Indiana Jones '93


New member
Feb 15, 2013
Any chanse we will see Indiana Jones anytime soon?
By far the best table in my opinion.

Great work with Twiligt Zone btw!

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
I would love this, but as others have said, it's not gonna happen without a hefty kickstarter. Also, much less likely now that Disney has acquired LucasArts.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Yeah can kiss goodbye to any Marvel, Tron, Indian Jones and Star Wars themed tables ever appearing in TPA....begs the question how was Zen Pinball able to pull this off!!?


Mar 5, 2014
Kind of lazy to say that it's impossible. These properties do licensing all the time, so it must have a pricetag.

Lucasfilm manages the rights to the Indiana Jones trilogy. Requests on that property should be directed to

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New member
Feb 8, 2014
Kind of lazy to say that it's impossible. These properties do licensing all the time, so it must have a pricetag.

Lucasfilm manages the rights to the Indiana Jones trilogy. Requests on that property should be directed to

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Farsight have said on more than one occasion that they can't even get a price out of Lucasfilm (who are owned by Disney). That's before they even start talking to the agents of the various actors whose voices and likenesses are used on the table.

Sure never say never but it's so far proving an insurmountable barrier before money even comes into it.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I'm gonna put out a theory of mine, see if you guys agree.

From what I've heard about licensing and Disney, they like to know a guaranteed base number of sales, as well as them taking a large chunk of each sale. Many companies agree to this in terms of it being a "loss leader" product. They may make no money off it, but it establishes a reputation for the company and gets their name out there.

With that in mind, imagine this scenario: FS approaches Disney for the license and is asked what kind of numbers for sales are expected. FS uses previous data to show them, except there is one caveat. First the property, say Indiana Jones, has to get put up for crowdfunding because FarSight can't afford it. You can imagine Disney's reaction. Why would they let a brand such as IJ get put up in a situation where it might fail? That could harm the reputation of the brand! On top of that, no other company they lend the license to says they can't afford it. My theory is that until kickstarter is taken off the table as a means to get something like Indiana Jones, Disney is not going to even talk.

As for Zen, well they already had their foot in the door. When it came time to re-up the licenses, they were able to show everything Disney would need to see, with the exact brands. For Disney is was probably an easy decision, and for Zen they knew exactly what kind of numbers would be acceptable to still pull in a profit. They were willing to take the risk early, and it has paid off in spades.

I hear FarSight has a person dedicated to getting licenses now, so fingers crossed no door has been completely shut yet. But I do feel strongly that the only way any Disney license is going to happen is if FarSight bites the bullet and pays for it themselves.

The Night Flier

New member
Jun 10, 2014
No idea how truthful but definitely a sound theory, shutyertrap.

One thing to also consider.As you write Zen, among other licenses, has successfully negotiated Star Wars and Marvel.The Star Wars deal was before Disney stepped in and in dealing with Lucasarts as it still existed a few years ago.From what i've heard they also seriously approached Lucasarts about Indy and they were far less responsive, far less willing to negotiate about it.At least at that point in time.It seems Indy and Digital Pinball don't mix well...yet!


Mar 5, 2014
From what i've heard Lucasfilm now Disney is willing to negotiate but not before these tests are passed:

So far all the Farsight employees have failed!
awesome :) now I want to see that movie again. Incredible how fast 20 years fly by.

Maybe you're on to something SYT, but regardless of how FS would finance the money up front it just sounds strange that Disney wouldn't want to make another buck and refuse to even name a price. Sure they might demand something ridicilous, but maybe they can agree that something is better than nothing. Otherwise let's hope the license guy at Disney/Lucas likes pinball and can see some value in preserving this table digitally. Such a cool table. Aah, chilled monkey brains :)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
it just sounds strange that Disney wouldn't want to make another buck and refuse to even name a price

This is Disney we're talking about. They didn't even bat an eye when they lost over 250 million on John Carter. Making a mere pittance of dough on Indiana Jones pinball versus potentially showing a chink in the armor for that brand? Lego wasn't even all that successful with the license. Disney is all about marketing and ground swell. There's no reason to promote Indy, as there is no movie to tie it in with. I think even if they were willing to discuss terms, they'd view it as the wrong time for promotion. They look at a movie as a way to push merchandise, not the merchandise to push the movie. The reason you'll see a 3rd Cars movie is because the toys have sold over a billion dollars worth.

So again, FarSight won't be doing Disney any favors with an Indy pin, but it'd be Disney doing them the favor as the profits from it would barely cover the lawyers fees.


Mar 5, 2014
Yeah you're right, the money is peanuts to them :( I will still keep hoping for that favor. It's such a classic and cool table.

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