Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.9 [iOS/Android]


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
A new update has been sent to Google Play and will be available for a few hours. Update v3.9 comes with the following changes:

  • FREE PLAY mode has been renewed. Now you are able to play without requirement of ad viewing before start a table.
  • ADDED a new pinball table, RED SHOW.
  • FIXED wrong positioned spinner that causes less spins on HOT WHEELS.
  • FIXED wrong mapped texture on left slingshot on NAUTILUS.
  • FIXED wrong position of double score lamp on NAUTILUS.
  • FIXED lights of the slingshots on CLOWN.


Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Not keen on this little addition at game end.
It cheapens the experience.
I'd prefer not to see it having paid for gold.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Not to mention leaderboards.... Extra ball via ad is throwing a wrench into competitiveness

Thank you ask for REd SHOW - above and beyond. I respect your need to maintain a business but maybe another way.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Not keen on this little addition at game end.
It cheapens the experience.
I'd prefer not to see it having paid for gold.

+1. I understand the need to drive up revenue one way or another, and I'm not opposed to the "Watch a video and get rewarded" model, but I don't think this is the place for it. Should this have been restricted to Free Play mode only?


Jul 3, 2015
I can't even get awarded the achievement for earning an extra ball, and now I can get one by watching a video; will that get me the achievement? :rolleyes:

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Any news about the renewed playfield art for Time Machine Zsolt ?

Great to see this collection finished with Red Show it looks gorgeous, and yes, i fully agree that this add should show up on free play mode only,
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New member
May 18, 2012
I hope these adds will be removed before this release hits iOS, we are Gold custommers and beta testers from the first hour!

Great to see Red Show.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Not keen on this little addition at game end.
It cheapens the experience.
I'd prefer not to see it having paid for gold.

I could not agree more. Having paid for Gold I hate seeing this prompt asking me if I want to watch an ad. I have no problem paying for quality games but I then expect them not to include ads, tracking, etc. If they don't outright remove this "feature" I hope they will at least allow us Gold purchasers the option of disabling the prompt.


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
Update v3.9.1 will have a new switch in Settings menu that turns 'Ad for extra ball' on/off.


New member
May 2, 2014
Thanks Zsolt, is the playfield art for Time Machine still going to be renewed ?

Will be waiting for 3.9.1 as well, I don't want to deal with an ad showing up after every game. Red Show looks great, I'm really glad it has been added and that I could offer some kind of help that doesn't involve minor info screen errors and adjustments (hint, hint). Thanks to Zsolt and ASK team (and many others here) for all the great work that has gone into this app.

As to the renewed playfield art on Time Machine, it came a few months back and I think it looks great, the only real disappointment there being the large black spires on the clear plastic above the pop bumpers which don't look very much like those on the real table. I believe they are dark red and dark blue, and I thought they originally had them pretty much right when I first got the app way back when.

One more thing before I leave this alone for awhile. I know we've asked for much and gotten plenty from Zsolt and crew, and I don't want to seem ungrateful, but PLEASE do add an option for authentic Zacc colored flippers! I'm ready.

Edit: guess i won't be waiting for 3.9.1, it's already out. Thank you Baron.
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Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
As to the renewed playfield art on Time Machine, it came a few months back and I think it looks great, the only real disappointment there being the large black spires on the clear plastic above the pop bumpers which don't look very much like those on the real table. I believe they are dark red and dark blue, and I thought they originally had them pretty much right when I first got the app way back when.

Okay thanks for letting me know 74-89 i didnt know that the renewed playfield art was already updated, but to be honest, i dont see much of a difference between the old and the updated playfield.

And specially when comparing the upper playfield art of the ASK sim to real Time Machine, theres still a big difference,
ASK sim,

Real Zacc,

Also, i didnt read anything about some tuning on the lower slingshots preventing the ball being shot into the outlanes too much, which would be a big improvement because this really doesnt happen this much when watching movies of different zaccs on youtube.

It would be just great if the last issues could be adressed before support gets on a lower level at the final stage of development of this app.

And Yes, i would like it alot too if the coloured flippers could be added
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New member
May 18, 2012
The original raising platform on Time Machine looked great, and you could clearly see it was made of transparent plastic. The upgrade was a step-down. I hope this will get fixed in the future.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
The original raising platform on Time Machine looked great, and you could clearly see it was made of transparent plastic. The upgrade was a step-down. I hope this will get fixed in the future.
Sad to say it, but we probably can't count on future updates. This could be it possibly.

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