Feb. 26, 2016 tourney: HRC, CBW, Flight2K, CentPk, BH, TotAN, SpSh, Hurr/NGG


New member
Sep 22, 2015
So for PS4 they decided to put in Cyclone instead of Central park... that's a bummer but enjoy the tournament all!


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Eh, I'm not terribly excited to play some of these tables. They really need to do Judge Dredd and Road Show on the next tourney.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Is it a known "feature" in Black Hole that the game just stops in middle of the play and posts the score, although there would be more than 6 minutes still on the clock?


New member
Jan 30, 2015
Play on iOS platform, had a question about no extra balls on black hole.
Seems like the question has been answered.
And for what it's worth,
1. Limit the attempts in the Farsight tourney
2. Separate the platforms
3. Award prizes


New member
Feb 8, 2016
So my profile is broken... I've tweeted them attempting to try and narrow down root cause (I was trying to play on Vita and it kept crashing due to poor wifi connection.... and by crashing I mean black screen of death).


Proof that I'm now 1st in both Bronze and Silver for Cyclone :(


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Play on iOS platform, had a question about no extra balls on black hole.
Seems like the question has been answered.
And for what it's worth,
1. Limit the attempts in the Farsight tourney
2. Separate the platforms
3. Award prizes

The platforms are already separated? Or do you mean separate iOS and Android? Because there's really not much difference there. Steam and PSN already have their own separate tournaments.


Jan 30, 2013
Yeah, and I also think there is a misconception about the difference between platforms, each platform people thinking that other platforms have different physics and are much easier. Grass is always greener on the other side, lol. I have android, ps3 and PC. I've played a fair share of ps4 at my friends's. I can say when I went from android to pc, physics and behavior was EXACTLY the same. But I found PC easier because you have the keyboard and don't have to move your hand to nudge and stuff. However, I had been playing so much TPA on my android that I really felt like I was "one" with my phone, nudging to slap save was made by reflex last second intuitively, and at first I had a really hard time getting used to pc, so although everything was EXACTLY the same (even with a little edge to android because of diagonal nudging!) but nudges are exactly same strength, everything bounces exactly the same and so on. BUT: you can use a controller with android (and ios?) - and also pc. Controller, IMHO, is the best. Although I haven't yet bothered to get one working with either pc or android, cause I'm just too lazy and used to the straightforward nudging of pc/android. Yes, you can micro nudge with controller, but it's just slightly harder to do the full power up nudge, which I probably use the most. And pixel-perfect plundging is harder with controller. And now I'm used to keyboard nudging, so yeah maybe I'll go with controller some day but I'm happy with my keyboard for now. Then came physics updates to all tables on pc. So pc can drop catch and stuff on all tables. But all tables from xenon on onwards is the same across platforms. There is also a slight difference between dx11 and dx9. I think it's easier to catch on dx11, but dx9 sometimes has more oopmph or power to flippers, bumpers and stuff, so some stuff is easier on dx9 and other stuff is easier on dx11. But overall I prefer dx11. But it requires more from your pc and my understanding is many top players, like tarek, still use dx9 anyway. And he doesn't even catch that much. But the difference is minute. There might be one or two tables where the difference might be tiny, but on an important feature, not that I can't even think of one from the top of my head, but there might be one or two. But that works both ways! Recently I talked about how the space shuttle drop targets are MUCH easier to clear from left flipper on android/ios compared to PC. It makes quite a big difference. In fact, the biggest difference on any game on any platform that I have noticed. But it's still no biggie.
The biggest difference I find between pc and android that makes it easier to score better on pc FOR ME is just the fact that It's just easier to have a keyboard in my lap and a big screen and longer games are not so tiresome. But I could hook up a keyboard to my android, or even a playstation controller. So yeah, just sayin' don't think there is much difference between platforms, because there really isn't so don't overestimate it and don't go blaming platforms for bigger scores and stuff. And like I said there are other things that make bigger difference, keyboards, screen size, controllers. Mobile has hundreds of different screen sizes and hardware. Should they all be separated, lol. There is difference between the updated "ball catch" physics to all tables on pc. Which eventually will come to all platforms. Which isn't such a big deal anyway, and seriously I think I use it A LOT but it's extremely delicate and sensitive, and if I fail it just makes things worse. I thik I have drained more than I would because of misses. Loops it can help but it's just not that big deal, really. The analogue nudging evens things out and you can down nudge to drop catch most of the stuff with controller even, and side nudging can also be used to catch balls, and powerful diagonal nudging can be perfected so that might even have an edge on the rest... Oh, and I layed TotAN on ps4 tourney at a friends the other day, it felt easier than on pc, which the leaderboards scores might support, but I have no idea what made it easier. So yeah, anyway, overall skill is still overwhelmingly decisive and platforms edges even out for sure and the differences are miniscule and especially in short 20 minute games so the grass don't kid yourself about platform differences because every platform even has minimal advantages so try to take advantage of that minimal advantage if you think it's such a big difference lol. Give credit where credit is due, all good scores are based on skill and certainly not platform.

