No Fear released on iOs


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Yep, little highscore thingy but everything else works...and the HOF leaderboards seem to be up again!
I like this table, lots of ramps and loops and a challenge to make jumps. Up to 5 is my max yet.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
You can enter your score it's set at 0.

Just played two more games now the DMD screen stop working.
Full of bugs I'am done playing till next month I guess........
Last edited:


New member
May 29, 2013
High scores all set to zero.
None of the screws on the inlane guides or slingshots are placed correctly.
Skulls jaw glitches out when in the open position.

Noticed these after just one ball...makes me wonder who tests them in house before release. Still a fun table though and nice to see it released on IOS on the correct day.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Looks like quality has really gone down hill lately... :(

And not just on iOS.

The PC steam version of NF plays very well, but it doesn't let you put in your correct initials. A similar PC-wise problem that MSF has and POTO sadly still has to this very day. Nothing major, and it's still completely playable.

Nevertheless, one has to wonder-especially given FarSight's track record for sitting on obvious bugs. These type of bugs cannot be so difficult to fix.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Another issue I noticed, in unknown circumstances, the only thing showing on the DMD during the entire game is the Pinball Arcade Facebook message


New member
Nov 5, 2013
You can't put you initials up and that Facebook crap keeps popping up. Rather get it a week late and have it work


New member
Nov 25, 2015
Agree with all of the reported No Fear iOS bugs. Also, it appears that White Water now does not detect certain successful ramp shots at times or give the correct audio cue for the ramp that was shot. I don't know if this new app version is the source of the WW oddities, but I don't recall these issues on the Frankenstein version of TPA. Quiting the app and reopening it resolved the Facebook message issue for me as well.


New member
Jun 8, 2013
Looks like quality has really gone down hill lately... :(

I find it incredible that they release this without even noticing basic mistakes like, ahem, no working high score table, skull looks rubbish etc... How on earth do they manage to miss such fundamental flaws? It boggles the mind. Are they using our money to take drugs or something?


Jan 30, 2013
I find it incredible that they release this without even noticing basic mistakes like, ahem, no working high score table, skull looks rubbish etc... How on earth do they manage to miss such fundamental flaws? It boggles the mind. Are they using our money to take drugs or something?

I'm pretty sure they are fully aware of the bugs. Android in beta had the same high score bug. And the skull, misaligned screws and other stuff got attention as well. The high score bug was fixed and some art stuff, and there is an update coming next week as well. I'm pretty sure ios will get this stuff fixed as well. You can partly blame thanksgiving holiday for the delay, it fell on the beta week. I guess they had the choice of releasing it before the weekend and update next week or wait til next week for ios release. I would prefer to have it sooner, I think most would. The bugs aren't game breaking IMHO, The leaderboard score is posted correctly, it's just the local in game high score list that is bugged.

The communication from farsight could be better though :rolleyes:

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