Stern - KISS 2015 announced!


New member
May 18, 2012
Kiss was great in the 70s, early 80s, with the original formation. Alive is one of my favorite albums.


New member
May 4, 2012
although this isn't my type of anything it still looks 454767645x better than
Yes it looks pretty good. It's not the photos NEARLY as much as the computer-generated crap and the most-boring-possible fonts. All Stern (and most Sega) tables look like they were made with Microsoft Paint by a 7th-grader.

Just like the Brooklyn Nets' logo and uniforms.

I have a special project of one day making a picture of what Monster Bash's playfield would look like if Stern did it.


New member
May 4, 2012
Please Farsight, kickstarter for the new table, with the old one as a stretch goal maybe? ;)
It seems unlikely that pinball fans would support an unknown table *just for the theme* as much as an actual classic and magnificent table like TAF.
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
The kiss theme is a odd choice. I know many clamor for that or iron maiden and I don't get it. Kiss still sells very well filling arenas throughout the U.S. And a good overseas appeal but they have not released anything new in years unless you count gene Simmons' reality show. They are basically a nostalgia act. I think there are many defunct bands that would generate more excitement. Kiss is still a better choice than any other active band probably, with the possible exception of rush, to incorporate into a pinball game. Which is a sad statement that you need to go to bands that are 40 years old.

That being said, I think the artwork looks great and the theme looks well integrated. The table design seems like it should play well and the nods to the original are a nice touch.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
If it was going to be a music theme I would have preferred Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd. But the new Kiss pin does look pretty good. Hope it plays fun.


New member
May 10, 2012
When it comes to my taste in music I completely agree, Kolchak but I have a hard time imagining a Pink Floyd pin. To many slow, dreamy pieces. If there is to be a music pin, I'd rather have something a little more upbeat. Led Zeppeling would be sweet, though :) I also have a soft spot for Rush.

Pink Floyd would be epic when it comes to theme and artwork possibilities.

About Kiss: I love the art style but I am not so sure about the actual art. It looks a bit sloppy to me.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
When it comes to music, it is all about the merch and if there is a fan base that buys it. KISS has long been known as a brand that moves merch and has a strong collector market. It also doesn't hurt that they previously had a pinball table, which then scratches the nostalgia itch for those that remember it. The fact that they still can move concert tickets despite not having released new music says a lot about their fan base.

That being said, I think an Iron Maiden table would have looked incredible, as I'm more familiar with that band's iconic art than I am with their music. They could also do a Centaur update and call it Judas Priest!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
karl, yeah I see the sloppy art and weird proportions too. But it really doesn't bug me. A lot of older pin art has a lot of the same issues. In this case it's amost like fan art.

SYT, love the idea of a Centaur reboot with a Judat Priest theme. That pin practically designs itself.

Dedpop, Rod Stewart pin? Maybe a pachinko. ;).
My wife and I played Mousin' Around at Pinfest a couple of weeks ago. I asked her how she liked it and she said she liked the mouse art but the play was kind of meh. I told her not to say that very loud or we would have a mad Frenchman protesting in front of our house.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Dedpop, Rod Stewart pin? Maybe a pachinko. ;).
My wife and I played Mousin' Around at Pinfest a couple of weeks ago. I asked her how she liked it and she said she liked the mouse art but the play was kind of meh. I told her not to say that very loud or we would have a mad Frenchman protesting in front of our house.

I used to like you. :p


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Some more pop/rock pins:
- New Kids On The Block Pinball. You have to collect all 5 members of the band, locking 5 balls. Then a 6th ball is launched that is the brother of one of the band members and it goes on to be far more successful than the rest put together.
- Madonna pinball. Forget a Gene Simmons head, I want balls being fired out of a conical bra.
- Aerosmith pinball. It has three phases. In the first phase, it doesn't matter what you do, it's a blast but your score is forgotten. In the second phase, nothing happens. In the third phase, scoring is massive but it's not very interesting.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
The kiss theme is a odd choice. Kiss still sells very well filling arenas throughout the U.S. And a good overseas appeal but they have not released anything new in years

Kiss has released 2 Studio albums of original songs in the last 6 a world tour every year or so. I get not being a fan but for a band where your core are in their 60's the boys are mighty active.

I would prefer an Iron Maiden table myself but I just would love to see some Eddie Toys and their classic run had so much iconic visual material it would work great on a table.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
KISS is still one of the most popular and recognized bands in the world.

They just headlined the rock and roll hall of fame.

they still release new material.

they have an avid collector fanbase.

it's a no brainer.

You either "get" KISS or you don't.

I think the table looks great.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Kiss has released 2 Studio albums of original songs in the last 6 a world tour every year or so. I get not being a fan but for a band where your core are in their 60's the boys are mighty active.

I would prefer an Iron Maiden table myself but I just would love to see some Eddie Toys and their classic run had so much iconic visual material it would work great on a table.

I seriously had no idea they've done anything new since psycho circus. Which is extra sad since I've seen them on their last tour and one other time in the span that they released those albums, I'm actually a casual kiss fan and mostly listen to hard rock and have listened to plenty of interviews with their members. Color me in disbelief right now.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
"Yes I know Nobody's perfect" is my favorite Gene Song since Dominio its very much a classic Kiss sounding tune, you should check it out Bowflex


New member
Feb 21, 2012
"Yes I know Nobody's perfect" is my favorite Gene Song since Dominio its very much a classic Kiss sounding tune, you should check it out Bowflex

On my iTunes list of things to hear the previews on. I am still angry about how they treated Bruce kulick but tommy Thayer is downright awesome. I probably will buy at least one of the albums this weekend!

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