So really, the differences are just neglectible and just takin' a deep breather now and then is the biggest edge you can have on any opponent on any platform.
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New member
May 4, 2012
So yeah, anyway, overall skill is still overwhelmingly decisive and platforms edges even out for sure and the differences are miniscule and especially in short 20 minute games so the grass don't kid yourself about platform differences because every platform even has minimal advantages so try to take advantage of that minimal advantage if you think it's such a big difference lol. Give credit where credit is due, all good scores are based on skill and certainly not platform.

So really, the differences are just neglectible and just takin' a deep breather now and then is the biggest edge you can have on any opponent on any platform.
Epic post, I've been waiting for this for a long time, +1B!


New member
Apr 24, 2013
I got lucky and nailed the 9 ball on CBW last night with everything doubled and 14 seconds left. Most satisfying shot I have ever made.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Yeah, and I also think there is a misconception about the difference between platforms, each platform people thinking that other platforms have different physics and are much easier. Grass is always greener on the other side, lol. [...]
So really, the differences are just neglectible and just takin' a deep breather now and then is the biggest edge you can have on any opponent on any platform.

Maybe I'm wrong, but nobody said that. ??

For my part, TPA on Mobile has always been the hardest version (I play from time to time on Android), but it's mainly because I suck with touch screen controls.

PS3 version is OK (at least in 720p, because there is some input lag in 1080i/p - and no, it doesn't come from my TV, it's a CRT with an HDMI port), but play the previous tables that still have the old physics is a PITA. I haven't played on T2 since ages, and launching it again during the last tourney... OMG. A rubber ball so bouncy... It was awful.

Finally, I have a "minor" grief with the PC version... I didn"t find the post of relaxation about this, but it's possible to "hack" the controller stick calibration, to more or less prevent tilt. So, it seems the nudging is very predictible and safe when playing on PC, compared to the others devices.
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New member
Sep 22, 2015
I've always stated that I'm jealous of the live/drop catch mechanics PC players have, and they'd help in certain areas, but that doesn't mean ps4 has advantages too. You can't compare the two fairly. As far as the limited attempts/grind fest, better players will still have more solid attempts then others and can focus their time on other tables they may be weaker at, however limiting play attempts would be welcomed and I feel it would give me an even higher advantage. It's tough starting out a game as 1st and seeing other players grinding games to close the gap. Either format however is fine imo.


New member
Feb 8, 2016
Anyone know if they can fix my issue? I'm now stuck where I am in Silver because any table I play ends up reporting only in Bronze.... basically I can't compete anymore where I should be because for some reason my account is showing Bronze again :(


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Maybe I'm wrong, but nobody said that. ??

For my part, TPA on Mobile has always been the hardest version (I play from time to time on Android), but it's mainly because I suck with touch screen controls.

PS3 version is OK (at least in 720p, because there is some input lag in 1080i/p - and no, it doesn't come from my TV, it's a CRT with an HDMI port), but play the previous tables that still have the old physics is a PITA. I haven't played on T2 since ages, and launching it again during the last tourney... OMG. A rubber ball so bouncy... It was awful.

Finally, I have a "minor" grief with the PC version... I didn"t find the post of relaxation about this, but it's possible to "hack" the controller stick calibration, to more or less prevent tilt. So, it seems the nudging is very predictible and safe when playing on PC, compared to the others devices.

The nudging isn't any different from PC to consoles. Sure you can change how much it nudges but you can do that manually by not nudging as much with any analog platform. I'm also just going to mention how much I hate the 20 minute tournament system in case someone is keeping tally. I'm going to try and trundle through one game on each table so I don't get dropped off gold, but it's not even remotely fun.
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New member
Sep 22, 2015
Anyone know if they can fix my issue? I'm now stuck where I am in Silver because any table I play ends up reporting only in Bronze.... basically I can't compete anymore where I should be because for some reason my account is showing Bronze again :(

Contact farsight, they combined and fixed my issue last time. I contacted them on Facebook and they looked into it and fixed it.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
So what is a fair limit on total games per table? I will be honest, it takes me 5 or games on some tables to remember the goals and strategy, other tables I score my highest tourney output off the bat...mainly because now that there are so many tables I don't play anything but the new table until the tourney starts. My opinion? 10 at least.

An example for me is HRC, I must have power drained 2 out 3 balls the first three games. Same with Cyclone, just had to get used to the way the ball bounces on the table. Could start the game in the app, yes...
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New member
Sep 22, 2015
I made a small play through of each table and my strategies behind each table on my youtube channel for those who are interested. I had a few solid attempts, and a few not so solid attempts on other tables. Hope you are having fun during the tourney and keep on flippin'!

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