one of my other faves, namely 'The Who's Tommy'.

Thanks in advance, for what would REALLY be one kickass table.
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