Tables missing


New member
Oct 16, 2013
Just took the new update- 4/22- lost about half my tables, even though I still show all my wizard goals for them. I bit the bullet and paid for safecracker again just to see if it would say I already owned it. It charged me the 7.99 again. I guess I'm not getting that money back? Sucks because considering all the money a
I give to the kickstarters, I wouldn't expect to have to buy a table twice. Annoying.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Just took the new update- 4/22- lost about half my tables, even though I still show all my wizard goals for them. I bit the bullet and paid for safecracker again just to see if it would say I already owned it. It charged me the 7.99 again. I guess I'm not getting that money back? Sucks because considering all the money a
I give to the kickstarters, I wouldn't expect to have to buy a table twice. Annoying.

First, definitely contact for your double purchase.
Second, I had the same problem and eventually got my tables back.

I rebooted the iPad.
Launched the app and logged out and logged back in.
Under Manage Tables, clicked "Download owned".
Clicked "Restore Purchases".

Good luck.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
When has an update been released that hasn't had issues?

I lost Black Hole with this new release *again*. It was the only table I purchased under the Free version of the app. All other tables (nearly all of them) were purchased under the Paid version and those were fine, including TAF Kickstarter. I tried all manner of the normal things (I've been doing this for years now so I know what to do) to get Black Hole back but this time, *nothing* worked.

I got so sick of this crap happening with Black Hole and the Free version that I purchased the table *again* under the Paid version. Since I purchased the table by itself way at the beginning of TPA and now it's only available in a three-pack, I spent $8.95 for three tables I already owned. Thanks FarSight! :(
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New member
Oct 16, 2013
Thank you Fungi for the suggestions! I appreciate it very much. Unfortunately I tried your recommended procedure to no avail. When I selected "download owned" it went through the list downloading the 19 (haha) tables it thinks I own. I "own" (or at least have paid for) every single table farsight has put out-- some even more than once!! Surely all they would have to do is look at my tournament record to affirm that. I only took the update in order to download the new table for next week's tournament. Now I can only play two of the tables this week to get ready. Nice.


New member
Oct 16, 2013
Actually make that three tables. I just "bought" the pro version of LAH. I bet you 7.99 I have to buy it again when this is all said and done. AND BY THE WAY -- I just want to go on record as saying that I am in no way wanting to bash TPA. There is literally ONE pinball machine in my town, but I kill it on real tables all across the country thanks to TPA. I am a huge fan of what they are doing to preserve pinball. If I really think about it, I would drop 7.99 at any given arcade without batting an eye, and I wouldn't "own" the machine. Just don't tell me I "own" a machine and then make me pay for it again.


New member
Dec 22, 2013
With "Pinball Arcade Free" I get Season one and two, with "Pinball Arcade" I get Season three, four and five. I am not able to get all tables in one app (I tried every combination I could think of of reboot/reset delete, redownload, etc.) :-/ The in-app-purchases seem to be really screwed



New member
Sep 12, 2015
Yep same with me. I have 911 and no fear on the free app. I had to delete and reinstall the main app to download all the other tables I had. NOW all the table goals are gone! Every update has an issue and it's on friday! Last update same thing but now 2 apps to play them all.

I also followed the tips from fungi to no avail. As for paying double...I paid for full season 5 in advance for my xbone and since the first release of a few tables I'm paying for them ALL on my ipad. I can't sit back and watch these releases and wait a year to play them...I'm about out of patience with this fiasco and about to move on. If I continue to support this project it won't be for xbox. My ipad is old and if it dies I'm not buying another. My initial purchase was on xbox 360 and when I bought xbone all future gaming purchases were going to be for that platform not apple.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I neglected to state that I also erased and redownloaded the app before I did the steps I said. Maybe that's the difference? Also, if you have tables purchased across both apps, I think both apps have to be loaded into the ipad.

I hope FarSight is working on this right now. Jeebus!


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I neglected to state that I also erased and redownloaded the app before I did the steps I said. Maybe that's the difference? Also, if you have tables purchased across both apps, I think both apps have to be loaded into the ipad.
I did all that...nothing worked this time around. I just repurchased BH (and the two other tables I already own) to end this "purchased in the Paid app" vs "purchased in the Free app" nonsense and how they're supposed to sense each other and combine "automagically" means of magic worked.

BTW, in the process of troubleshooting this mess and before re-purchasing the BH table pack, I wiped out TPA (Paid and Free) and reinstalled the previous version 5.8.0 of the apps (you *do* need to archive them to do this). Zero issues. All my tables were there, all purchases combined correctly. The moment I updated the Paid version to the current 5.9.0 (I kept the free version at the older version level), I lost BH and the mess amount of fiddling fixed it.
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
Aaaaaaahhhhh this happened to me again as well. Updated last night, then discovered half my tables were gone, also all my scores. I too have both apps on my device, and this problem has happened before, usually it resolves with a few, login/logout restore table procedures, but that doesn't seem to be working this time. I too, foolishly repurchased Adams family (by accident!) $7.99 down the drain. :mad:

Is farsight ever going to fix these IAP issues? I have MANY apps on my iPad that handle IAP and pinball arcade is the ONLY one that consistently causes problems. :mad: :confused: :(
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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
First, definitely contact for your double purchase.
Second, I had the same problem and eventually got my tables back.

I rebooted the iPad.
Launched the app and logged out and logged back in.
Under Manage Tables, clicked "Download owned".
Clicked "Restore Purchases".

Good luck.

I also had problems, all kinds but they all corrected themselves. The only real problem I had was I had re-download Judge Dredd but it wouldn't download/update. Had to manage tables and remove it, then it wouldn't show up anywhere. Completely shut down TPA a couple times and then it showed back up in my tables and I was able to update it. Very strange month but as of right now, as far as I know All my tables are now on my iPad and iPhone once again and as far as I know are working (although God only knows what glitches came up this month under firepower when I try to play it!! ;)
I own every table except for AFM Gold. Oh, one bonus was my HOF restored itself magically to an update that disappeared long ago and set me back thousands of points on lots of the older tables. I had been slowly replacing them but now...,,Bonus!! Although this means I have to work on most season five tables again. Until next months crazy update......C-ya!


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Restore purchases worked for me on the newest OS and on an older device with 7.0.4

Sorry it's not working for everyone. -hope it's resolved soon


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I did the and it worked for me. This is especially if you have tables that you bought from Apple and some provided by Farsight (e.g., from Kickstarter)

First, log out of your Farsight account. This is absolutely important.
Next, restore purchases. Enter your iTunes password when prompted.
Verify that your Apple-purchased tables are presents. This is easy if you bought season passes (just go to "Other Seasons" and verify.
Now, log into your Farsignt account. The rest of your tables should appear.

If you still have problems, delete the app first, then re-download it. (I had this last month when things got completely screwed up e.g., table views getting stuck on launch views).

Got everything reset properly.

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