Do you rant when playing TPA?

Do you rant/swear when playing TPA?

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Mar 14, 2013
The 250k launch goal on F14 doesn't register anyway. I did it twice but no cigar. Hopefully that will be fixed.
I'm cursing at Safe Cracker. When I'm one step from the vault and will start token multiball on my next roll unless the guard rolls a 6. Of course he rolls a 6 the cheating bastard! I've got 200 tokens now btw, but still not the last token to complete the goal :(

That... And when you land on the vault gate. It's wildly flipping through the 2 opened gates. But it can sense when you're about to push something, so it falls on the locked gate. And of coarse you didn't bring a key! And that's after dealing with the cyber dog, vault alarm that has been disabled, and many other lucky rolls to get there. And the Miss Piggy lady with the Mini Mouse voice doesn't help either. EAEAAEE. I realise there's a way around all of that, but homey don't play dat.

Sorry for the triple post but this has got to be my favorite thread. For being so relatable. All of said circumstances are so damb true!


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Feb 20, 2012
I tend to curse out Bobby's name whenever I see some weird railroading going on.

"Seriously Bobby?!" "Really?!" "Oh that's realistic Bobby!"


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Glad to see I'm not the only one to lose sanity in front of TPA. :cool: Fortunalely, nobody sees us in these moments. :D

I just finished a rant session on the current month tournament, especially on TAF, and this $%#!* Power magnet.

Wut?!! You hit the ball with the most powerful shot you can, and the ball is stopped like there was a wall in the middle of the playfield, and the ball is thrown straight into an outlane.

Yeah, oh yeah, that's so good.

And the usual gamebreaking bug on Scared Stiff, because of the Crate Multiball glitch: if you launch two balls into the Crate at the same time, it's Million Barmitzva, but there's a high chance the table gets stuck after it. Well... everybody uses the glitch, so there's not really a reason to rant. But f*****!


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
I don't think I like the sound of that.

If you were before me, then there's nothing to worry about ;0

And yes I'd love to get a cocktail with you eccentricflower. If by cocktail you mean beer, and by hour you mean 1 minute.

*i kid. If I've made someone smile today, then I will have done my job. :)
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New member
Sep 21, 2014
I swear a whole lot, especially when I get a really good ball and drain out of nowhere. That's when I swear the most.


Jul 3, 2015
My days of ranting are pretty much done. The only time I will let a string of swears out now, is when a multi ball ends with a simultaneous outlane drain for all remaining balls.

BigFoot HotFoot

New member
Apr 3, 2015
I came within 1,000,000 of breaking the Frankenstein high score the table comes with. (3.7 billion) I could have nudged the ball coming out of the bumpers to either flipper but I froze. I usually squirm on the couch with my hands on my head.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
When I get really into it and by ball drains, I offten yell a single F-bomb, much to my agitation, my troll of a grilfriend always says "a duck", either in the form of a question or very matter of fact. Try to ignore it or respond either way is just an opening for her to add "and screw a kangaroo?" In the moment sometimes it angers me even more lol, fun to get her back when the rare oportunity presents itself.


New member
Sep 18, 2012


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