Longing for EMs!


New member
Jun 27, 2015
I long for FarSight to make some of the good old EMs. (I know there are plenty of bad ones, but I'm talking about good ones. And I'm also talking about nostalgia here. Nostalgia, and the fact that EMs are historically important.)

In the meantime, the thought of owning my own real life EM is a great fantasy! Especially if it's one I used to play as a child. (Well, watch more often than play. Money is hard to come by when you're just a kid.)

And I found that this URL has really helpful advice for those who are considering buying an old EM:



New member
Apr 10, 2012
Its been said over and over again on here that one of the biggest issues with digitizing an EM is the "feel" of one. That mechanical feel. Nonetheless, I agree that FarSight should do a couple more. My picks would be Bally's Fireball and Gottlieb's Atlantis. Both highly collectible titles and a lot of fun.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Maybe we can squeeze a couple in while everyone is distracted dreaming about the ne Stern/Farsight app.

The art of misdirection.

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Its been said over and over again on here that one of the biggest issues with digitizing an EM is the "feel" of one. That mechanical feel. Nonetheless, I agree that FarSight should do a couple more. My picks would be Bally's Fireball and Gottlieb's Atlantis. Both highly collectible titles and a lot of fun.
I will absolutely love it to see long wanted, classic ems on TPA...again. ;)

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