Own tables on multiple platforms? What's the platform you use the most?


New member
Aug 2, 2014
Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums, thought I'd see what people enjoy playing on the most.

I own tables on PS3, PS4, Vita, Windows Laptop and iPad Air 2. PS3 and Vita were my first. I never use them anymore now that I have tables on the other 3. PS4 exlusively had the awesome lighting until PC got DX11, and my laptop is a great choice when I feel like hefting my hulking 50" plasma on its side and playing in portrait mode. But honestly, the platform I use the most is the iPad. It's portable and convenient, the screen is beautiful, day-1 releases, no-hassle portrait mode, etc. At first I didn't know how to feel about the touch-screen controls and I thought I would hate the lack of tactile feedback, but now it's hard for me to use buttons in digital pinball. Simply put, the touch controls are incredibly responsive. You barely have to touch down to flip, and now I feel like buttons feel slightly less responsive. So I buy all my tables on iOS and I just buy my favorites on PC or PS4. The only thing the iPad lacks for me is the great lighting, which is probably the only reason I tend to go back to the other two machines. I'm pretty sure the iPad Air 2 can handle it but I understand why Farsight wouldn't want to put in the effort when so few iOS devices could handle it.

So what about everyone else? I would love a virtual cab but that's ridiculous for my current life.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
I bought all seasons on PC and seasons 1-4 on Android. I started with Android, when the Steam version wasn't released. I always liked the possibility of being able to play a good pinball game when travelling or just not sitting in front of the PC. These days I play way more on PC than on Android, which is one of the reasons I didn't buy S5 on Android. The other reason is the Android version of S5 is way more expensive in the Eurozone than previous seasons were. Since I have enough tables to play I don't feel the need to buy them on 2 platforms immediately.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I have TPA on Xbox360 and PC. Though I played on the 360 the longest (since release in 2012), I play each platform equally. And have all the tables (get complete seasons from day 1) the PC is up to date, where on the 360, I have all 3 complete seasons along with TAF. I'm waiting for the rest of season 4 to come out and when it does, I'll get it.


New member
May 4, 2012
I got started on the X360 with the Williams Collection or Hall of Fame or whatever it was called. I got the PC Steam version the day or week it was released. I play only PC Steam because PC is MASTER RACE.

EDIT: Just kidding, we all know WILLIAMS IS MASTER RACE!
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
PC is my main platform, Season Pro passes are a day-one purchase.

Android is my #2 platform, I'm filling in seasons when they're on sale and the odd individual table here and there.

Thanks to the TAF kickstarter, I also have TAF and TAF Gold on iOS (we are a family split along mobile and desktop OS lines...).


New member
Aug 2, 2014
You all have reminded me about the other big negative about playing on iPad - No season passes! You can buy bundles of completed seasons but you can't buy a pass for the current season. I buy every table because I live in Indianapolis and there's only a handful of tables spread through the central counties. For me, playing on TPA is the only way ill ever expereince many of these tables. When I travel and do find a table or arcade it's nice to already know the rules! So i'm paying $5 a month, which isnt so bad when it's spread out, but it would be nice to save $20.


New member
Sep 18, 2015
New to this forum also, I've been playing TPA since over the middle of the Summer on 360. Knew about it for longer but never checked it out for some reason. Switching over to PC though cause that's getting more attention from here on out most likely and plus PC is always much better for stuff like this and my graphics card can handle enough to run it smooth while looking great too. Gotta rebuy those tables now though


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Started on Ps3, got tables on PS vita and PS4 but ultimately made the switch to PC and never looked back


New member
Aug 2, 2014
Sigh. Well guys, looks like I'll also be making the switch to PC soon. As per my other thread, just found out that while PC has 3.0 physics on all tables, iPad only has them implemented on Xenon and beyond, with a handful of older tables. I'm committed, though. I actually found a really good deal on a monitor that will pivot to portrait mode. Definitely necessary, I much prefer portrait view and my Lenovo laptop, while nicely specced, has an AWFUL screen with atrocious viewing angles.

Anyone know of a good guide for building a pinball controller for PC? I want side buttons, was considering modding one of my arcade sticks but I dont want to ruin them. I'm trying to imagine how you could do analog plunge and nudging... Dont want to have 4 buttons just for nudging, seems really cumbersome.


New member
Dec 18, 2013
I own tables on PC,IOS and Android.Ever since dx11 came on PC I only buy tables on the PC now .Still play on the tablets occasionally but not so much anymore.


New member
Aug 2, 2014


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Only PS3 (Season 1, 2 and 3, and if everything goes well, Season 4 the October 2nd)

I don't plan to switch to PS4 (520$ for TPA only as nothing interest me on this console? Nah.), nor to PC (my laptop is not powerful enough to handle TPA. 1000$ for TPA only? Nah.)

I tested TPA on a slow Android device... and it was crap.

So, as long TPA is still supported on PS3, good. As soon as TPA will be dead on PS3, well... I will continue to play the previous table. ^^

Note: if "SternSight Pinball Arcade" comes to PS3 (nothing is less certain), day one for me.


New member
Sep 18, 2015
I was looking at that last night. Problem is that it would be pinball-only for me and it's gigantic. That has to be the most illogical button layout I've seen, why would you put those two buttons where your palm is going to be? Also... Not sure i need a 6th arcade stick, heh...

Yeah but among all over arcade sticks for PC online it looks like one the best with a more classic style to it. I'm perfectly fine playing pinball with my keyboard and wouldn't buy it just for that but I also do use MAME and it would make the experience much more interesting. I'm not buying one of those anytime soon though with a 100 dollar price tag. Don't got the money right now to be immersing myself in that full arcade experience.

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