July TotM Groupings and Results


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
But even if you played one shot it would probably still save your ball, I'd be interested to know what the people who have already put scores in did. This should have been noticed before now. Not much good making rules up half way through the tournament.

What I tried to do was trap the ball right away and hold it for 10 seconds by nudging left with both flippers up. It didn't work out as planned, but I was able to flip the ball into areas that don't score points like posts and stuff. I figured it would be ok to flip to try to get it to drain.

Funny how it drains when you don't want it to, and then when you try to get it to drain, it won't

Thought I did pretty good.... Until I looked at some of the scores you guys posted. It's craY how during these tournaments I play completely different. A LOT more post passes, dead passes, nudging. I do nudge a lot outside of tourneys, but I swear I tilted 3 or 4 times on BS. It was total BS. Oh, it helped that I wasn't drink this time. Just had a redbull. I've been drunk for every previous tourney. Is that bad? ;)


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Well, I had the worst day in my tourney history this season. My daughter nagging me to finish didn't exactly help my demeanor either. Oh well. It's all in fun,yes? :)

My scores:

Twilight Zone: 122,041,120
Pin - Bot: 783,690
TOTAN: 7,030,240
Big Shot: 88,210


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Yeah, go ahead and play, post your scores here, and if I am able to drop you in place of anyone who doesn't play, I will.

TOTAN 34,250,390
TZ 199,513,550
PB 3,563,900
BS 145,340

Thanks for doing the tourneys, I would like to request you start again with PBA when you run out of tables or do a Zaccaria tournament B)


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Big Shot: 149,970
Twilight Zone: 203,738,270
Pinbot: 2,290,320
Tales: 5,352,500

Tales is the most disappointing result for me, but no table was really good for me today.


New member
Jan 30, 2015
Great season, great tourney, and just gets better...and a nice reason to play the games, even the ones we'd rather not.
Must of had a good cup of joe today,
big shot: 163,830: EB's on the last ball, blessed be
Totan: 23,002,560: one jewel from saving the princess...dang it
TZ: 741,971,070: no lost in the zone, but had a good run of jackpots
Pin*bot: 4,214,840: just tried to keep ball time, not familiar.
Looking forward to next season. Would like to request divisions, winner interviews for blahcade, and blah blah. Fun season people. Cheers!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Just finished my games. Pleased with TZ, did about my average on Big Shot, I suck at Pin*Bot and therefore can't be disappointed, and could not get a thing going for the life of me on TotAN. I'll have to wait and see if I did good enough or really dropped the ball.

And hey, it's all you who are playing the TotM that I should be thanking. This thing started off as a friend challenging me to 2 tables, but he had to step away almost immediately. I figured it might be fun for others, thus TotW was born. When I saw how many were responding to that, I thought maybe there'd be a handful who would like to compete. I truly feel blessed that this many people turn out for TotM, as it's a load of fun for me.

I am listening to everyone's comments. I can tell you the format is not going to really change for next season. Think more along the lines of rule adjustments and score tweaking. We'll see what other improvements we can add though.

Oh, and 4 hours or so to go before this season closes for good! Get those scores in....


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Wife and daughter still occupying the main TV, did a small round of practice early this morning. My daughter then wanted me to go back to playing FF-X HD, and several hours later it was supper time and then lost control over the TV since then.

It's just about 9pm est, and should get the games in by midnight.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Well, I had the worst day in my tourney history this season. My daughter nagging me to finish didn't exactly help my demeanor either. Oh well. It's all in fun,yes? :)

My scores:

Twilight Zone: 122,041,120
Pin - Bot: 783,690
TOTAN: 7,030,240
Big Shot: 88,210
Don't worry: I know how that feels. 😞


New member
Feb 8, 2014
All done. BS was terrible. Pin*Bot was meh-ish? TotAN was awful. TZ was a lot, lot better (and my second game didn't even have a LITZ in it - that was all Powerball Mania and Multiball).

Big Shot: 113,680
Pin*Bot: 4,620,930
TotAN: 37,021,810
TZ: 2,401,759,830


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Just finished up and entered my scores for the tournament of June...wait...what?

Not sure if anyone saw that after they entered their scores.

During TZ completed my last goal for Wizard mode and got a trophy.
Didn't even know what goal I needed at the time it was a nice surprise after a sub-par night especially with Totan and TZ.

Big Shot 112,630
Pin-Bot 4,198860
Totan 10,530,680
TZ 539,893,790

Thanks again for putting the tournament on SYT and everyone else involved.

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